HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1950 10 02
2, 1950, AT 8:15 P..M., AT THE .
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, William H. Gray,
William I. Miller, J. Roy Teter and
Frank E. Bacon,
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston
at 8:15 P. M., immediately following adjournment
of the meeting of the Tustln Planning Commission.
Minutes of the preceeding meeting on September 18
were read and approved.
Mayor Humeston presented a letter from the League
of California Cities regarding the 52rid Annual Con-
ference of the League to be held in Los Angeles,
October 23rd to 25th inclusive, in which Tustin
was requested to have a representative present.
Councilman Gray stated that he would endeavor to
attend on at least one day during the Conference.
OATH OF City Attorney Nisson read a Bulletin from the
ALLEGIANCE League of California Cities outlining the "Oath of -
Allegiance for Civil Defense Workers and Public
Employees". The matter was discussed by the Council
. and it was agreed that definite action must be taken
in this matter in the very near future.
Mayor Humeston presented a request from City Judge
R. P. Allen for a Swivel Arm Chair for use in his
office. The City Purchasing Agent was instructed by
the Council to obtain illustrations of this type of
chair and prices of same to be presented at the
next meeting.
NEW DODGE Councilman Gray brought up the matter of the pos-
PICKUP FOR sible purchase by the City of a Pickup Truck for
FIRE DEPT. use by the Fire Department and as a means of quickly
transportating the City's Resusitator in emergencies.
Councilman Miller submitted a bid from McCoy Motors,
of Anaheim, for a new ½ ton Ford Pickup of $1511.19;
also a bid from L. D. Coffing Co., of Santa Ana, to
supply a new ½ ton Dodge Pickup, without DeLuxe Cab,
for $1333.90. On motion of Councilman Miller, sec-
onded by Counctlman Gray and carried it was agreed
that the City endeavor to purchase a new 1/2 ton Dodge
Pickup at the above quoted price from L. D. Coffing
Co., same to be painted red, this to be included in
the quoted price, and on terms of $900.00 down upon
delivery, the balance to be paid during the second
month after delivery.
TELEPHONE Councilman Gray presented the matter of installation
SWITCHES TO of a telephone Jack or Switch in the Clerk's office
BE INSTALLEDso that incoming telephone calls will be heard via
the telephone in the Council Chambers when desired.
Also the matter of a Telephone Switch Control from
the quarters of John Dunn so that incoming Fire Calls
can be heard in the Council Room if desired. Council
requested Councilman Gray to order these improve-
ments to be made and to follow through in the matter.
Council suggested that Mayor Humeston contact City
Engineer McBride and obtain an estimate from him as
to the cost of a Sewer Survey for Tustin, also to
request Mr. McBride's presence at the next Council
Meeting with any recommendations regarding the above
that he may care to submit.
Street Superintendent McMullen reported that the
tires on the City Trash Truck were wearing thin.
Councilman Miller suggested that prices be obtained
on a set of new tires, also on a set of retreads,
for the truck and to report same at the next meet-
ing of the Council.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved, and
ordered paid on motion of Councilman Teter, seconded
by Councilman Gray and duly carried.
William I. Miller $ 9.00
M. E. Lawrence 7.00
First Presbyterian Church 9.00
A. R. Morris 2.00
TOTAL $27.00
City Court Panel, 21 Jurors @ $1.60 ea. 33.60
Collector Internal Revenue 385.67
Sully-Miller Construction Co. 260.32
The Tustin News 7.20
Radio & Television Equipment Co. 3.55
Lester M. BlOunt, M. D. 5.00
Hardy & Harper 223.85
Auto Club of Southern Calif. 3.87
Tustin Drug Store 2.63
C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. 100.00
Consolidated Rock Products Co 8.79
Seaside Oil Co. 85.50
Tustin Lumber Co. 3.03
Tustin Hardware Co. 3.88
Utilities, City .Hall & Fire Hall 60.54
The Tustin News 33.42
Goodyear Service 7.50
Tusttn Paint Store 14.84
George A. Broomell 52.00
J. L. McBride 38.00
Tustin Fire Department 24.00
TOTAL $1,384.19
Councilman Teter moved to adjourn. CounciIlman Miller
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk