HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA 08-17-81ITo III. C(TJN CIL CHAMBERS 300 Centennial Way August 17, 19~1 4q~T-T- ~ OI~R P~BLIC C~.:K~S (For City of Tustin Residents and Businesspersons on any matter, and for Water Service Customers having a concern unresolved by Administrative procedures.) IV. C~agT CaT.~IDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate.discussion of these items pri- or to the time of the voting on the motion unless members of the Council, staff or public request specific items to be discussed and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1. APP~OFAL OF MINUTES -August 3, 1981 2. AP~ROFAL OF DEI~AI~DS in the amount of $269,018.87. RA~FICA~ OF pA~Z. in the amount of $188,084.99. D~A~ OF C~AIM OF ~u,-~A K GRIFFIN; DATE OF 81-22 Deny claim of Julia K. Griffin as recommended by the City Attorney. Assign Mike Brotemarkle, Community Development Director, as Building Official until further notice as recommended by Interim City Manager. 5. RESO~UTIO~ NO. 81--95 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FORTHE CITY OF ~3STIN FISCAL YEAR 1981-82 STREET MAINTENANCE PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adopt Resolution No. 81-95 as recommended by the Engineering Department. (Budgeted Item) 6. I~,SOI~TIO~ NO. 81-96 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, APP9DVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE CITY OF TUSTIN FISCAL ~EAR 1981-82 SLUR~X SEAL PROGRAM AND DIRECTING THE CITY 'CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS Adopt Resolution No. 81-96 as recommended by the Engineering Department. (Budgeted Item) Council Agenda Page I 8-17-81 7. RESO~TIO~ NO. 81-97 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, S3PPORTING THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN FOR BOLSA CHICA ADOPTED BY THE ORANGE C~JNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Adopt Resolution No. 81-97 as reco~nended by Mayor Sharp. Se T~ACT 10979 (Stevens Sq-~ve) - P~C I~BUw~x (Developer expense) Authorize the following as recommended by the City Engineer: a. Construction of a five (5) foot wide sidewalk along the Main Street frontage of Tract 10979. b. Decorative paving at the "B" and "C" Street curb returns consisting of real brick or concrete-type pavers. c. Brick paving within the parkway area at the entrance ~of the old Stevens house on Main St. EXT~NSIO~ OF 'z~m~TATIFE TRACT MAP NO. 10875 (15851 Pasadena, Tustin Arms II) Grant extension of Tentative Tract Map No. 10875 from October 6, 1981 to October 6, 1982 as recommended by the Community Development Department. V. ORDInANCeS FOR l/~'l~[~'I0~ - None VI. O~DINANCES FOR 1. O~)INANCENO. 856 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AM~ING THE TJSTIN CITY CODE RELATIVE TO USES PERMITTED IN PUBLIC PARKS AND PLACES 2. O~)INANCE NO. 857 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, ESTABLISHING COMPENSATION FOR MEMBERS OF THE TJSTIN CO~JNITY ~uEVELOPMENT AGENCY VII. ~ ~SINESS ~EST ~OR ~)IAN ISI~2~) ~IFICATIO~ (~ IR~I~E ~z.~. (Non budgeted item - funds from surplus construction funds) Appropriate the amount of $15,500 of general fund monies for the modification of median islands on Irvine Blvd. at the intersections of Mountain View and "A" Street. CIT~ ~S~TATI~E TO AESTHETIC ~VIEWP~0G~%M I--5 INTERCHANGE Appoint local citizen as Tustin's representative to Caltrans Aesthetic Review Board. S~CA~ONE A~E P~)ESTRIAN C~O~SING AT ~ A.T. 6 S.F. ~-~ ~ (v~A ~R) Re~est ~e aide of ~e special agents of ~e A.T. & S.F. ~ilroad to help decrease the vandali~ within the railroad right-of-way and for the City to continue a routine weed ~atement pro.am in this area. Council Agenda Page 2 8-17-81 (Continued) 4. Wa?.TERFO~TERART BOOKS/CIT~ OF~TIN/BO~S' ~nB OFf,TIN ~T Pleasure of the Council. VIII. NEW ~GSINESS B~ETA ~¥ LANDSCAPING (Non-budgeted) Recommended to delay any action on this item until such time the masterplan of ColumBus Tustin Park has been completed and approved. S.B. 821 BIC~.w~EST~IAN FACILITIES ~u~DS AP~?.?CATI0~ FOR F.Y. '81-82 Approve the construction of the handicapped ramps as prOPOSed. ~ OF BID FOR ~T~NIAL PA~K ~JL.~EWAT~ I~0V~M~S P~ASE II (Budgeted Item) Award the contract for subject project to Changing Times Enterprises Inc. of Buena Park, CA in the amount of $33,532.28. ADJ~T OF ~ C0~NCI~ ~3INGS IN ~0~ OF SO~E Adopt procedures for subject matter and authorize printing "Official Adjournment" forms. of ~ST FOR PAl~KIN~ P~HIBITIO~ (~ VA~)~E~ LANE Authorize the prohibition of on-street parking along the southerly side of Vandenberg Lane between Yorba St. and Prospect Ave. during the hours of street sweeping (6:00 AM to Noon) on Tuesdays. A~A~D OF mM - ~TILIT~ T~J~CTOR LA~ ~0~K (Financed through equipment fund) Award the bid in the amount of $7,6~5.94 to Foothill Garden Equipment, Inc. of Orange for a John Deere 2 cylinder diesel tractor equipped with a model 160 72" rotary mower. · m¥~IGATI0~ FOR 4-WA~ STOP AT S~CA~O~E &v~E~UE~H~D C)U~wAXAF~K)R The intersection of Sycamore Avenue and Carfax Avenue does not meet the standard warrants for 4-way stop installations and it is reco~nended that stop controls on Sycamore Avenue not be installed. It is further recommended that the intersection be studied for school crossing guard type of. control when school is in session. I~.~UTI0~ ADOPT~ ~%X ~A~ES FOR,'~,¥~C ~TE~AND PA~KB~D ~u~S Resolution to be adopted when information is received from the County Assessor's office. IX. ~ - To 7:30 P.M. City Council meeting. I. (~lZ.T. ~0 C01~NCIL L~EETING 7:30 Council Agenda Page 3 8-~7-81 CITY OF 'E~STI'~ P~'~C~P~-'~ ~ '~ ~ OF O~E ~ ~ ~S~ ~ ~I~ D~~ ~ (H~A) Reco~ended to ~ke ~blic ~put on projects desired ~der H~A and authorize City participation and s~mittal of an initial request for three year funding. 81-5 (14351 Red Hill Avenue) An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, REZONING PROPERTY ON ZONE CHANGE APPLICATION 81-5 AT 14351 RED HILL AVENUE Have first reading by title only and introduction of Ordinance No. 858. 81-94 A Joint Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency and City Council of the City of Tustin, RECOMMENDING AMENDING THE FINANCIAL PLAN FOR THE TOWN CENTER AREA R~)EVELOPMENT PROJECT Adopt Resolution No. 81-94 NO. 855 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, AMENDING THE FINANCIAL LIMITATIONS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE TOWN CENTER AREA REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Have first reading by title only and introduction of Ordinance No. 855. ADJOU~NT - To next regular meeting on September 8, 1981. Council Agenda Page 4 8-17-81