HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 1 STATE HWY 10-05-81TO: WILLIAM HUSTONw CITY MANAGER -- FROM: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER $ UBJ ECT: RELINQUISHMENT OF STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY INFORMATION REPORT Pursuant to the terms of the freeway agreement dated September 22, 1981 between the County of Orange and the State of California, the State has &dopted the attached resolution relinquishing a portion of Tustin Village Way between Mcfadden Ave. and the Costa Mesa Freeway on/off ramps. This is a standard procedure by the Stat~ for all similar type roadways and overpasses adjacent to the freeway systems. The City assumed the County jurisdictions and terms of agreements through Annexation No. 15, dated August 6, 1960. There is no action required and it is requested that the City Council receive and file this item. BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER db Attachment WHEREAS, by freeway a~reemenn dated September ~,~ 1958 between the County of Orange and the State ef California, -the ,_=,~,_~.:~'-,,,~,, agreed to acceot title to a frontage road and reconstructed county road lying at that date within an unicorporated area in s~=~ County uScn rezznquzshment ~ue,~o{ to said County by 1''~f=°u'~q *~e above-mentioned ccl!atera! facilities now lie wi~' '- +x.= Cz~y f * .... ' ' I,H~EcA~, the~ crate 'of California has acquired way {0~ a~8 has co~structe8 tb, e above-mentioned collateral facilities in the City of %ustin, between McFadden Avenue and ~.~.aa~en Avenue southbound on-off ramps, road 07-~ - ~,~a S5, in accordance with said agreament; and "~"~=~ this Commission has found and : + ~m' does hereby ~zr, d and determine, that zt is desirable and ~n ~_=~ interest that sa~d collateral facilities be relinquished to the City of Tustil for use as a c;ty street; NO~C TnER=FORn, ~ IS VOTED by the California Tr~ms- l)Orl3, tlOP. ~0:.~.~.:_ SJOrt ~il3t f~% ~ ......... . BK 14-209 ?,3 l 650 --~_=_.incuisk.,. to '~'~,_e Cit.'.' of Tustzn,' effective upon the ~-ecord~tion -= ...... ~=~ cc~y ~ereof "~'~ the Kecorder of Orange County, ali cf the~ca~e o-- Califor~z-'-'~'s right, ~itle and interest in ..... ~ ~ - in ~aid City to~etker ' ~ ~e '. ' ~u. ~_..~nces thereof, described · k=~ portion of frontage road and reconstructed city street skwon as Parcel i, as delineated and shaded on maps ~,~v ~ !9SI in State Highway ~ap ~ook No. 1!, recorded on uu~. _., ~a~es i7 ~ .~n~ i8, Eeccrds of OranEe County. 5XC~PTING .~qD K~S~RII~G to the State of California and all v; ~..~ of inbress to and ezress from the hizhway hereby relinquished in and to the adjeinin~ free%~ay, except at such points as no%~ are or ~nay be established by resolution of this Commission. THIS IS TO CERTIFY That ~he foregoing is a full and correct copy of the original resolution duly passed by the California Transportation Commission at its meeting regularly called and held on the 28th day of August, 1981, in the city of Sacramento. Dated this the 31st day of August, 1981. I.?- /',: '/. RICN~RD A. ~O~LDSON Assistant Secretary CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION CO~HISSION