COUNCILMEN PRESENT WERE: Humeston, Gray, Miller,, Bacon and ChaPleton.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., was present.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order and asked
for the minutes of the previous meeting to be read.
These minutes were approved after the correction that
Resolution No. 245 had been omitted.
Communications were then presented, and a letter from
the Tustln Chamber of Commerce was read, thanking the
Council for the invitation for their members to be
present at the opening of the new City Hall, and also
a letter from the California League of Cities urging
that the Council be represented at the monthly dinner
meeting of the League of Cities of Orange County, to
be held at the Balboa Club of Newport Beach the even-
ing of February 23rd. A motion was made by Councilman
Gray that Attorney Nisson and Judge Allen be desig-
nated to attend the meeting. Councilman Charleton
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
DIRECTION Chief of Police McMullen reported that the sign for
SIGNS TO directions to the City Hall and Justice of the Peace
CITY HALL had been erected by the Automobile Club at the inter-
ERECTED section of Third Street and the highway.
RESOLUTION Councilman Charleton reported that he had conferred
N0. 246 - with Engineer McBride with regard to the street
ADOPTED pair and improvement for Third Street, between C and
D Streets, and that the County had tentatively ap-
proved the use of Gas Tax Funds for the job and
moved that Resolution No. 246 entitled "Resolution
of the City of Tustin requesting allocation of funds
for street improvement from the County of Orange out
of County's apportionment of California Highway User's
Tax Fund" and Engineer McBride was authorized to deal
with the County accordingly in the matter. Councilman
Charleton moved to adopt Resolution No. 246, Council-
man Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
REGARDING Councilman Charleton stated that he and Engineer
STREET LIGHT McBride had gone into the matter of the installation
IN FRONT OF of the street light on Third Street in front of the
CITY HALL City Hall and that they thought best to install it
at the East boundary of the City property at the
alley and moved that the City Clerk write a letter
to the County Board of Supervisors making a request
for the light to be installed. Councilman Miller
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Street Superintendent McMullen reported that Harold
Taylor had agreed to put in curbs, along the Third
Street side of his property but that a big tree
stood in the curb line and that the, Taylor, wanted
it taken out. After discussing the matter it was
decided to have the Street Superintendent and
Councilman Bacon act on the matter as Councilman
Bacon was Chairman of the Tree Committee.
BULK GASOLINE Councilman Miller recommended that the City install
TANK AND PUMP facilities for bulk gasoline for the City equipment
TO BE INSTALL- and moved to accept the KEESEE bid for the install-
ED IN CITY. ing of a 550 gallong 12 gauge galvanized steel tank
YARD. and one Keesee Commercial Meter Pump at the follow-
ing prices, Tank, $76.00, Pump $190.00, labor for
setting foundation for the Pump, $24.00, and set-
ting pipe for Pump protection and test for leaks,
$15.00. Total cost, $305.50. Councilman Bacon
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Street Superintendent McMullen was instructed to fol-
low through with arranging the electrical hook-up for
the Gasoline Pump and was instructed to get several
bids for the installation.
CONTRACT FOR Councilman Miller moved that Mayor Humeston be author-
BULK GASOLINE ized to enter into a contract with the Seaside Oil
AUTHORIZED Company for furnishing gasoline to the City through
the current year to December 31st, 1950, for Ethel
Gasoline at 18 cents and Seaside Silver Gul Gasoline at
16 cents, with 400 gallons as the maximum amount that the
Company would be obliged to deliver during any one
calendar month. Councilman Bacon seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
AUTHORIZING Councilman Charleton moved that the Tree Planting
PURCHASE OF Commission be empowered to decide the kind of trees
TREES needed for future planting and authorized the expen-
diture of up to $50.00 for purchase of same from the
State Forestry Division of the Department of Natural
Resources. Councilman Miller seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
RESOLUTION Councilman Miller moved for the adoption of Resolution
NO. 247 No. 247. Councilman Gray seconded the motion and it
ADOPTED was unanimously carried. This Resolution authorizes
change order in the certain agreement for the con-
struction of the City Hall, between the City of Tus-
tin and Sherman E. Salter, Contractor, and authorizing
payment to Mr. Salter for changes made over the orig-
inal contract price.
RESOLUTION Councilman Gray moved for the adoption of Resolution
NO. 248 No. 248. This Resolution authorizes payment of salary
ADOPTED to Deputy City Clerk, S. C. Penington, for additional
salary for the first half of February, I950, during
the. absence of City Clerk Chas. E. Morris on sick
leave. Councilman Charleton seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
Councilman Gray moved that the Tustin Chamber of Com-
merce and the Tustin District Soft Ball League be in-
vited to use the Council Chambers for their business
meetings. Councilman Bacon seconded the motion.
Motion carried.
SALARIES OF Councilman Gray moved to increase the salary of Chief
McMULLEN AND of Police McMullen to $280.00 per month, and Officer
STATES Ray States te $240.00 per month. Both to become effect-
RAISED tive March 1, 1950. Councilman Bacon seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
BILLS Councilman Gray moved to pay the following bills.
Councilman Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Petty Dash Account $29.02
Municipal Fire Equipment Co 4.55
South Main Potter Co. .23
George Dunton 100.00
Lois Folknor (Matron) 4.00
Tustln Plumbing Co. 21.40
Signal Oil Co. 5.93
Utilities, City Hall & Fire Station, 9.95
Orange County Mutual Ins. Co. 7.00
J. S. Redman 10.00
D. S. Richards 101.28
Ray E. States 21.32
J. W. Allen (Repairing Clock) 3.00
Roy Driver 16.00
Sherman S. Salter, Contractor 987.34
$ 1,375.02
It was then moved, seconded and carried that the meet-
ing adjourn.
Vincent L. Humeston
Chas E. Morris
City Clerk