HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1950 04 17 MINUTES OF THE COUNCIL MEETING OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD ON MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 17, 1950, AT THE CITY HALL. ' COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, William H. Gray, Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and Arthur M. Charleton. COUNCILMEN ABSENT: None CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:40 P. M. Minutes of lthe preceeding meeting were read and approved. TRUCK Messers. Dan and Hubert Sprague, proprietors of Ruby's PARKING Cafe on "D" Street and Mr. F. G. Hawkins, of 173 ON "D" North "B" Street, were present and expressed their . STREET views in regard to truck parking on "D Street, be- tween second and Third Streets. All of the above were in favor of. the trucks being permitted to con- tinue to park in that block as heretofore. Council- man Miller suggested that the Council go slow in mak- ing a decision on the matter. Councilman Gray then suggested that due to the fact that the opposition were not present that no action be taken at this time. On motion by Councilman Gray seconded by Councilman Miller and carried, the entire matter was tabled un- til the opposition again appears. CONTRACTOR Contractor Sherman E. Salter's bill in the amount of SALTER $3,016.75 was presented by Attorney Nisson and after PAID consideration by the Council, the City Clerk was in- $1,016.75 structed, on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Charleton and duly carried, to issue a Warrant in favor of Mr. Salter in the amount of $1,016.75, leaving a balance due Mr. Salter of $2,000.00. ANNUAL Mayor Humeston read a letter from the Controller of STREET the State of California in regard to the preparation REPORT and signing of the Annual Street Report filed with the State Controller for the fiscal year ending June 30,1950, as required by the Collier-Burns Highway Act. The Council designated City Auditor Hanson to prepare this report and authorized its signing by the City Clerk and J. L. McBride, City Engineer. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council- man Gray and carried, Resolution No. 254 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin designating persons to prepare and sign the Annual Street Report required by the Collier-Burns Highway Act," was adopted. TUSTIN At the request of Mayor Humeston. Councilman Gray DISASTER presented to the Council a Chart that he had pre- RELIEF pared on Disaster Relief, outlining Officers of the COUNCIL same and the various divisions of organization, CHART which calls for thirty volunteers to act under what- ADOPTED ever section they would most desire to work with. Councilman Gray moved that the proposed organization as outlined in the Tustin Disaster Relief Council Chart be adopted and that the Mayor instruct Com- mander Gray to proceed with its organization. Seconded by Councilman Bacon the motion carried. Mayor Humeston then requested Commander Gray to call a meeting of Officers and Personel after necessary volunteers have been secured and arrangements made. Mayor Humeston called attention to the fact that there will be a meeting of the City Council on Tues- day evening, April 18, 1950, in the Council Chambers 223 of the City Hall, for the purpose of canvassing the Election Returns and to adopt a Resolution declaring who was elected to two Council seats and to seat the new members. The Council to organize, elect a Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem and appoint Commissioners to head the various City Departments. On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Charleton and carried, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to sign a Release in Full from the City of Tustin so Virgil L. Garland, Jr., who has agreed to pay the sum of $37.46 in lieu of recent damages to the Police Car. ORDINANCE Ordinance No. 80 entitled "An Ordinance of the City NO.80 of Tustin, California, Regulating Dance Halls, Danc- FIRST ing Clubs and Public Dances in the City of Tustin" READING was read in its entirety by Councilman Gray. Council- APPROVED man Miller moved that the first reading of Ordinance No. 80 be approved. Councilman Bacon seconded the motion which was duly carried. RESOLUTION City Attorney Nisson presented and read Resolution NO. 253 No. 253 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council ADOPTED of the City of Tustin ordering parallel parking on Main Street, between Prospect or "E" Street and "C" Street. Councilman Miller moved, seconded by Council- man Charleton, that Resolution No. 253 be adopted and that a copy of same be mailed to the California Division of Highways. Motion carried. RESOLUTION Attorney Nisson presented Resolution No. 255 entitled NO 255 "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tus- ADOPTED tin authorizing S. C.Penington, City Clerk, to sign Warrants drawn on the Treasurer's Departmental Trust Fund and further authorizing S. C. Penington to sign as City Clerk Warrants drawn on the City of Tustin." On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried, Resolution No. 255 was adopted. BILLS The following bills were presented, approved, and or- dered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded. by Councilman Gray and carried. The Tustin News $ 4.00 George A. Broomell 26.00 Signal Oil Company 23.28 James A. Musick, Sheriff 11.80 Grover C. Riehl, Election Inspector 6.00 Ben H. Wallenberg, Election Judge 6.00 Grace Leinberger, Election Clerk 6.00 Dolly W. Holford, Election Clerk 6.00 Charles Snow 8.00 White Stationery Co . 2.02 Schwabacher-Frey. Co. 70.49 Jumper Auto Top Shop 2.50 Carson & Golding 91.97 John J. Swigart Co 745.16 Orange County League: of Cities 3.50 A. N. Crain, M.D. 19.00 Tustin Service 13.56 Utilities, Fire Hall 7.53 California Rock Co 73.98 L. R. Wilson 1.00 Harold Perdig 15.00 Roland Humeston 21.00 Sherman E. Salter 1,016.76 TOTAL $2,180.55 On motion of Councilman Churletch, seconded by Council- man Miller and duly carried, the meeting was adjourned until 7:30 o'clock P. M., Tuesday, April 18, 1950. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor S. C. Penington City Clerk