HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 CABLE INCREASE 07-20-81] J J I I DATE: FROH: SUBJECT: JULY 14, 1981 OLD BUSINESS 7-20-81 NO. 1 Inter-Corn MAYOR, CITY C(N3NCIL C. R. ~%YER, ACTING CITY MANAGER RECCMM~I~TICN: Council authorize rate schedule outlined in item 2 of R~solution 81-48 for Cozl,,~nity Cablevision Company. On April 8, 1981, the City A~ministrator, Dan Blankenship, conducte~ a hearing into rate increases for Co~unity Cablevision Company. At that time it was determined that sudu rates for installation, subscriber, and additional outlets be assigned in item 1 of the attached R~solution. A~ditionally in item 2, Council stated that it would consider rate increases in 90 days for subscriber's electing to maintain a 12 channel service. C~,,,,~nity Cable Televisio~ in the attached letter has requeste~ that Council enact those rates as outlined in Resolution 81-48. They have also ~n in contact with the Laurelwood Homeowners~ Association PresiOent, Margaret Thompson, and they are aware ar~ agree to the rate increase. This statement has been verified by my Office. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact on the City of Tustin. Acting City~ager CRT:sa Communi£F Cabl~vi~ion Compm-~y 1061 Camelback Street New'port Beach, Ca~,fomia 9~663 Tom La~ourcade Pres~den~ 981 )tr, Charles R. Thayer Chtef of Poltce City Hall 300 Centennial gay Tustin, California 92680 Dear Mr. Thayer: On April 20, 1981, the Tustin City Council adopted P, esolutton Number 81-48 which allowed Community Cablevtston Company the flexibility to charge cer- tain new rates for its new 27 channel services which began April 30, lgS1. Part 2 of the Resolution states.the City- Council shall consider, in ninety {gO) days, a rate increase for those subscribers electing to maintain 12 channel service as fol?ows.' A. Installation Charge B. ' Subscriber Fee (t) Association Rate (ii) Singl? Rate C. Additional Outltts $10.00 6.70 8.00 Z.O0 per month {each) The purpose for .postponement of the approval of this section was to allow necessary time for the Laurelwood Homeowners' Association to work out an acceptable legal method to increase rates to the residents since there was some question concerning the percentage increase and the limiting statement contained in their ¢.C. & Rs. I have discussed this with Margarete Thompson., the President of the Laurel- wood Homeowners' Association'and amadvtsed that the problem has been worked out.and we can proceed to include this item on the. agenda. Please.place this on your Council agenda for the meeting of July 20, 1981. If additional information is needed, please letme know. '' Very truly you~l:s, cc: Bryan Austin Margarete ThomPson 1 4 7 8 10 17 19 ~0 24 27 $2 RESOLUTION NO. 81-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THF. CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PERTAINII~G TO A SUBSCRIBER .RATE INCP~EASE BY CO~t~U~:ITY CABLEVIS ION COMPANY. WHEREAS, Community Cablevision Com.~any applied to the City Administrator for rate increases pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 7421b; WHEREAS, the City Administrator conducted a pre- liminary hearing into the matter on April 8, 1981; WHEREAS, the City Administrator prepared a report of t. he hearing containing his findings and his reco~unendations concerning the application of Community Cablevision Company; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, determines that good cause exists to adopt the opinion and recommendation of the City Administrator. NOW, THEREFOP~, the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, resolves to adopt the recommendations of the City Administrator pertaining to the application of Com- munity Cablevision Company, as follows: 1. The City Council approves the construction of a CATV System providing 26-channel service and that the follow- ing rates be effective for said service commencing on April 20, 1981: a. Instal.lation Charge $34.95 (plus an annual equip- ment fee of $25.00 for each home terminal in- stalled) b. Subscriber Rate 10.95/mo. c. Additional Outlets 5.00/mo. (each) 2. The City Council shall consider in ninety (90) days a rate increase for those subscribers electing to maintain 12-channel service as follows: 4 5 ? 10 14 15 17 24 ~0 a. Installation Charge $10.00 b. Subscriber Fee (i) Association Rate 6.70/mo. (ii) Single Rate 8.00/mo. c. Additional Outlets 2.00/mo. (each) PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, this ~0~h day of A~ril , 1981. ATTEST: James B. Sharp, RLL:iw:D:4/13/81 -2-