February 6, 1950
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Vincent L. Humiston, William H. Gray
Arthur M. Charleton, William I. Miller
and Frank E. Bacon, Jr.
CITY ATTORNEY: C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. was present.
Mayor Humiston called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M.
immediately after adjournment of the meeting of the Tustin Planning
Minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved with
the exception of a change in Paragraph 14, in which the word Odinance
was changed to Ordinances.
In the absence of City Clerk Morris on sick leave, since
January 30th last, Deputy City Clerk Pennington was present at this
Judge R. P. Allen was present and outlined to the Council
the methods he has in mind for the operation of the City Court,
City Court Funds, The City Court Docket and Docket Envelopes.
Councilman Gray suggested that Judge Allen use his own judgement
in these matters, including the matter of additional printing on the
City Court Docket Envelopes.
Mayor Humeston read an invitation to the Council from the
Tustin Volunteer Fire Department to attend a dinner to be given by
the Fire Department at 6:30 P.M. Thursday evening, February 9th,
at the K-P Hall.
Councilman Gray brought up the matter of the annual clean-up
Week, to be held on dates to coincide with Santa Ana's Clean-up
Week, and requested Police Chief McMullen to contact the Tustin
Chamber of Commerce at the proper time regarding their co-operation.
Council instructed the City Clerk's Office to write to the
League of California Cities requesting a free copy of the League's
Uniform Traffic Ordinance and a free copy of their suggested Personnel
Ordinance as offered in their News Letter of February 2, !950.
The matter of !4 extra keys for the City Hall that had been
ordered by the City Clerk was discussed by the Council and Councilman
Gray agreed to check on same and arrange for their proper distribution.
Councilman Miller brought up the matter of installation of
the Drinking Fountain in the City hall and mentioned the possibility
of delay in delivery of the Foountain by the Grinnell Co. of possibly
ninety days and that it may be necessary for a substitute fountain to be
installed. He stated that in eny event, a fountain would be installed in
time for the formal opening on February 18th.
Street Superlntendent McMullen reported that Hardy & Harper
had quoted a price of $700.00 for blacktopping the yard and driveway
of the City Hall.
On motion of Counci!man Gray, seconded by Counci!mm Charleton
and duly carried, Street Superintendrot McMullen was authorized
to exchange the use of the City's Motor Patrol Grader with Hardy and
Harper for a Motorized Roller to use on the City Hall yard, driveway
and streets.
Councilman Gray suggested that Councilman Miller investigate
the cost of a sign for the Fire Hall similar to those installed
on the City Hall and Library.
On motion of Councilman Miller, the Southern California
Edison Co. is to be requested to install a street light in front of the
City Hall. Seconded by Councilman Bacon the motion carried.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Bacon
and duly carried, it was ordered that two G-2 two line signs on wooden
standards be purchased through the Automobile Club of Southern California,
to be lettered "City Hall" on one line and "Justice of the Peace" on
the other line with a suitable arrow on each. One sign to be placed
on the South West Corner and one on the North East Corner of Third and
"D" Sts, at a cost of $6.14 each, installed.
The, Council instructed Councilman Gray to inquire into the
price of a suitable Flag and Standard for the Court Room.
Councilman Miller read a summary of Gasoline Storage Tank and
Pump installation proposals. His recommendation was thaththe KEESEE Tank
and Pump bid be considered. The gasoline bids were also announced by
Councilman Miller who recommended a bid quoting' 18¢ Gasoline as a top
price. Upon request of Mayor Humeston, the entire matter of Storage
tank and Gasoline Proposals was ordered held over until the meeting of
February 20th.
The Council instructed City Attorney Nisson to draft an
Ordinance regu!ating Electrical Permits, etc., and suggested that he
consult with Judge Allen in drafting this Ordinance.
Mayor Humeston read the names, as suggested by the City
Council, of J. W. Quinn, Thermon Means, Frank E. Bacon Jr., G. O. Bixler,
Chas. Greenwood, Max Sagraves, Clara Macomer and Joe Ojeda, as those
from which to choose as members of the Tustin Planning Commission.
Mayor Humeston, with approval of the Council, then announced the
appointment of Frank E. Bacon Jr., Thereon Means. J. W. Quinn and
of Max Sagraves as a!tsrnate for terms of three years each.
Councilman Charleton mentioned the unsatisfactory condition
of several of the City streets, and agreed to view same in the near
future with City Engineer McBride and Street Superintendent McMu!len.
The Council instructed the City Clerk's Office to keep an
exact calendar record of all sick leave and vacation periods of all
City Employees.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Gray aud duly carried, it was ordered that Architect Roland Logan Russell
be paid $50.00 for extra services rendered in preparation of a
Construction History of the New City Hall for permanent file.
Attorney Nisson reported receipt of Insurance Policy No. 86796,
expiring July 24, 1950, issued by Orange County Farmers Mutual Fire
Insurance Co. in the amount of $25,000 on City Hall and $1.000 on
Fire Hose, for a total premium of $65.OO.
Councilman Miller moves that Ordinance No. 79 entitled
"An Ordinance of the City of Tustin providing for Inspection Fee
Deposit and Charging for Plumbing Inspections and amending Ordinance
No. 78, of the City of Tustin" be rend by title only. This motion was
seconded by Councilman Charleton and duly carried. City Attorney Nisson
then read the title of said Ordinance.
City Attorney Nisson presented and read Resolution No. 243
entitled "Resolution of the City Council of the City of T ustin
calling a General Municipal Election for April 11th, 1950, Consolidating
Voting Precincts, and designating Election Officers for said Election."
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Charleton and
duly carried, Resolution No. 243 was adopted.
On Motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Mi!!er and
carried, Resolution No. 244 entitled " A Resolution of the City
Council of the City of Tustin, fixing the salary of the City Attorney."
which stipulates that this salary shall be $100.00 per month, effective
February 1, 1950, was adopted.
On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman
Char!eton and carried, Resolution No. 245, entitled "A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Tustin accepting the Construction of the
Alterations and Additions to the Fire Station and for the City Hall
of the City of Tustin", was adopted.
The following bills were presented. approved and ordered
paid on motion of Councilman Miller, sedonded by Councilman Bacon
and duly carried, with the exception of a bill of D. S,. Richards in the
amount of $148.00, which was ordered held over for correction.
Tustin Lumber Co. $48.96
Orange County League of Cities 3.50
Tustin Hardware Co. 62.85
Signal Oil Company 5.95
Wright Transfer Company 16.22
South Coast Venetian Blind Company 174.90
Carson & Golding 58.11
AI's Sporting Goods 6.07
Ro!and Lehman Russel! 140.00
The Tustin News 19.48
C & L Garage 19.35
Tustin Blacksmith Shop 15.00
McCoy Sheet Metal Works 12.26
Tustin Plumbing Company 11.98
Utilities, City Hall & Fire Hall 53.69
George's Service 104.48
Tustin Fire Department 107.75
George A. Broomell, Building Inspector 22.00
De!. Broomell, Janitor Services 5.14
Roland Logan Russell, for Extra Services 50.00
Orange County Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Ca. 65.00
Sherman E. Salter, Contractor 3,223.24
Councilman Char!etch moved to adjourn, Councilman Bacon
seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned.
Chas. E. Morris
City Clerk
Vincent L. Humeston