HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 9 AA USE COMM CTR 12-07-81DATE: TO: FRO~: SUBdECT: 7:30 NEW BUSINESS December 1, lgS1 Inter-eom Honorable Mayor and City Council through Bill Huston, City Manager Royleen A. White, Director of Con~unity Service,~~' ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS USE OF COMMUNITY CENTER BACKGROUND The policy for use of the Conmunity Center was revised by Council in March of this year; the revision is attached for your review. As a courtesy to long-time users of the facilities the Council acknowledged that approved applications which were "on the books" as of March would be honored until the end of the year. These groups were notified by letter in early April regarding the new policies. The items which affected them were pointed out in a letter and they were asked to notify the office as soon as possible if they had any concerns. A few weeks ago, the Alcoholics Anonymous group called with their concerns. They have asked to be placed on this evening's agenda and will be presenting their request to the Council this evening. DISCUSSION After talking to the Alcoholics Anonymous group, staff understands their concerns to be as follows: 1. They feel that the revised rate structure is too high and they wish to negotiate a lower fee. 2. They want proprietary rights to the building on Sunday evenings. From a business as well as a fairness standpoint, staff feels that proprietary rights are not appropriate, which is one reason the policy was revised in March. The A.A. group serves a definite need in the community, and they feel they have a good rationale for their request. Staff agrees that they are a worthy organization; however, there are many worthy organizations. A representative from A.A. will make a presentation to Council the evening of December 7. While Council has the prerogative to make an exception to the policy, staff feels it is a fair one for all groups. RAW:ls Attachments: 1. Letter from A.A. requesting a place on the agenda. 2. Letter from City explaining revised policies. 3. Copy of policy and fees. Ford Motor Credit Company 17332 Irvine Boulevard Tustin, California 92880 November 27, t RayleenWhite Director of Community Service City of Tustin Dear Ms. White: Through you, I would like to request a place on the agenda of the City Council meeting December 7th evening session. The purpose of my request concSrns the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting held each week in the Civic Hall on Sm~ay evening. It would take approximately twenty minutes for me to express.~our position and the problem we face in the new rate structure to begin January J~82. I appreciate your help in this matter and you ma~ reach me at 7~4/832-8194 should you need any further information. Respecti%,! ly submitted, Chuck Denmark April 8, 1981' Dear Facility Renter, On March 2, the Tustin City Counciladopted a revised Facility Use Policy; this policy became effective March 16, As a courtesy to long-time users of our facilities, the Council acknowledged that approved applications which were on the calendar asof March 2 would be left on the books as is. Therefore, your reservation is assured until theend of I981, when your application will expire. Your group's activities have been included in our facility calendar until December 31, I981. This applies only to dates which have been approved and calendared; no additional dates for 1981 may be added under the old policy. For your' information we have enclosed a copy. of the revised public facilities reservation policy and fee schedule. Please take a few moments to read the material and review it at your convenience. You will notice some changes in the new policy. There has been a rest~.Jcturing of group classifications which is self-explanatory. In revi.~wing the Policy, if you will turn to Section B on page 3, "Ci~ification/~ricrity of Use," you should be able to find your cias=ifica:io~,, Kith ~c problem. However if you have a doubt, feel fr-.-e_ ej call =his oFF~C~ at (714) 544-8890,. extension 220, in order to clear up any :~-~icns you might have. In r~vising the ~oiicy, the Council was concerned that the policy be fair to all g~ups. For this reason, groups are now limited to no more than four advanced reservation dates on the books at any one time. Due to the fact that we are responsible for a public facility, this limitation is necessary to prevent any one group from having proprietary rights or benefits. You will also notice that the fees have changed, from a four-hour flat fee to an hourly basis. Your group may be able to realize some savings if your activities have been shorter than the previous flat- rate time period. As always, activities must end by midnight on weekends with clean up and departure by 1:00 a.m. promptly. Fees for activities are payable in full 30. days i.n advance of the event. We realize that any change in the status quo can seem intimidating; however, the .City Council feels that these policies are in the best interests of the City of Tustin and the renters of our facilities. I am sure you. can Understand that as a public agency, we must give preference to our residents. Even though fees are designed to cowr direct costs of rental and some portion of our administrative City Center 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 (714) 544-8890 overhead, these fees do not return all the overhead and the capita1 costs that have gone into the design and construction of these facilities, l~erefore it is only fair that Tustin residents receive preference, as their tax dollars have helped to construct, support, maintain, and operate these public facilities. Please review the attached material and feel free to contact our office should you have any questions regarding your rental of the facilities. Cordial~ Roy~en ~A. White Direc'~ of Community Services RAW:ss Enclosure CITY OF TUSTIN COMMUNITY SERVICES OEPARTMENT PUBLIC'FACILITIES RESERVATION AND FEE'POLICY We are happy that you have scheduled the use of one of our facilities. A member of our staff will be on the premises to admit you AT THE TIME YOU SPECIFIED. Since that person is working Dna schedule, you will have to ar~ive at the time stated in your contract. We ask that you take a few moments and read the following information in otxter to understand what will be expected of you and/or your organization as well as what you can expect of us. If you have any questions, please call the C~m,~nity Services office at 544-8890, extension 220. GENERAL RULES Facil ity-use agreements are issued in accordance with approved Council policy. Reservation applications must be signed and returned along with required deposits before consideration of use approval. Facility-use applications and subsequent deposits must be handled in person; we are unable to reserve a date for you by telephone. SUBMISSION OF RESERVATION REQUEST DOES NOT CONSTIllITE APPROVAL. 1. All applications for reservations must be on official forms provided by the Con,unity Services Department. 2. All groups are responsible for notifying the Co~nunity Services Office of any change in their use of a facility, especially cancelled dates. Cancellation fees are noted on the fee schedule. 3. Permits will only be i~sued to persons 2! years and older. The person signing the application must be present at the event. I.D. may be required to determine either age or residency. 4. A chaperone will be required for 'every fifteen (15)children at youth events. Chaperones must be 21 years and older. A list of chaperones may be requested. 5. A clean-up deposit will be required from all groups prior to facili.ty use. The facility must be cleaned up and returned to reasonable condition. If the group fails to do so, the actual cost will be deducted from the clean- up deposit. In order to qualify for a full refund of all your deposits, please wipe up the sinks, put away tables and chairs, trash, and restore the facility to the condition in which it was found. Everything must be accomplished prior to closing time as stated on the application. 6. Any person or group causing property or equipment damage will be required to pay for same (based on current cost of repair or replacement). Until payment is received, the City shall have the right to cancel the group's current contract and reject future applications. 7. NO TAPE, NAILS, STAPLES, ET CETERA WILL BE PERMITTED ON THE WALLS, CEILING, OR WINDOWS OF ANY FACILITY. All decorative materials must be flame retardant', as required by law. 8. Groups requiring time to decorate or make other preparation must include time on original permit. Each group is responsible for setting up and putting away tables and chairs they utilize. 9. All food stuffs must be removed from kitchen upon conclusion of event. 10. Buildings and grounds must be vacated by 1:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday evenings; usage Sunday through Thursday will be no later than 11:00 p.m. Facilities cannot be used prior to 8:00 a.m. 11. Equipment (tables, chairs, etc.) may not be moved from facility to facility, only those items normally located at the requested facility may be used by the applicant. We have no storage space available for rental groups' equipment. 12. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any building (City Code 6310) with the exception of the Clifton C. Miller Community Center upon approval. See section on alcoholic use information below. 13. The City of Tustin does not accept any legal responsibility for any act or incident arising from use of its property by any organization or group. 14. All fees are payable in full 30 days prior to use of the facility. 15. Facilities are not available for rental or use on City holidays or holiday eves (½ day holidays). Be CLASSIFICATIONS/PRIORITY OF USE Group #1. All official Community Services Department or City of Tustin initi- ated and/or conducted activities. (City) Group #2. Recreational, social or civic activities and/or groups promoted and sponsored by local non-profit organizations whose membership consists of at least 50% Tustin residents. (Resident Non-Profit} Group ~3. Resident not open to the public. {Resident Private) Group #4. Non-resident recreational, social, or civic activities and/or groups not qualifying under previous classifications. {Non- .resident Non-profit) Group #5. Individual non-residents having activities not open to the public. {Non-resident Private) Group#6. Conmmrcial, business, and those activities and organizations that are profit making. (Comnercial) SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUP #2 USERS 1. The organization must be registered as a non-profit corporation with t~e State of California, or ifnot registered with the State, must have a constitution or bylaws which clearly state that the objectives of the or- ganization are of a non-profit, non-commercial nature. 2. The organization must be comprised of volunteers, 50% of which must be Tustin residents. 3. The organization must submit the following: - If incorporated, submit State incorporation papers and bylaws; if not incorporated, submit constitution and bylaws. - A current financial jtatement. An additional financial statement will required on October 1 of each year. - A signed statement verifying item #2 above, along with a copy of a cur- rent roster. 4. Membership and meetings must be open to the public. SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUP ~4 USERS Group #4 users must meet all criteria for group #2 users, with the exception of the residency requirement. FEES AND DEPOSITS " Refer to the current fee schedule. ADVANCED RESERVATIONS 1. Reservations Ofmfacilities and payment of fees, when applicable, must be made at least one week (5 working days) in advance of the desired date. All applications for reservations of facilities shall be made on official forms provided by theTustin COnTAunity Services Oepartment. 2. Use of the facility shall be subject to control by the City of TUStin Community ~ervices' Department. Reservations duringthe week (Monday through Thursday) may be made up to ninety days in advance of the acti- vity for resident groups or persons and sixty days in advance of the activity for non-resident. On weekends (Friday, Saturday, and. Sunday)i reservations may be made up to two hundred and seventy days in advance for residents and one hundred and fifty days in advance for non- residents. Reservations shall not imply or constitute propriety rights or benefits for any group, organizations, or persons. Therefore any continuous group application for meetings shall be limited to four meetings per aPplica- tion, no matter into what advance reservation category the group falls. Continuously-scheduled activities and events conducted by organizations or individuals in priqrity groups 4, 5, and 6 may be pre-empted by any other higher priority group with a minimum of two month's notification. (This' clause applies only to continuous requests, not one-time events.) The pre-empting group must have paid all fees and deposits prior to the notification. In the event that the pre-empting group cancels their activity, all fees !.and deposits paid are non-refundable. 'G. USE OF ALCOHOL Application: Application for alcohol use permits shall be made to the Con~nunity Services office, in writing, signed by the applicant if an individual, or by a duly authorized agent thereof, if a club, organization, or corporation, and shall contain the following statement~ and 1nfomation: 1. The name and address of the applicant In the case of an individual; in the case of a club, organization, or co,potation, the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the club, organization or corporation; The name of the facility the applicant seeks to occupy; The date and hours of the occupancy; The type of function planned for said hours and date; 3. 4. 5. The number of persons expected to attend such function; 6. The type of food and' beverages expected to be served at such function. Said application must be made at the time the rental applic=tion is made. Restriction on permits: Permits shall be issued to persons who are of good character and reputation in the con~nunity in which they reside. "-~' ' Requirements: The following requirements shall be met and shall be the responsibility of each person securing an alcoholic use permit: 1. A cleaning and damage deposit in an amount determined by the Commnity Services Director shall be deposited with the City. 2. Proof of an alcoholic beverage contr°l license shall be provided ~f alcohol is to be sold during the scheduled activity. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL L~C£NSE Obtained at 28 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana (4th and Flower) , (7 4) 558-410 MUST BE FILED BY PATRON BEFORE RESERVATION CAN BE FINALIZED IN CONNECTION WIl~ USE OF FACILITY. 3. Alcohol Use Permit must be in the possession of the applicant throughout the activity. 4. Security may be required at events where alcoholic beverages will be be served. These services will be provided at the expense of the facility applicant. The Tustin Police Department must be contacted if security is required. (See '~$ecurity" below.) Prohibited activities: The following activities are hereby prohibited in connection with the issuance of any alcoholic use permit: 1. No alcohol or alcoholic beverages shall be served to minors. All minors must be accompanied by a parent, adult, relative, or legal guardian. 3. No leftover food or beverages shall be allowed to remain on the'premises. SECURITY' 1. As determined desirable by the City of Tustin, off-duty Tustin Police m ' officers may be required for security purposes. Said Police officers shall then be under the complete direction and control of the Tustin Police Department. Such users must make. their own arrangements with the Police Department·. The use of any bull. ding will NO~ be granted to any organizationwhich is.. deemed detrimental to the public welfare by the Tustin Police Department. Use agreements will be continued only with organizations or persons who demonstrate responsibility. FACILITY FEE SCHEDULE CLIFTON C. MILLER COMMUNI~PF CENTER F~£S: -- 1. Rental Fee Per Hour 2. Alcohol Beverage Service - Charge PerUse 3~ Mic & PA System Per Use D ~O~ITS: + _. 1. Cleaning 2. With Alcohol $ $ $ $ $ 15' 40 30 50 75 25 30 25 50 5 10 5 10 10 50 100 100 150 150 50 50 50 50 50 C JNCIL CHAMBERS $ $ $ $ $ F ES: _ 1. Rental Fee Per Hour 2. PA System Per Use ~ VA~CED RESERVATION TIME 5* 20 15' 30 35 5 10 5 '10 10 M-Th M-Th M-Th M-Th 90 days 90 days 60 days 60 days F-Sun F-Sun F-Sun F-Sun 270 days 270 days 150 days 150 day~ ~ S20.00 per hour for each hour over 8, to cover additional overhead. ~_Deposits are non-refundable if event is cancelled within 30 days prior to date. prior to 30 days of the date will have a $25.00 service charge deducted. lhere are 25 8' rectangular tables and 270 chairs in the Co,ii,unity Building. Fees are payable in full 30 days prior to the event. Res: M-Th gO days F-Sun 270 da3 Non-Res: M-T~ 60 days F-S.n 150 da3 Cancellations