HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 BENETA LDSCPING 08-17-81 /~,%.~1 mm ii ~ /s'/~/.z 8-i7-'81 DATE: 2 LIG'UST 7, Inter'-Com CHARLES TBAYER, IS~fERIM CIT~ MAN~3ER FROM: BOB LED~qDECKER, DIRECIgR OF PUBLIC ~IDRKS/CITY ENGINRRR SUBJECT: BENETA ~AY LANDSCAPING ~TICN: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of August 17, 1981, delay any action on this item until suc~ time the masterplan of Columbus Tustin Park has been o~,,pleted and approved. BACKGRDUND: At the July 20, 1981 City Council meeting, it was requested that staff prepare a preliminary estimate of cost for la~x]scaping and irrigating a 20 foot wide strip of land along Beneta Way adjacent to the roadway. The intent of this landscaping was to eliminate the barren appearance of the undeveloped parksite and to provide the residents of Lucero Way a more aesthetic view when traveling to and frc~ the residences. PROPOSAL: It was proposed to landscape and irrigate a 20 foot wide strip of land adjacent to the roadway of Beneta Way. It was not clear to staff as to what the limits of the project would be, or whether it was intended to improve both sides of Beneta Way and the frontages along Prospect Avemne. The estimate was segregated into two parts; the north and south sides of Beneta Way. The frontage ~long Prospect Ave. was included with each respective side of Beneta Way and is shown on the attached sketch. In addition to the landscape and irrigation system estimate, the cost of sidewalk and future street light conduit was included for your information. It was staff's feeling that, if the project was to proceed, a sidewalk should be installed on the northerly side of Beneta Way and the Prospect Avenue frontages co~currently with the landscape and irrigation work so as not to have to remove said work for future sidewalk construction. The following estimates are prelimiD~ry in nature and are not based upon a detailed plan: Northerly side of Beneta Way inclusive of the Prospect Ave. frontage Landscaping (grass only with soil preparation) . . . 25,400 S.F. x $1.20= $30,480 Irrigation System ................. 25,400 S.F. x $1.30= 33,020 BENETA ~AY LANDSCAPING AUGUST 7, 1981 PAGE 2 4" thick P.C.C. Sidewalk 13,780 S.F. x $1.50=- $20,470 2" PVC Conduit for future street lighting = 2,700 Southerly side of Beneta Way inclusive of the Prospect Ave. frontage Landscaping (grass only with soil preparation) . . . 9,800 S.F. x $1.20= $11,760 Irrigation System .................. 9,800 S.F. x $1.30 12,740 $24,500 4" thick P.C.C. Sidewalk 720 S.F. @ $1.50= $1,080 2" PVC conduit for future street lighting= 370 ~ $1,450 ANALYSIS: Staff feels that this project is premature at this time for the following reasons: The Columbus Tustin Parksite is soon to be masterplanned for its ult/mate use. The proposed interim irrigation system may or may not be utilized within the ulimate system. Therefore, any project should be delayed until sudl time the ultimate plans for Columbus Tustin Park are c~.~leted. The vacant area adjacent to the proposed landscaping will becc~e a high Fmintenance area with weeds due to the water and nutrient benefits received from the proposed landscape area· The proposed annual maintenance cost for these interim areas are: Northerly side - $7,620 Southerly side - $2,940 The strip landscaping of areas will accentuate the adjacent non-developed areas within the parksite and most likely will attract additional criticism from the residents of the neighborhood. Funding for this proposed project could be derived frem either General Fund or Redevelopment Fund monies; however, this project was not included within the 1981-82 Capital Budget and will require action as a non-budgeted item if the Council desires to proceed with the project. DL~Z~OR OF PUBLIC ~KS/ CITY ENGINEER db 05 -- PROSPECT 02 T AVENUE ~. -~ WAY ,®