HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1950 05 01 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, HELD ON MONDAY EVENING, MAY 1, 1950, AT 7:40 P. M. COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, William I. Miller, J. Roy Teter and Frank E. Bacon, COUNCILMEN ABSENT: William E. Gray CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M. Minutes of the meeting of April18 were read and approved after an addition was made in the first paragraph after reopening of the meetinglby the new Council Which reads as follows: "A report on the results of the General Municipal Election held in the City Roll on April 11, 1950, was read to the Council by the City Clerk who then swore in the new members. PARKING Postmaster Carolyn Campbell and Jeweler Albert E. SITUATION Farnsworth were present-in regard to parallel park- DISCUSSED ing now in effect on Main Street, between prospect or "E" Street and "C" Street. It was explained to them by the Council that parallel parking in these two blocks is a requirement of the State in con- nection with the new traffic signals to be install- ed at Main and "D" Streets. The possibility of the City arranging for a parking lot was then discussed and mention was made of the lot owned by Mr. Walter Rawlins at Main and Prospect or "E" Streets and of the lot owned by Mr. Thorman on Main Street East of McCoy's Sheet Metal Works. Attorney Nisson suggested that the Council look into the matter and contact the lot owners. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried, the matter was tabled until the next meeting. BROCHURE OF Joe Ojeda, President of the Tustin Chamber of Corn- CITY PROPOSED merce, was present representing the Chamber and re- BY CHAMBER quested that the City cooperate in the preparation OF COMMERCE and expense of publishing a brochure with pictures of the City of Tustin and envoirs at a cost of ap- proximately $150.00 to $175.00, copies to be placed with every Service Station in the City as well as with the Chamber of Commerce, Drug Store, Cafes and Motels. Mayor Humeston appointed either Councilman Gray or Bacon to work with the Chamber of Commerce on the matter. Mr. Ojeda stated that a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at his resi- dence in the near future. City Engineer McBride was present and presented a report on projects of recent improvement of First Street, Third Street and Main Street which was dis- cussed by the Council. Mr. McBride stated that there was a credit balance on the First Street project of $49.69, a debit balance on the Third Street project of $121.88 and a credit balance on the Main Street project of $219.30. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council- man Teter and carried, Attorney Nisson read Resolu- tions Nos. 260, 261 and 262 by title only. Resolution No. 260 is entitled "A Resolutlom of the City Council of the City of Tustin finding that the RESOLUTIONS improvement to Main Street authorized by Resolution NOS. 260, No. 223 has been satisfactorily completed and approv- 261 AND 262 ing the report of the City Engineer." Resolution No. ADOPTED 261 entitled "A Resolution of the, City Council of the City of Tustin finding that the improvement to First and Third Streets authorized by Resolution No. 245 has been satisfactorily completed and approving the report of the City Engineer." Also Resolution No. 262 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin requesting the Board of Supervisors of the County of Orange to grant an extension of time for the reallocation and use of certain funds unexpended by the City of Tustin heretofore granted to the use of said City by said County." On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried Resolutions Nos. 260, 261 and 262 were adopted. REGARDING Engineer McBride stated that he can make arrangements STRIPING with the County Road Department to stripe certain CERTAIN streets as follows: Main Street, from "C" to Pacific STREETS Streets; Sixth Street, from "D" to Pacific; Pacific Street, from Main to First Street; "A" Street, from Main to First; "B" Street, from Sixth to First; and Prospect or "E" Street, from Main to First Street. The Council approved this suggestion and Mr. McBride stated that he would take the matter up with the County. Engineer McBride presented a map of "C" Street and discussed with the Council the curbing, grading, re- moval of two palm trees and other details necessary to complete the improvement of "C" Street, between First and Main Streets. Council agreed to the plans of the City Engineer for this project. Ordinance No. 80 was presented by Attorney Nisson and on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried was read by title only for the second and final reading. ORDINANCE On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council- NO. 80 man Teter and carried, Ordinance No. 80 entitled ADOPTED "An Ordinance of the City of Tustin, California, regulating Dance Halls, Dancing Clubs and Public Dances in the City of Tustin" was adopted. Councilman Bacon presented a request for a raise in pay for Police Officer Baler. After discussion by the Council the matter was referred to the next meeting. RECREATION Councilman Bacon reported that the Recreation COUNCIL Council was organized on Thursday evening, April 27 ORGANIZED and that the members will meet in the Council Cham- bers of the City Hall on the first Thursday evening of each month. The City Clerk was instructed by the Council to is- sue a Purchase Order for the printing of Citations for the Police Department, also a Purchase Order for a new Brake on the Police Car Siren. Councilman Bacon suggested that Police Chief McMullen get estimates for painting the Police Car "Black and White" and submit same at the next meeting. Councilman Miller brought up the matter of possible annexation of additional territory to the City. Attorney Nisson stated that he will report on two sections that he has in mind at the next meeting. 22.8 Police Chief McMullen presented a request of Mr. Roger S. Watson, Candidate for Tax Collector of Orange County, for permission to erect a sign advancing his candidacy within the City limits. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Teter and duly carried, it was agreed that as a general policy no signs will be permitted. within the City for any political candidate. The Council instructed the City Clerk to draft a letter of appreciation to Arthur M. Charleton, former Mayor and Councilman of the City. BILLS The following bills were presented, approved, and on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Teter and carried, were ordered paid. Seaside Oil Co. $92.70 Tustin Lumber Co 7.19 Tustin Fire Department 26. 00 J. L. McBride, engineer, 107.35 Florence Eilken . 37.00 H. Louis Hanson 50.00 Walter A. Seifert 6.00 Utilities . 55.15 Roland Humeston 9.00 TOTAL . $390.39 Councilman Miller moved to adjourn. Councilman Bacon seconded the motion. Motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor S. C. Penington City Clerk