HomeMy WebLinkAboutCONSENT CALENDAR 09-08-81ALL ITEMS ON THE CONSENT C~T.~.~A~ MAY ~E PASSED BY ME UNANIMOUS VOTE OF' THE COUNCIL 1. APP~3FA~ ~ ~ -AUgUSt 17, 1981 2. APPIE)9~L C~' ~ in the amoun~ of-$206,739.91. PJ~TI]~C~II ~ pA~]w~.T, in ~e ~o~ of $93,739.22. 3o Authorize the prohibition of ~-s~eet ~r~g adjacent ~ 15660 ~tin Villa~ Way d~ing ~e ho~ of stre~ ~eeping (6:00 ~ to N~n) on ~=s~ ~ ~c,...-..aded ~ ~e City ~g~eer. OIIFJ~D ~ ~ -CZTI~8 ~-~--.~z ~.a, ~ ~ . (No Cost) Approve the Unified Orange County-Citie~ mmergency Management Agreement a~ recommended by ~he Interim City Manager. 6. E~I3~]T~Oll BOo 81-99 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPrOViNG THE APPLICATION FOR. 1980 STATE G~ANT ~0~EYS FOR THE T~STIN RECREATION F~CILIT~ P~OJECT (Columbu~ Tus~zLn Park) A~op~ion of Resolution No. 81-99 au~horizing staff ~o apply for fun~ under the California Parklands Act as rec~nde~ by the C----unity Services Director. 7. ]~0~A]TIOII ~O0 81-101 (No financial X. mpact) A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tu~tin, California~ DESIGNATING PLACEMENT OF CE2~AIN STOP SIGNS (Lorelei Ln at Williams) A~op~ion of Resolution No. 81-101 ~esignating the plac~men~ of stop signs on Lorelei Lane at Williams ~creet as recommended by ~he City Engineer. 8. ~813~0'~r_01 lO. 81-102 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, ENDOP~ING TH~ LOCAL ~ATION OF CABLE T"-~.~VISION FRANCHISES AND OPPOSING THE ADOPTION OF UNi'~ STATE~ SENATE BILL 898 A~option of Resolution No. 81-102 as presentea by the City 9. R~OTI:Gtl BOo 81-100 A Resolution of the Tus=in City Council of the Ci=y of Tustin APPrOV- ING T~NTATI~E TRACT 11582 (1082, 1092' and 1102 -~- J-An) A~o~fcion of Resolutio.n No. 81-100 as teton-ended by the Community Devel0~ent Department. lO. axso~,A, xm ao. 81-1o3 (,,,.~lgeted '~tem) & Resolut£on o~ 'che City Council of ~he City o£ Tus~::l.n, Cal:L~orn:La, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR NELSON SCHOOL SIDEWALK Adoption of Resolution No. 81-103 as recon~ended by ~he Engineer- 11 . ~:t~8(]g,T~'XOII ~10. 81-104 & Resol~cion of ~he City Council of the City of Tustin, Cali~ornia, COMMENDING C~ARLES R. THAYER FOR ~IS O~TSTANDING S~RVICE aS INTERIM CITY MANaGeR Adoption of ~esolution No. 81-104 as requested by ~he City Coun- cil. 12. a~8Oa'-O'A'XON Wi). 81-105 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin ACCEPTING WORKS OF IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING ~ECORDATION OF NOTICE OF COMPLE- TION (Median Island ?~-4scaping and Traffic Signal Conduit) Adoption of ~solu~ion No. 81-105 and assuming no claims or s~op payment n~cioes are filed within 30 ~ays of the ~a~e of recorda- tion of the No,ice of Co~pletion, authorize payment of the final 10% re~ention ($13,440.89) at 13. COnSULTaNT C0~TPJ~T FOR P~ ~ ~ Authorize the Mayor to approve an agreement with R. Kenneth Fleagle for cofisulting services ~nder the same terms and conditions as the 1980-81 agreement as recommended by the City Manage=.