HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 8 WTR MAIN REPLACE 10-05-810ATE:  No. 8 10-5-81 1981 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBdECT: WILLIAM HUSTON, CITY MA~ER DALE WICK, ASSISTANT CITY ~GINEER F.Y. '81-'82 ~ MA/N REP~ PRO3ECTS ~CN: It is reccemended that the City Co~mcil, at their m~eting of Oct. 5, 1981, pass and adopt the attac~ed resolution determining that an e~ergency exists in the City of Tustin so as to necessitate the im~adiate expenditure of public money for repair of certain water mains and authorizing the Public Works Director to utilize City forces to effect the repair and/or replacement of said water mains. BACKG~DL%D: An amount of $49,400.00 has ~cn included in the F.Y. '81-'82 budget for subject water main replacements. The work is proposed at the following locations: ST~T Bubbling Well Road Singing Wood Drive Dodge Avenue Rainbowi Drive Bubbling Well Road Hewes Avenue TO La COlinaDrive La ColinaDrive 1000'~ easterly The existing water mains co~ist of steel pipe which was installed around 1956. Due to the "hot" soil, the steel pipe has rotted out to the point where mjor leaks occur weekly, causing disz~ption of the residents water supply as well as continuous dig up of their front yards to repair leaks. (On Bubbling Well and Singing Wood the mains are located behind the curb. ) The Tustin Water Service inspects the locations daily to de~ermine if there are any leaks to repair; then only the major leaks are repaired. The small leaks are left until they get bad enough to repair and, consequently, there is usually always water running in the gutter from small seeping type leaks. The Engineering staff felt that this was an emergency situation requiring immediate action. It would require a minimum of four months for staff to prepare detailed construction plans and go through the formal bidding procedure required for public improvement projects over $5,000.00 in cost. Consequently, we asked the City Attorney's office to determine if there was another vehicle with which the work could be acccelplished utilizing City (Water Service) forces. The City Attorney determined that under Government Code Section 37906, the City Co~cil may pass a resolution by. a four-fifths vote of its members declaring that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditure of public money to safeguard life, health or property. The attached resolution was prepared by the City Attorney's office. F.Y. '81-'82 ~ATER MAIN REPLAC~ PRO3ECTS SEPTEMBER 28, 1981 PAGE 2 The Water Service's manager feels that the budgeted funds are adequate to accu,,~lish the proposed work. ~ne steel mains will be replaced with asbestos cement pipe whirl1 is an inert material, not affected by "hot" soil. DALE A. WICK ASSISTANT CIT~ ~qGINEER Attachment cc: Ci.ty Clerk City Attorney Finance Director Water Service Manager 5 6 '7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 81- k13 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, DECLAR- ING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN SO AS TO NECESSITATE THE I?uV~ED~ATE EXPENDITURE OF PUBLIC MONEY FOR !REPAIR OF WATER ~AINS TO SAFEGUARD !LIFE, HEALTH, OR PROPERTY. ~EREAS, the City of Tustin provides water to the residents of the City and the surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, said residents are totally dependent upon the City for providing such water; and WHEREAS, certain iof the City's water mains as shown in Exhibit "A" attached ihereto and incorporated herein are in such extremely poor Condition, leaking water at unacceptable rates, and subject to substantial failure at any time, without notice, depriving the said residents of water; and WHEREAS, the condition of said water mains is such that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expend- iture of public money to repair said water mains to safeguard life, health, or property; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 37906 permits the City Council to expend such sums as may be required in the emergency without complyinq with the bidding requirements for public projects in the case !of such an emergency as presently exists in the City of Tustin. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, hereby resolves as f.ollows: The City Council ifinds, determines, and declares that the water mains in the City of Tustin, as shown and described on Exhibit "A" attached ihereto, are in such extremely poor condition, in a state of such disrepair, and so subject to substantial failure at any time without notice as to constitute an emergency and that the public interest and necessity demands the immediate expenditure of public money for the repair of said water mains to safeguard life, health, and property of those who are dependent upon the water supplied by the City of Tustin. The Public Works Director of the City of Tustin is hereby authorized and directed to expend such funds and to use the City's work force to immediately effect the repair and/or replacement of said water mains. PASSED AND ADOPTED, at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin this day of , 1981. ATTEST: Mayor City Clerk RLL:lw:D:9/23/81 EXHII~IT "A"