HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 08 15 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, ON MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 15, 1949, AT 8:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN HUMESTON, BACON, GRAY AND MILLER. ABSENT WERE: COUNCILMAN CHARLETON. CITY ATTO~NET C. ARTHUR NYSSON JR. WAS PRESENT. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order immediately after adjurnment ef the meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission at 8.30 P. M. Minutes of' the preceeding meeting were read and ap- proved after a. change was made in Paragraph 7 which now reads as follows:- "The Council instructed City Attorney Nissonand-City Audt.tor Hanson to get together, usif~g figures prepared:by the City-C~nncil, and allo- cate funds of the tentative budget..£o~.ffae fiscal year 1949-1950." Mayor Humeston presented to the Council a 'Notifica- tion of Alcoholic Beverages License Application" re- lating to transfer of the On Sale Beer and Wine License from· Ivan L. Brooks and Erwin H. Curry to John L. Hill and Lewis C. Ward, of the Ranch House, located at 155 D Street,Tustin. Councilman Miller stated that no action was required and no action was taken in the matter. SUPERVISORS An extract from the minutes of the August 9 meeting AGREE TO of the Orange County. Board of Supervisors was read by LEASE QUARTERS Mayor Humeston in which the Board of Supervisors on IN NEW CITY motion of Supervisor Featherly, duly seconded and un- HALL FOR animously carried, agreed to execute a lease with the JUSTICE COURT City of Tustin for Justice Court and Library quarters AND LIBRARY. in the proposed new Tustin City Hall on a rental basis of $55.00 per month for Justice Court quarters and $35.00 per month for Library quarters on condit ions agreeable with the Board of Supervisors. The matter was then discussed at length by the Council. A request from several property owners of North A Street for a street light was presented by Mayor Humes- ton who suggested that City Clerk Morris be instructed to write a letter to the Southern California Edison Co. to investigate the matter of installing a llght at that location. PERMIT GRANTED A letter from Gunn Outdoor Advertising, of Bloomington, FOR W. W. WOODS Calif., requesting permission to erect an advertising ADVERTISING sign board for Mr. W. W. Woods, of Santa Ana, on Mr. SIGN Hillyard' s property near the corner of D and First Sts., was submitted to the Council by Mayor Humeston and on motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Council- man Miller and duly carried it was ordered that a busi- ness licence be issued to the applicant for that pur- pose at the regular rate of $25.00 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1950. City Attorney Nisson stated that the City Clerk must cause to be published the City,s Financial Statement for the fiscal year ending June 30, I949, at least two times in The Tustin News within 120 days following the end of the past fiscal year. REVISED PLANS Architect Roland L. Russell presented revised prelim- PRESENTED FOR inary plans for the proposed new City Hall and these NEW CITY HALL plans were viewed by the Council and discussed at length. Councilman Miller moved that upon compleation of working drawings that City Attorney Nisson be author- ized to advertise for bids and to set a date for the opening of same. The motion was seconded by Councilman Gray and unan- imously carried. It was then suggested by Councilman, Miller that a Special Meeting of the City Council be held to open bids when the date is set by City Attorney Nisson. INITIAL Councilman Gray moved to authorize payment to Architect PAYMENT Roland L. Russell an initial fee of $192.00 upon receipt TO by the City of a bill Ifrom Architect Russell. Motion seconded ARCHITECT by Councilman Bacon and duly carried. Upon motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried, City Auditor Hanson was authorized to set up the city books and record keeping for the fiscal year 1949-1950 on the basis of the new budget. Auditor Hanson to be compensated in the amount of $50.00. Resolution No. 227 was introduced and read by title only upon motion of Councilman Miller seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carrried. RESOLUTION On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Gray NO. 227 and carried, Resolution No. 227 was adopted. ADOPTED Resolution No. 228 was also adopted on motion of Councilman RESOLUTION Gray, seconded by Councilman Miller and duly carried. N0. 228 ADOPTED The following bills were presented by the,.City Clerk and or- dered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Council- man Bacon and duly carried, BILLS Petty Cash Account $47.57 Pacific Heating Co 2.00 Orange County Peace Officers Assoc. 6.39 , Radio & Television Equipment Co. 8.51 John J. Swigart Co. 8.89 Carson & Golding 36.67 A1 Sporting Goods 5.65 Tustin Hardware Co 20.03 A. N. Crain, M. D. 5.00 - Utilities, City Hall, & Fire Station 5.00 Parent-Teachers Association for Summer Swimming School 50.00 A1 Garthe 75.59 TOTAL $271.30 Councilman Miller moved to adjurn. Councilman Bacon seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjurned. Chas E. Morris City Clerk Vincent L. Humeston Mayor