HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1950 03 06 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY EVENING AT 7:30 P. M., AT THE CITY HALL, ON MARCH 6, 1950. MEMBERS PRESENT WERE: Humeston, Gray, Miller, Bacon and Charleton. There were no Councilman absent. City Clerk Morris was absent and in his ab- sence City Attorney C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., acted as Clerk of the Council. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order and the minutes of the proceeding meeting were read, corrected, and approved as corrected. REQUEST TO Mrs. McIntyre and Mr. Dewey Callaham were present and INSTALL requested permission to move a trailer to the rear of TRAILER AT the residence of Mrs. McIntyre, 150 North "A" Street, 150 NORTH for the purpose of housing their aged mother. Section "A" STREET 24 of Ordinance 58 was read as controlling and they DENIED were advised that the City Council could not give per- mission to their request as it was against the Ordin- ance. Communications were then presented. A letter from the Orange County Insurance Company sent by Dave Carmichael, at the request of Chief McMullen, regarding coverage on the old Buick Fire Engine was read and stated that such equipment was covered under the existing public liability policy and that charges would be made accord- ing to the use made of the piece of equipment at the time for the annual audit of the policy. The total was stated to be $6.87 per year with the understanding that the equipment was not to be used except for par- ades or display purposes. A letter from the Santa Ana-Tustin Mutual Citrus Asso- ciation was read requesting a statement as to the policy of the Tustin Volunteer Fire Department concerning a fire call from their packing house. It was moved by Charleton, seconded by Gray, that the City Attorney be authorized to write to the Santa Ana-Tustin Mutual Citrus Association stating that it is the present policy of the City Volunteer Fire Department to re- spond to such calls as would come from the subject packing house in the event of fire, and that if any change in policy was made that they would be notified. Motion duly Carried. CITY'S Councilman Bacon reported on the purchase of certain PURCHASE trees from the State Forestry Division of the Depart- OF TREES ment of Natural Resources and stated that they had ar- rived March 6th. Motion by Charleton, seconded by Gray. Carried. CHANGES IN Chief McMutlen read a letter from, the State Highway SPEED Department regarding the changing of speed limits with- LIMITS IN in and adjacent to the City of Tustin. The changes re- AND NEAR quested were that from the West edge of the City limits, TUSTIN from Highway 101 to a point 400 feet West of the inter- section of 101 Highway and Tustin Avenue (State High- way #55), the speed limit to be reduced from 55 to 35 miles per hour; that the speed limit on "D" Street from the Tustin Food Center South to the intersection of 101 and "D" Street would be increased from 25 to 35 miles per hour. It was moved by Charleton, seconded by Gray, and duly carried, that the City Clerk be in- structed to write a letter to the State Highway De- partment and the Executive Committee of the Orange County Branch of the League of Cities requesting that the 35 miles per hour speed limit be extended from the intersection of 101 and "D" Street on 101 South- east to that point whet the Southeasterly corner of the High School grounds border U. S. Highway 101. It was felt that this should be done as a safety measure to reduce.the liklihood of accidents in front and near the High School and at the inter- section of Newport Beach Road and 101 in coming around the curve on 101 at "D" Street. Gray reported on the Tustin District Softball League in regard to the City Recreation Program. Gray moved, Miller seconded, to have the City underwrite the charges for electricity during the summer season after first applying all volun- tary contributions from other individuals and or- ganizations to said bill. Motion was duly carried. CITY CLERK The following letter from City Clerk Chas. E. MORRIS Morris was read: OFFERS TO RESIGN March 6, 1950 City Council, City of Tustin, Tustin, California. Gentlemen: In accordance withmy verbal request heretofore made to you, I am requesting that you provide me with clerical help to do the necessary and routine typing involved in the handling of the office of the City Clerk of the City of Tustin. You may either provide me an allowance of $25.00 per month for this or increase my salary by $25.00 and I will pay for the secretarial help myself. Either way will be satisfactory with me. In the event that you do not see fit to provide me with such help, I wish to inform you that it is impossiblet o carry on my duties as City Clerk of the City of Tustin under the present cir- cumstances. If you care to obtain someone to do the same work, I will be glad to assist in the breaking in of such a person, and will, upon putting the af- fairs of the Clerk's Office in good shape and re- ceiving a clearance from the City Auditor, relin- quish my rights as City Clerk of the City of Tustin, an office to which I was elected. Yours truly, /s/Chas. E. Morris, Chas. E. Morris City Clerk COUNCIL Miller moved, Gray seconded, that the conditional ACCEPTS resignation contained in the above letter be ac- RESIGNATION cepted with the understanding that Chas. E. Morris OF CITY would break in a new man and be first cleared by CLERK MORRIS the City Auditor before he relinquished his duties as City Clerk. Motion was carried. (Unanimously) PENINGTON Miller moved, Gray seconded, to hire S. C. Pen- HIRED TO nington to do work in the City Clerk's office pend- WORK IN ing retirement of City Clerk Chas. E. Morris, at CITY CLERK'S a salary of $175.00 per month, to become effective OFFICE. on the acceptance of S. C. Penington. Motion duly carried. McMULLEN Chief McMullen requested that his annual vacation REQUESTS start March 20th to April 3rd. Request was granted VACATION by Council. 215 BILLS Miller moved the following bills be paid, except- ing a bill which had been duplicated on the list of bills, this being a statement from Spencer Browning regarding Insurance: Albert Thorman $12.00 Spencer Browning 5.42 Tustln Garage 4.69 Tustin Hardware 15.65 Tustin Automotive Parts 14.06 Chas. Snow 12.00 Focht's Nursery 22.60 Herb Hoanes 30.00 Utilities, Installation & Service 131.54 John Dunn 64.00 Ed's Service Station 98.97 Tustin Lumber Co. 41.08 Keesee Tank & Pump Co 314.22 Carson& Gelding 31.91 John J. Swigart Co 19.03 Auto Club of So. CaIlf. 12.28 Petty Cash Account 19.00 The Tusttn News 38.83 Orange County League of Cities 3.50 C & L Garage 11.58 Meter Fuel, Ltd. 1.39 George Broomell 18.00 Del Broomell 23.89 Total $945.64 Above motion seconded by Councilman Gray and duly carried. JANITOR,S It was moved by Gray, seconded by Charleton, to SALARY FIXED fix the Janitor's salary at $25.00 per month and AT $25,00 to pay Janltor's February bill. Motion duly car- PER MONTH ried. There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried. Vincent L. Humeston Mayor Chas E. Morris City Clerk