16, 1950, AT 7:30 P. M.,.AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, Frank E. Bacon,
J. Roy Teter and William H. Gray.
CITY ATTORNEY: O. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:30
P. M.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap-
proved after a change was made in Paragraph 6 which
eliminated a general discussion regarding the pur-
chase of a Pickup Truck for the Fire Department.
MR. & MRS. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Armstrong, Owners of rental prop-
ARMSTRONG erty located at 505 South "B" Street, were present
REGARDING and inquired about the possibility of rent decontrol
RENT DECONTROL in the City of Tustin. Council suggested that Mr.
and Mrs. Armstrong make a survey of the attitude of
other property owners regarding this subject and re-
port their findings at a meeting of the Council to
be held in the City Hall on the evening of October
31st at 7:30 P. M.
Councilman Gray read a "Notice of Public Hearing Re-
garding Decontrol of Rents in the City of Tustin",
in which it is stated that there will be a public
hearing held in the Council Chambers of the City
Hall of Tustin, at 7:30 P. M., on October 31st, 1950,
to determine whether rent control of rental housing
accommodations in the City ofI Tustin should be dis-
continued. On motion of Councilman, Gray, seconded
by Councllman Teter and duly carried, the City Clerk
was authorized to sign the same and to arrange for
its publication in the Tustin News inl the issue of
October 20, 1950.
OATHS OF The City Clerk presented copies of the "Oath of Af-
ALLEGIANCE tirmation of Allegiance for Civil Defense Workers
BY MAYOR, and Public Employees as required by the laws of
COUNCIL AND the State of California. The oath was then adminis-
CITY CLERK tered to the Mayor, members of the Council and City
Attorney by the Clerk and copies of the oath signed
by each of the above. The oath was then administered
to the City Clerk by the Mayor.
An Index File for the purpose of recording, the per-
sonnel and Oaths of Allegiance of the personnel of
the City' s Civil Defense Workers was presented and
the Clerk was authorized to proceed with the printing
of the cards for the above purpose.
SEWER SURVEY City Engineer McBride was present and discussed the
DISCUSSED proposed Tustin Sewer Survey with the Council at
length. Mr. McBride stated that the cost of a com-
plete survy would be approximinately $4,000, that
the approximate cost of the office work and plans
alone would be about $2500. The matter was held
over for further study.
Councilman Gray stated that he had artended a worth
while meeting of the State Disaster Council and Civil
Defense Setup held in Los Amgeles on October 16th.
NEW CHAIR On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman
FOR JUDGE Teter and carried, Council agreed to purchase a new
ALLEN Swivel Arm Chair for the use of City Judge R. P. Allen
at a cost of $65.70.
NEW TIRES Street Superintendent McMullen reported that he had
FOR FIRE secured a price from Carson & Golding on four new
TRUCK 10-Ply Goodyear Tires and Tubes and the recapping
of the two best tires on the Trash Truck of $311.06.
On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman
Teter and duly carried, the purchase of the above
tires, tubes and recapping of two tires was author-
ized and it was suggested by the Council that the
new tires and tubes were to be placed on the Fire
Truck and the tires at present on the Fire Truck
are to be switched to the Trash Truck.
INCREASED PAY On motion of CouncilmanZ Teter, seconded .by Councilman
FOR CERTAIN Bacon and duly carried, a $25. 00 per month increase
CITY EMPLOYEES in pay was granted to each of the following, City em-
ployees, Police Chief Thomas McMullen, Police Officer
Ray E. States, Police Officer Edward R. Baier, Clerk
of the City Court S. C. Penington, and O. C. Phillips
and Dwayne A. Phillips, of the Street Department,
with the stipulation that this group would receive
no further increase in pay for one year from this
Street Superintendent McMullen stated that he can pur-
chase two new signs for the intersection of Third and
"D" Streets lettered City Hall, Justice Court Library,
at a total cost of $6.00. On motion of Councilman
Bacon, seconded by Councilman Teter and carried, it
was ordered that the two new signs be arranged for.
BILLS The following bills ere presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by
Councilman Teter and duly carried.
M..W. Kilpatrick $ 7.25
The Tustin News 4.00
Danties Mobil Service 17.49
Orange County Blueprint Shop 2.07
James A. Musick, Sheriff 12.80
White Stationery Co. 9.60
Carson & Golding 9.22
McCoy Motor Co. 13.78
Tustin Garage 7.62
H. Louis Hanson 50.00
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
TOTAL . . . . $137.33
On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman
Teter and duly carried, it was agreed that the meet-
ing be adjourned until 7:30 P.M. on October 31,
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk