HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 7 CLAIM #81-21 08-03-81DATE: 8- 3-81 7/~/81 ~~~ Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ................-.~ '" ~*mv COUNCIL JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY CLAIMANT: BRIDENBECKER, FRANCES; D/L: 6-17-81; FILED W/CITY: 7-10-81; CLAIM NO: 81-21; CARL WARREN FILE NO: 2q~ql AB After investigation and review it is recommended that the above-referenced claim be denied and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the denial to the claimant and to the claimant's attorney. [ 1 1 JGR: se Enclosure 1. Copy of Claim '" CLAIM AGAINST THE ( Y OF TUSTIN (For Damages to Persons. or r-ersonal Property) ;:l];: ';' ..: '"' "!iT :;!;. ~":: R-ecei red By ,~'~ .¢ / l ' Mail I~%~r-office Mail Over the Counter Clerk's Time Stamp The law provides generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the City of Tustin within 100 days after which the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the- City of Tustln, not another public entity. Where space is insu~%elc~ent:, please use additional pal3e~' afld identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City Clerk, The City of Tustin~ 300 Centennial Way~ Tustin, California 92680. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL, City of Tustin, California The undersigned respectful]y submits the folio.wing claim and information relative to damage to persons and/or personal property: 1. NAME OF CLAIMANT: -7~J~_~ a. ADDRESS OF CLAIMANT: b. PHONE NO: ( ¢ ~- ~ ~¢~ c. DATE OF BIRTH: d. SOCIAL SECURITY e. DRIVE~% LICENSE NO: Name, telephone and post office address to which claimant desires notices to be sent, if other than above: Occurrence or event from which the claim arises: a. DATE: (/Z)~'/L) - ~-7~/~'/~/¢~> TIME: ~',%~ c. PLACE (exact and specific location) ~ ~ ~,~ ~ / ~ ~ d. How and under what circumstances did damage or injury occur? Specify ~he particular occurrence~ event, act or omission you claim caused the injury or damage (use additional paper if nece~y). e® What particular action by the City, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or injury? · Give a description of the injury, property damage or loss, so far as is known at the time of this claim. If there were no injuries, state "no injuries"~ ~' Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: Name and address of any other person injured: Name and address of the owner of any damaged property: '~'~c Damages claimed: a. Amount claimed as of ~his date: ~, ~;-~ ~,~- b. Estimated amount of future costs: c. Total amount claimed: ~.~'Z~ ~- d. Basis for computation of amounts claimed ~include copies of ail bills, invoices, estlmates~ Names and addresses of all witness, hospitals, doctors, etc. b. 10. WARNING: Any additional informa~tion that might be helpful in considering this claim: IT I~ A CRIMINAL Off~ENSE T~ ~ILK A ~A~SK CLAIMI (~nal C~d~ ~etion 72; I~urance Code Section 556.0) ! have read the matters and statements made in ~he above claim and I know the same to be true of my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated to be upon information or belief as to .such matters ] believe the same to be true. [ certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is TRUE ant CORRECT. Executed this .~.7~ day of ffice-of the City Clerk, Tustin~ California CLAIM NO. ~'~/'- ~ / .3GR:se:O:2/5/80 T/Claim Form D:ll DATE FZLED: ' //-.), /~ f , / / U,'