HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 08 01 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, ON MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 1, 1949, AT 8:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN HUMESTON, CHARLETON, MILLER AND GRAY. ABSENT WERE:. COUNCILMAN BACON. CITY ATTORNEY C. ARTHUR NISSON JR. WAS PRESENT. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7:30 P. M. Minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved after Paragraph 7 was corrected to read as follows: "Councilman Charleton requested that City Attorney Nisson write a letter to Mr. P. M. Harris, instead of Assembly- man Earl Stanley, regarding the possibility of securing Traffic Signals at First Street and Tustin Avenue." A change was also made in Paragraph 15, in which the state- ment in regard to the feasibility of Tustin forming a new Metropolitan District" was corrected to read "in re- gard to the feasibility of Tustin joining with a new Metropolitan Water District." PRELIMINARY Councilman Miller introduced Architect Roland L. Russell, PLANS FOR who presented preliminary plans for the proposed new PROPOSED NEW City Hall. Mr. Russell stated that estimated construction CITY HALL costs would be from $6.00 to $7.00 per square foot, an estimated total cost of approximately $12,000. After considerable discussion by the Council several changes were suggested in the floor plan layout and corrected plans are to be submitted at a later date. PLANS ARE Councilman Miller recommended that the plans be tenta- TENTATIVELY tivety accepted subject to possible changes as may be ACCEPTED suggested by the Public Library, Fire Department and Justice of the Peace office, and he stated that he will work with Architect Russell to the end that final plans can be presented to the Council at the earliest possible date for acceptance and the placing of advertising for bids on construction. Councilman Gray moved to accept this recommendation and seconded by Councilman Charle- ton the motion was carried. MAYOR Councilman Gray then moved that Mayor Humeston be au- AUTHORIZED thorized to sign a contract for the City to employ TO SIGN Architect RusselI to design the proposed one story CONTRACT WITH addition to the Fire HalI at 145 West Third Street. ARCHITECT Seconded by Councilman Miller the motion was duly carried. REPORT City Auditor H. Louis Hanson was present and submitted SUBMITTED a final financial report for the fiscal year ending BY AUDITOR June 30, 1949, and discussed with the Council the pro- posed tentative Buget for the fiscal year 1949-1950. The Council imstructed City Attorney Nisson and City Auditor Hanson to get together, using figures pre- pared by the Council and allocate funds of the ten- tative budget for the fiscal year 1949-1950. RESOLUTION Resolution No. 226 was submitted by City Attorney NO. 226 Nisson which authorizes "The transfer to the General ADOPTED Fund for the purpose of reimbursing the General Fund for disbursements made for expenses chargeable to Special State Funds during the fiscal year ending June 30,1949. Councilman Gray moved to adopt Reso- lution. No. 226 and seconded by Councilman Miller the motion was duly carried. The matter of the proposed new Plumbing and Electrical codes was again postponed until the meeting of August 15 next. Councilman Gray stated that he would request Building Inspector Broomell to be present at that time to sub- mit any recommendations that he may have in mind. Council requested Mayor Humeston to contact Mr. John Saylor, City Manager of Newport Beach, in regard to any information that he may obtain from Mr. Saylor as to possible methods that may be used by the city in its attempt to secure in- stallation of Traffic Signals at Main and D Streets. A letter from the Tustin Elementary School District was read by Councilman Charleton regarding a request for abandonment of Third Street between B and C Streets. Councilman Gray suggested that the Council go on record as being in favor of abandonment as requested. The matter to be brought up at the next Councilmeeting on August 15. Councilman Gray then moved that City Attorney Nisson be in- structed to prepare a resolution of Intention to abandon Third Street between B and C Streets. Seconded by Council- man Charleton the motion was carried. A chart showing the locations of all City Fire Hydrants Was submitted by Street Superintendent McMullen. After dis- cussion Councilman Gray suggested that the matter of install- ation of additional Fire Hydrants be taken up with the Fire Department. NEW POLICE Police Chief McMullen informed the Council that the present CAR Ford Police Car could be turned in on a new Ford at the AUTHORIZED George Dunton Agency in Santa Ana at a cost to the City of $330.90 including change over of all equipment on the present car. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Gray and duly carried, Police Chief McMullen was authorized to make the deal. Mayor Humeston presented a letter from Building Inspector Broomell regarding the erection of Apartment Units at 205 South Tustin Avenue in an R1 zone. Councilman Miller moved that City Attorney Nisson be instructed to write the owner of the property, Mr. Leon Aerts, in regard to the situation, as requested by Building Inspector Broomell. Councilman Gray seconded the motion which was duly carried. BILLS The following bills were presented, approved and ordered paid on motion of councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman Charleton and duly carried. Herbert L. Miller, Inc. $ 35.19 Tustin Fire Department 18.00 B. & M. Siren Mfg, CO. 6.16 Lee's P. D. Q. Service 102.46 Tustin Water Works 120.00 Utilities 30.55 Tustin Blacksmith Shop 10.24 Genrge A. Broomell 12.00 Diehl & Company 50.00 TOTAL $ 415.00 Councilman Charleton moved to adjurn. Councilman Miller seconded the motion which was carried. Meeting adjurned. Chas E. Morris City Clerk Vincent L. Humeston Mayor