MARCH 20, 1950, AT 8:15 P. M. AT THE
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humeston, William I. Miller,
Frank E. Bacon, Jr., and William H. Gray.
COUNCILMEN ABSENT: Arthur M. Charleton.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Humeston
at 8:!5 P.M. immediately after adjournment of the
meeting of the Tustin planning Commission.
Minutes of the meeting of March 6 were read and ap-
proved after a change was made in paragraph 3 rela-
tive to the correction in spelling of the name of
Mr. Dewey Callaham.
JUVENILE Mr. W. R. Nelson, Jr., Principal of the Tustin Ele-
RECREATION mentary School, was present and addressed the Council
PROGRAM in regard to problems of Juvenile delinquency. Mr.
Nelson outlined his views regarding the possibility
of setting up a Coordinating Committee for a Juven-
iles recreation Program, comprised of members from
various civic and social groups of the community and
suggested that the Council appoint one of its members
as a member of the Coordinating Committee, and re-
quested that a start be made as soon as possible so
as to be ahead of the summer program. Councilman
Gray then expressed his views on this subject and
moved that Frank E. Bacon Jr., be appointed to rep-
resent the,Council as Recreation Commissioner in Co-
ordinating the Recreation Committee, Seconded by
Councilman Miller the motion carried.
CONTRACT City Engineer McBride was present and submitted a
AWARDED FOR report from the State in regard toTraffic Signals
TRAFFIC at Main and D Streets. He stated that the contract
SIGNALS AT for same had been awarded to Electric & Machinery
MAIN & D Service Co., Inc., on a bid of $8,305.00. Of this
STREETS amount the City agreed with the State to allocate
$2,000.00 from the 1949-50 Gasoline Tax Allottment
to the City of Tustin.
AUTHORITY Attorney Nisson stated that the Council should au-
GIVEN TO thorize Engineer McBride to remove the concrete Water
REMOVE Box across the street in front of the City Hall. On
WATER BOX motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
ON THIRD Gray and duly carried, Mr. McBride was given authority
STREET. to remove the box and he stated that he would endeavor
to do so on Tuesday, March 21st.
Mr. McBride reported that according to preliminary
estimates of the State Department of Public Works
that the City's allocation of moneys from the State
Gasoline Tax for the fiscal year 1950-51 will be ap-
proximately $3,000.00. This amount with the balance
in the fund for the past fiscal year of 1949-50 will
make a total of approximately $5,000.00 available for
expenditure on major City Streets, and assuming that
the County of Orange will make available to the City
$1,335.00 for use on City streets of general County
importance for the fiscal year 1950-51, this amount
added to the State monies will make available the
sum of $6,335.00. Council tentatively agreed to ex-
pend this sum on the improvement of C Street from
First to Main Street.
REGARDING On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman
IMPROVEMENT Miller and duly carried, Engineer McBride was author-
OF "C" ST., ized to survey, prepare plans, specifications and es-
FROM FIRST timated costs of the improvement of C Street from
TO MAIN ST. First to Main Street.
Councilman Miller moved that Engineer McBride be au-
thorized to sign an application for an Encroachment
Permit on the State Highway at the intersection of
First and D Streets in connection with expenditures
of County Funds in accordance with a County Resolu-
tion of the Board of Supervisors and City Resolution
No. 246. Seconded by Councilman Bacon the motion
REGARDING Engineer McBride stated that $900.00 had been appro-
IMPROVEMENT priated by the County of Orange in re improvement of
OF MAIN ST, Main Street, from Pacific to Tustin Avenue. On motion
FROM PACIFIC of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman Gray and
TO TUSTIN duly carried, the City Clerk was authorized to issue
AVENUE. a Purchase Order for 200 tons, plus or minus, of
200/300 Asphalt Plant Mix Paving Material for use in
said improvement of Main Street at a price not to ex-
ceed $3.00 per ton. Mr. McBride was authorized to ar-
range with the County Road Department to furnish all
necessary labor and equipment for the improvement of
Main Street and the City Clerk was authorized to
draw a Warrant in favor of the County of Orange in
the amount of $300.00 as a deposit on the labor and
REGARDING Engineer McBride stated that $390.00 had been appro-
IMPROVEMENT priated by the County of Orange for the improvement
OF THIRD ST., of Third Street, from C to D Streets. Councilman
FROM "C" TO Bacon moved that the City Clerk be authorized to
"D" STREET. issue a Purchase Order for 70, plus or minus, tons
of paving material of the same quality as above and
at the same cost. Seconded by Councilman Gray the
motion duly carried. Mr. McBride was authorized to
arrange with the Orange County Road Department to
furnish all necessary labor and equipment for the
improvement of Third Street and the City Clerk was
authorized to draw a Warrant in favor of the County
of Orange in the amount of $180.00 as a deposit on
the labor and equipment.
REGARDING In regard to the improvement of First Street, from
IMPROVEMENT Prospect Avenue to the West line of D Street, Mr.
OF FIRST ST., McBride stated that the County had appropriated
FROM-PROSPECT $945.00 for this project, Couhcilman Bacon moved,
AVE TO WEST seconded by Councilman Gray and carried, that the
LINE OF "D" City Clerk be authorized to issue a Purchase Order
STREET. for 160 tons, plus or minus, of paving material of
the above same quality and cost, and 60 tons, plus
or minus, of Crushed Rock, at a cost of $1.30 per
ton, Mr. McBride was authorized to arrange with the
Orange County Road Department to furnish all neces-
sary labor and equipment for the improvement of
First Street and the City Clerk was authorized to
draw a Warrant in favor of the County of Orange in
the amount of $422.00 as a deposit on the labor and
AUDITORS Councilman Gray read a Finance Report of City Audi-
SUGGESTION tor H. Louis Hanson relative to the termination of
RE SIGNING employment of S. C. Penington on February 15 and of
OF WARRANTS Chas, E. Morris as of April l, 1950. Mr. Hanson
AND DEMANDS. suggested in his report that in future the City
Warrants be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, or
in the absence of the Mayor by the Clerk and the
Council Member on Finance, or any other member of
the Council as may be designated. He also suggested
that the demands be signed by one Council member in
addition to the Mayor. City Attorney Nisson was in-
structed by the Council to check on the legality of
this procedure and report at the next meeting,
Judge R. P. Allen was present and mentioned certain
changes he had in mind for the Court Docket
System. He also suggested separate Dockets for Traf-
fic and criminai Cases. Councilman Miller moved that
the City Clerk secure samples of both types of
Dockets from Schwabacher-Frey Co. and from A. Car-
lisle Co. and to purchase same when approved by Judge
Allen. Seconded by Councilman Gray the motion car-
Councilman Miller stated that he would work out the
billing of the Justice Court's share of the division
of monthly telephone charges and installation costs
that will be suitable to the Council and the Board of
CLEAN-UP Mayor Humeston announced that he will issue a Pro-
WEEK clamation regarding Clean-Up Week, April 2 to 8 inclu- __
PROCLAMA- sive, for publication in the Tustin News of March 31.
Acting Chief of Police Ray States was instructed by
the Council to make up a list of all owners whose
property is overgrown with weeds with the view of
notifying them at once to remove same. At the same
time the City Clerk was instructed to request Fire
Chief Lindsay to check on all fire hazards regarding
rubbish, etc., and to take necessary action where re-
quired to notify the owners where hazards exist.
PAY OF On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council-
CITY CLERK man Gray and duly carried it was ordered by the Council
MORRIS that the pay of City Clerk Chas. E. Morris be termina-
TERMINATED ted as of March 31, 1950, the date of his retirement.
PENINGTON On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
APPOINTED Gray and duly carried, the Council instructed City
CITY CLERK Attorney Nisson to prepare a Resolution appointing S.
C. Penington as City Clerk of Tustin to complete the
unexpired term of City Clerk Morris at a salary of
$100.00 per month.
PENINGTON Councilman Miller moved that S. C. Penington be ap-
APPOINTED pointed Deputy Tax Collector at a salary of $75.00
DEPUTY TAX per month. Seconded by Councilman Gray the motion
COLLECTOR duly carried.
PENINGTON On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council-
APPOINTED man Gray and duly carried, S. C. Penington was appoint-
CLERK OF ed Clerk of the City Court at a salary of $25.00 per
THE CITY month retroactive to March 15, 1950, and his duties
COURT. to be prescribed by City Judge Allen.
Council authorized Police Commissioner Bacon to hire
an extra Police Officer if necessary to fill in during
the absence of Police Chief McMullen during his vaca-
Councilman Bacon instructed the City Clerk to issue a
Purchase Order to the California State Forest Nursery,
Rt. l, Box 68, Davis, Calif., for 20, 2 to 4 foot,
bare root Golden Rain trees at 50 cents each, to be ship-
ped by express to the City of Tustin and to be planted
in the City parkways.
BILLS The following bills were presented, approved, sad on
motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman
Bacon and duly carried they were ordered paid.
The Tustin News $ 8.57
Department of Natural Resources
(State of California) 34.49
Miller-Bryant-Pierce 2.78
Seaside Oil Co. 99.00
Davis Stationers 2.59
Harold Taylor 3.00
J. L. McBride, Engineer 57.00
J. L. MoBride, Engineer 37.50
Tustin Plumbing Co 11.46
C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. 27.50
A. Carlisle & Co $111.13
A. N. Crain, M. D. 12.00
Utilities 20.64
Tustin Service, CIeaning Stove 4.00
Tustin Service, Cleaning Fire Truck 3.00
H. Louis Hanson, Auditor 20.00
TOTAL $454.70
Councilman Miller moved to adjourn. Councilman Bacon
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Vincent L. Humeston
S.C. Penington
City Clerk