HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1950 05 15
1950, AT 7:40 P. M.
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L, Humesten, William H. Gray,
William I. Miller, Frank E. Bacon, Jr,,
and J. Roy Teter.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson Jr., was present·
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:40
P. M.
Minutes of the meeting of May 1 were read and ap-
proved after an addition was made in Paragraph ll
in which it is now stated that Ordinance No. 80 was
presented for "second and final reading by title
REGARDING At Mayor Humeston's request the City Clerk read a
PARALLEL letter from the Tustin Chamber of Commerce regard-
PARKING ing parallel parking as required by the State upon
installation of traffic signals at Main and "D"
Streets. The letter stated that parallel parking in
the two blocks East and West of "D" Street has met
with much disfavor from shoppers and merchants
alike and requested that an effort be made to ac-
quire facilities for adaquate, centralized parking,
Mr, Bert Mullet presented a petition signed by 70
persons requesting the Council to provide a Parking
Lot sufficient to meet the present and future needs
of the City. The petition and signatures thereon
were read by Councilman Gray.
A committee composed of Mrs., Carolyn Campbell, Bert
Muller, Edward Cox, Arcy Shellhous and Martin Shields
were present in regard to the parallel parking situ-
ation and the entire matter of parking, including
the possibility of a central parking lot was dis-
cussed at length. Mr. Cox spoke of the possibility
of securing the. lot in the rear of McCoys Sheet Metal
Works owned by Albert Thorman. Councilman Gray stated
that the matter of parking facilities was not en-
tirely a problem of the City Council but should also
be considered a problem of the merchants and that
the marchants should work with the Council on the
matter ·
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council-
man Bacon and carried, Mayor Humeston was directed
to appoint a Committee from the Council to work with
a Merchant's Committee in order to find a solution
to the parking problem. Included in the above motion
was a request to City Attorney Nisson to write a
letter to the State Highway Department inquiring as
to the possibility of securing a modification from
the State of parallel parking in the two blocks
Mayor Humeston appointed Councilman Miller as Chair-
man of the Council,s Committeelto endeavor to find
a solution to the parking situation.
REPORT ON Attorney Nisson stated that he had talked with sev-
ANNEXATION eral persons whom he had thought would be interested
in the annexation of their property to the City of
Tustin but that there was nothing definite to re-
port at this time.
2 30
Councilman Gray stated that he had discussed the matter
of a Brochure of Tustin with the Chamber of Commerce
and that there is a possibility of a small Brochure
being issued this year And, a more elaborate one next
OFFICER On motion of Councilman Teter, seconded by Councilman
BAIER'S Miller and duly carried it was, ordered that Police
SALARY Officer Edward R. Baler's salary be increased from
INCREASED $220.00 to $235.00 per month retroactive to May l, __
1950 ·
BUDGETS The matter of Departmental Budgets was discussed and
AGREED agreement was reached as to the amounts required to
UPON operate the various City Departments, during the next
fiscal year as follows: City administration, $7,000;
Police Department, $12,000; Parks & Playgrounds, $500,
Total $29,200.
Councilman Miller moved, seconded by Councilman Bacon
and carried and it was advised that the City assess-
ment of real and personal property be figured for the
fiscal year 1950-1951 on a 1.5 basis using the County
Assessors figures as a base. Councilman Gray voted Nay
and Mayor Humeston concurred with Councilman Gray in
this matter.
On motion of Councilman Teter, seconded by Councilman
Gray and carried, City Attorney Nisson was instructed
to check on the assessment of the Horace Stevens prop-
erty on West Main Street.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and or-
dered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded
by Councilman Bacon and duly carried,
The Tustin News $44.98
Utilities 24.13
A. N. Crain, M.D. 7.00
B & M Zi~en Mfg. Co. 10.30
Wiley's Mobile Service 12.34
Carson & Golding 10.93
Curtis Vaught 4.06
White Stationery Co. 23.92
Tustin Hardware Co . 4.73
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
G. O. Bixler 40.00
TOTAL 185.89
Councilman Miller moved to adjourn. Councilman Teter
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Vincent L. Humeston
S. C. Penington
City Clerk