HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 3 CLAIM #81-27 11-02-81DATE: TO: FROH: SUBJECT: 10/15/81 CONSENT CA~.WNDAR NO..3 Inter-Corn HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY CLAIMANT: ELLIOTT, ROBERT L.; D/L: 8-16-81; FILED W/CITY: 10-1-81; CLAIM NO: 81-27; CARL WARREN FILE NO: 30038 AB~ After investigation and review it is recommended that the above-referenced claim be denied and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the denial to the claimant and to the claimant's attorney. JGR:se Enclosure 1. Copy of Claim (For Damages to Pers6n~ or Personal Property) ......... geceived by '~ ~ via .. OCT.1 1981 U.S.. Mail · ~ace-'iu~iin Giy ~ierk interJof lice Hail 0vet the Counter X ~Y ~--~£'~~ The law provzdes generally that a clazm must De ~led wzth the Czty Cier~ o: the City of Tustin within i00 days after which ~e incident or event occu~ed. Be s6re your claim is against the City of Tustin, 'not ano~er public entity· Where space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify info~a- tion by paragraph numar.. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered' to the City Clerk, The City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California 92680 TO THE HONO~LE [~YOR A~ CITY COUNCIL, City of Tustin, California: The undersigned res~ctfully-submits ~e foll'owin~ claim and info,etlon rela- tive to damage to persons and/or personal property: a. ADDRESS OF CLAII~ANT: ///~ ~ )$~ b. PHONE NO: { - c. d. SECURITY NO: ~ e. DATE OF BIRTH: DRIVERS LICENSE NO: Name, telephone and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent, if other than above: Thi~ cZaim i's submitted against: a. b. The City of Tustin only. The following employee(s) of the City of Tustin only: The City of Tustin and the following employee(s) of the city of Tustin only: ', . Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: a. Da E: b. T .E: ornln$ and Specific location)': c. PLACE (Exact How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify .the particular occurrence, event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (Us~ additional paper if necessary)· e. What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or i-nj~r~?l-, Give a d.escription of the injury, property damage or loss so far as is known at the time of this claim. -If there were no injuries, state "no Give the name(s), of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: Name and address of any other person injured: ~O~-- Name and address of the owner of. any damaged property: ~0~ a. Amount claimed a.s of this date: , . b. Estimated amoun, t: of future costs: d. Basis for computation of amounts claimed (include-.copies o~ ~11 .bills, Names ano addresses of ail wi~esses, hospitals, doctors, etc.: a. 1. Any additional info£mation that ~.ight be helpful in considering this claim: ARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO FILE A FLASE CLAIM! (Penal Code Section 72; Insurance Code Section 556.0) I have read the matters and statements made in the above claim and I know the --ame to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be pon information or belief and as to such matters I believe the same to be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is TRUE AND CORRECT. -~ecuted this I day of' O~O~- ., 19 ~1 , at Tustin, California· · =~ffice of the City Clerk, '~s_.~tin, California NO: FI- 7 CLAI~2' S SIGNATURE Revised 8/05/81 'GR: se : R: 8/5/81 (A) As a r~suzt of this nichap, i au su~-ittinE this cl~~2 to hsve the repaired. I had no choice but to use the bicycle trail. If i had used the road desired for ~ctor driven vehicles, it ~7ould have been haz~do~ to beth myself ~d the notor vehicle's ~iver. ~=c~ of action by the City of ~stin resulted in the d~age to the bicycl~ tires, 'The bio-role trolls and avenues of travel -.~ere not clesr~d of kzr:~_~ul rock and broken glass ~uatter. ~ .... ~ ......... aft~=r the z!ish~p, I .... "-,~+~-~ 3ob trysil i ' ....... ~o bs litt~L~ed '.~ith ~ro~en ~"aasz cn taa .vcel:e~zd (du~ to ~ott!es t0 the ~'-~- t~es, I :';i~ ~void ~isiP~ that ~ .... ~= trail :/nenever Dosslb!e Claim of Robert Elliott, Page 3