HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 8 ADDITION TO FIN 12-07-81DATE:
Decembe~ 2, 1981
BTT,T, ~3S~C~, CI~
It is r~i~mm~_nded that the City Goun¢il approve the p~liminary plan for an
additicn of 462 square feet of space to the finance depa~nt ar~
authorize staff to have prepared the plans and specifications. (~he final
plans and specifications would be placed on the December 21, 1981 agenda
for final City ~ouncil apprc~al along with authorization to c~ll for bids. )
Following staff's analysis of the Finance Depa~ ~.,~nt's space needs as a
result of relocating wa~er service office st~ to city hall, it was
determined that the only way to consolidate those personnel within the
finance de~t was to construct an addition. ~%rouc~ the consolidation
five water depa~.nt personnel will be relocated to city hall along with
water billing records, meter books ar~ c~uter equi~nt.
As the Council is aware, the consolidation is occurring in order to realize
the efficiency of joint use of the city's co~uter, more direct
s~pervision, full integration of financial records, ar~ in the future cross
training of all finance personnel. The addition will also enable
relocation of the City's main computer to the Finance Depa~.,~nt (it
presently is located ~ear the City Clerk's office).
Attached. is a preliminary plan which delineates the existing Finance
Department office and a shaded area which delineates the proposed
addition. The addition would be ~onstructed within a portion of the city
hall courtyard situated between two areas of city hall which project into
the courtyard. Even with the addition a substantial portion of the
courtyard will remain.
A portion of the new addition will be accessible frcm the personnel
depa~,ent. This area will be used for storage of personnel records and
files and also be available for future use.
The only alternative to the proposed enlargement of the finance department
is leaving the water service office staff where it is presently situated.
However, the organizational advantages and needs cited above would not be
fhe 1981-82 budget includes $15,000 for improvements to city hall.
Approximately $8,000 has been expended to date cn various improvements
within city hall. At $30 to $40 per square foot, it c~uld cost up to
approximately $18,500.
Following r~ceipt of bids, a decisicn could be made with r~gard to
pLo~eeding with the project and making the necessary appropriation of
required additional monies.
City Manager