1950, AT 8:20 P. M., AT THE CITY
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: William I. Miller, William H. Gray, Frank
E. Bacon, Jr., and J. Roy Teter.
COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Vincent L. Humeston.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Pro Tom Miller called the meeting to order at
8:20 P. M., immediately after adjournment of the
meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission.
Minutes of the previous meeting were read and ap-
proved after paragraphs 10 and 12 were changed to
include the introduction and adoption of Resolution'
No. 264, relative to "Regulating Parking and estab-
lishing Traffic Zone "C" and Resolution No. 265
"Fixing the Salary of the Clerk of the City Court."
REGARDING Mr. Larry Golden, Engineer of the firm of Hugh Mar-
PROPOSED shall, Builders, of Santa Ana, was present and re-
SUB-DIVISION quested the Council to approve the recommendation
AT FIRST AND of the Tustin Planning Commission relative to the
"E" OR PROSPECT Tract Map for their proposed Sub-division project
STREETS. at First and "E" or Prospect Streets. On motion of
Councilman Teter, seconded by Councilman Gray and
duly carried, the City Attorney was authorized to
prepare a Resolution accepting Lockwood Park Place
designated as a public street in said Tract in ac-
cordance with Plans and Specifications approved by
City Engineer McBride, based on compliance with
Orange County Road Department standards and speci-
fications and the addition of four foot standard
sidewalks. The City Clerk was authorized to sign
the Tract Map after the bond is approved and the
map is approved by the City Engineer.
Mrs. Frank McInteer, of 150 North "A" Street, Tus-
tin, was present and requested permission to re-
tain a Trailer on the lot at the above address for
her aged mother to live in until next Fall. The
matter was discussed at length and the Council de-
cided to make no exception in this case.
Mayor Pro Tem Miller read a letter from Mr. Ralph
Cruzen, also a letter from Dr. J. B. Price, re-
questing permission to retain a Trailer now in use
on Mr. Cruzen's property at 540 South "B" Street,
during the illness of Mrs. Cruzen. This matter was
discussed by the Council and it was decided that
no exception be made in this case.
NEW POLICE On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Council-
CAR man Gray and unanimously carried, the bid of McCoy
AUTHORIZED Motors, of Ariahelm, to sell the City a new Ford
Police Car, including complete changeover of equip-
ment and the four doors painted white, at a trade-in
price of $549.00, was accepted and the purchase was
ordered to be made.
Councilman Gray moved that Councilman J. Roy Teter
be named Alternate to Mayor Humeston to represent
the City of Tustin for Sanitation District No. 7,
Councilman Bacon seconded the motion which was duly
Councilman Teter requested that a sign lettered "Not
A Through Street" be placed at the intersection of
First and "A" Streets and at First and "C" Streets.
Street Superintendent McMullen stated that he would
comply with this request.
Councilman Gray presented a flag owned by the local
chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars who offered it
to the City at a requested price of $40.00 to be in-
stalled in the Court Room. Councilman Teter suggested
that the V. F. W. organization be offered $25.00 to
$30.00 for the same and Councilman Gray stated that
he would submit the offer and report at a later meet~
ing of the Council.
The Council requested Councilman Teter to secure a
price on block letters to be installed over the en-
trance of the Fire Department and to correspond with
the signs now designating the City Hall and Library.
Mayor Pro Tem Miller stated that several palm trees
on Main Street, between "D" and Prospect or "E" Street,
needed trimming and that the cost to the City would
be $18.00 to $20,00. Street Superintendent McMullen
was instructed to arrange for this work to be done.
RESOLUTION Resolution No. 266 entitled "Resolution of the City
N0. 266 Council of the City of Tustin Approving Memorandum of
ADOPTED Agreement for Expenditure of Gas Tax Allocation for
Major City Streets" was presented and read by Attorney
Nisson. On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by
Councilman Bacon and carried, Resolution No. 266 was
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved, and
ordered paid on motion of Councilman Gray, seconded
by Councilman Teter and carried.
Bancroft-Whitney Co. $3.86
White Stationery Co, 6.95
George A. B~oemell 6.00
Kleen-Line Corporation 2.83
Orange County League of Cities 16.00
John J. Swigart Co. 12.65
Permit #121, Jack Wener 4.00
" 124, Leland Finley 7.00
" 127, Maurice J. Crockett 7.00
" 129, Wayne Eaton 5.00
" 131, R. O. Folknor 5.00
Permit #151, Les Wilson 1.00
" 163, M. E. Lawrence 2.00
" 164, Jack Wener 2.00
" 166, P. E. Miles 2.00
Pemuit #173, Wayne Eaton 2.00
Councilman Gray moved to adjourn. Councilman Teter
seconded the motion· Motion carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk