HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 12 19202 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, ON MON- DAY EVENING DECEMBER 19, 1949, AT 8:15 P.M. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN HUMESTON, GRAY, BACON, MILLER. ABSENT WERE: COUNCILMAN CHARLEON. CITY ATTORNEY: C . ARTHUR NISSON JR. WAS PRESENT Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 8:15 P. M. immediately following adjournment of the me'eting of the Tustin Planning Commission. Minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved with the exception of an addition to to Paragraph. 6, "in which it was added that Councilman Gray in conjunction with City Attorney Nisson" was authorlzed to negotiate Lease Contracts with the County Supervisors relative to quarters in the new City Hall for the County Library, Justice of the Peace and Constable. GEORGE A. Mayor Humeston presented a Ietter from George A. BRAYTON APPLI- and Madaline B. Brayton requesting permission to CATION FOR operate a Taxi Cab and to pick up passengers in TAXI PERMIT the City Of Tustin. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brayton were present and Mr. Brayton was questioned by the CouncilI in regard to the application. Council- man Gray then moved that the application be ap- proved, subject to approval of the required in- surance by City Attorney Nisson and the subse- quent issue of a License by the City Clerk. Seconded by Councilman Miller the motion carried. RELATIVE TO Mayor Humeston then brought up the matter of a GASOLINE GasoIine Storage Tank at the new City Hall, at a STORAGE TANK possible cost of about $180.00 for installation AT NEW CITY complete, and stated that a location for the tank HALL must be decided upon. Councilman Miller requested that the matter be held in abayence so that he could have more information on this subject to present to the Council at the next meeting on January 3, 1950. City Attorney Nisson presented the first draft of a proposed lease to be offered the Board of Super- visors regarding quarters for the County Library, Justice of the Peace and Constable in the new City Hall. Councilman Gray read the same to the Council and it was returned to Attorney Nisson for possible alterations and approval in its final form at the January 3rd meeting. Councilman Gray pointed out several minor changes on the Blue Prints for the new City Hall all of which were approved by the Council. RALPH S. Mayor Humeston read a letter from H. Louis Hanson, LINDSEY CHOSEN Secretary-Treasurer of the Tustin Volunteer Fire FIRE CHIEF Department, stating that Ralph S. Lindsay by unani- mous ballot had been chosen Chief of the Fire De- partment replacing Jerome Kidd and that Harold Car- son had been chosen Assistant Chief at the same time, and that the Department is now at fuIl strength with fifteen members. Councilman Gray moved that the appointment Of Messrs Lindsay and Carson by approved by the Council, Seconded by Councilman Bacon the motion carried. CHAS. E. Mayor Humeston presented a letter from the Orange MORRIS County Mosquito Abatement District informing the REAPPOINTED Council that the term of City Clerk Chas. E. Morris TO MOSQUITO as Representative for the Tustin District wouId ex- ABATEMENT pire on December 31, I949, and recommending that BOARD the Council reappoint Mr. Morris for another two year term. On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried, Mr. Morris was reappointed. On motion of Councilman MilIer, seconded by Council- man Gray and Carried, CItty. Attorney Nisson was au- thorized to purchase the binders and necessary supplies for keeping permanent records of the Minutes and Resolutions of the TustIn Planning Commission. BILLS The following bilIs were presented, approved and ordered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, sec- onded by Counctlman Gray and carried. Carson & Golding $ 39.81 League of California Cities 75.00 Signal Oil Co 7.25 City Clerk's Petty Cash:Fund 9.03 Roland L. Russell, Architect 70.00 $201.09 On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Council- man Miller and duIy carried, the CounciI authorized the sale of the tank and oil, including stand, now located at the new City Hall. to Hardy & Harper, for $50. Councilman Bacon moved to adjourn. Councilman Gray seconded the motion. Motion carrled. Meeting adjourned. Chas. E. Morris City Clerk Vincent L. Humeston Mayor