HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 5 PKG PROHIBITION 08-17-81FROM: SUBJECT: CF~ARLES T~LAYER, INT~R~4 CIT~ MAN~3~ BOB T.~n~)ECKER, DIRECTOR OF Pt~3LIC ~D~KS/CIT~ E~GIN~R REQUEST FOR PAI~ING PRf~IBITI(lq C~ VAND~%~3EBG LANE That the Tustin City Com~cil, at their meeting of August 17, 1981, authorize the prohibition of on-street parking along the southerly side of Vandenberg Lane between Yorba St. and Prospect Ave. during the hours of street sweeping (6:00 AM to Noon) on Tuesdays. Staff has received a request (copy attached) from the Park Tustin Condominium Owners Association to prohibit parking along the south side of Vandenbe~g Lane frum Yorba Strc~ct to 1100~ feet easterly during the hours of street s~eeping. Staff feels that -~his area of pa~king prohibition should be expanded easterly to Prospect Avenue along me s~utherly side of Vandenberg Lane. This parking prohibition could p~ssibly affect other residents and/or businesses adjacent to Vandenberg Lane. Therefore, staff has contacted the following list of individuals or b~sinesses by letter (copy attached) and requested their comments either pro or con on the proposed pa~king prohibition: 1. Manager, safeway Grocery Store, 17662 Seventeenth Street 2. Manager, M~mmrt Delux Cleaners, 14031 Prospect Avenue 3. Manager, Barber Stylist, 14051 Prospect Avenue 4. Manager, E1 Dorado Bank, 14061 Prospect Avenue 5. Mr. Hub C~,,,~ings, President Quail Meadows Hcmeowners Association, 17554 Vandenberg Lane 6. Manager, Bettee's Bcutique, 14041 Prospect Avenue 7. Manager, Skaggs Drugs, 17642 Seventeenth Street As of this date, only one response has been received from the Quail Meadows Hcmeowners Association in which they stated that they would be in favor of the proposed parking prohibition. PB~3SAL: It is proposed to prohibit ~n-street parking along the southerly side of Vandenberg Lane during the hours (6:00 AM to Noon) of street s~cping on %~aesdays. The suggested signing for this area would read as follows: NO PARKING 6:00 AM TO NOON TUE~X STR~w~ SWEEPING R~QUEST FOR PAI~ING PROHIBITT(I~ CN VANDE~B~ LANE AUGUST 6, 1981 PAGE 2 It is also proposed that warnings be issued in lieu of citations for the first 30 days after the sign installation. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ~DRKS/ CITY ENGIN~.~ Attad%ments A Prtvo~e Adult ~omrnunity CONDOMINIUM OWNERS' ASSOCIATION. INC. BU$.INESS OFFICE: Teleot~one (714) 833-3260 2172 OuOont Drive. ~uite 17 · Ir vine. California 92715 RECEIVED JUL 2 t. 981 July 15 , 1981 TUstin City Council City Hall--C ent ennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 Dear Council Members, The south side ~f- Vandenberg Lane between Yorba Street an~-Enderle Drive is continuously bumper to bumner with parked cars during the week days which pre~ents the street sweeping equipment of the city from properly cleaning the litter accumulating at the curb side. This litter consists of discarded trash from passing motorists (litterb-gs), dog droppings (oderdiferous and fly breeding) and other obnoxious items. We ask the City 9ouncil to instruct the Traffic Department and/or Street Maintenance Department to post a NO PAREING condition for one day each week which would enable the sweeper to properly clean the area. The day and time to be at their discretion. , We are doing our best to make Park Tustin adjoin- ing this area 'a beautiful and wholesome part of the city and trust that the council will take action on our re- Guest soon. Thsm~k you, Park Tustin Board of Directors Tract Number 7750, Lots 1 and 2, Condominium Units I through 132 in the Cih~ of Tustin, County of Orange, Califomia 92680 July 30, 1981 Dear The City has received a request frcm the Park Tustin Condominium Owners Association to prohibit parking during street sweeping hours along the southerly Side of Vandenberg Lane adjacent to their development. The City staff feels that this parking prohibition should be extended along the entire southerly curb of Vandenberg Lane, between Yorba Street and Prospect Avenue. This parking prohibition would be on Tue.~d_ays, between the hours of 6:00 AM and Noon. This letter is a request for your c~,m=nts, pro or con, on the proposed parking prohibition. This rotter will be on the City Council agenda of August 17, 1981 at 7:30 PM. Your comments or concerns can be telephoned (544-8890) or mailed to me prior to August 17, 1981. Your attendance is also welcomed at the August 17th Co~cil meeting, so that you may comment at that tim~. This six hour parking prohibition on one day per week will allow a more efficient and thorough strcct sweeping operation. If there are any additional questions you may have, please call ma at any time. · Very truly yours, BOB Lk~f~)ECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ~Di~KS/ CITY ENGIN~ db