HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 07 18
JULY 18, I949, AT 7:30 P. M.
Mayor Humeaton called the meeting to order at 7.30 P. M.
Minutes of the proceeding meeting were read and approved
after correction was made in Paragraph 5 relative to the
location of the proposed new Grade School whereupon it was
stated that the location of same would be on Dodge Street
near Hughes Avenue which was corrected to read "located
on Dodge Street and Hughes Avenue."
CITY'S The matter of insurance Coverage for the City for the
INSURANCE coming year was: taken up by the Council whereupon Messrs.
COVERAGE Lee Smith, of Smith Bros., representing Fireman's Fund
PLACED of San Francisco; Dave Carmichael, of Orange County In-
surance Agency and Spencer Browning, of the Travelers
Insurance Co., who were present, stated the qualifica-
tions of their respective companies and outlined plans
of coverage and rates. After discussion by the Council,
Councilman Charleton moved to place the P. D. and Auto-
mobile Insurance with the Orange County Insurance Agency,
after approval by City Attorney Nisson. Councilman Gray
seconded the'motion which was duly carried.
Councilman Gray suggested that Mr. Spencer Browning, of
the Travelers Insurance Co., be requested to submit a
plan and rates for the group insurance coverage of
Tustin' s Volunteer Firemen and all other Tustin City
employees. Also that Mr. Browning be requested to sub-
mit rates on coverage of the Volunteer Firemen only,
as a group,
Mayor Humeston caIled attention to the Electric and
Plumbing Codes which had been held over from the meet-
ing of July 5 and Council again ordered action on these
Codes delayed until the meeting of August 1.
REPORT ON Street Superintendent McMullen reported that he had
STREET contacted Mr. Seeley, of the County Street Maintenance
REPAIRS Department, and that Mr. Seeley stated that the County
will grade and surface West Second Street from Pasadena
Street to Tustin Avenue at a cost to the City of $250.00.
Street Superintendent MCMullen also stated that he had
contacted the State Highway Department regarding the
possibility of oiling the East shoulder of Tustin Avenue
from Main Street to First Street and was advised by them
to contact Mr. Earl Stanley regarding the matter.
The Council instructed City Attorney Nisson to write a
letter to Mr. P. M. Harris, of the Southern Division
of the State Highway Department, in regard to the
REGARDING Councilman Charleton requested that City Attorney Nisson
LOCATION OF write a letter to Mr. P. M. Harris regarding the possi-
FIRE bility of securing Traffic Signals at First Street and
HYDRANTS Tustin Avenue.
Mayor Humeston suggested that Councilman Gray contact
Mr. Walter Rawlings, of the Tustin Water Works, in re-
gard to the possibility of installing a Fire Hydrant
at Mt. View and First Streets. Councilman Gray re-
quested Street Superintendent McMullen to prepare a
chart of existing Fire Hydrants in Tustin to be pre-
sented at the August 1 meeting.
REGARDING Councilman Gray reported that at a recent School Board meet-
NEW GRADE ing the matter of the erection of a new Grade School build-
SCHOOL ing was discussed and that a Bond Issue will probably be sub-
mitted in the latter part of September and that a request to
vacate Third Street through the School grounds from B to C
Street can be expected within the next thirty days.
RESOLUTION Councilman Charleton moved to adopt Resolution No. 225 "Ap-
NO. 225 proving Memorandum of Agreement for Accumulation of the Gas
ADOPTED Tax Allocation to Cities." Seconded by Councilman Gray the
motion duly carried. The Council then authorized Mayor
Humeston and City Clerk Morris to sign the same for the City.
City Clerk Morris informed the Council that new Tax Roll
and Assessment Sheets.will be needed for the coming year
and suggested that the Schwabacher Frey Co., of Los Angeles,
be considered for the printing of same. Councilman Charle-
ton requested that the Corcoran Paper Co., of Santa Ana and
several other printing companies be contacted for estimates.
ABSTRACTS Council discussed the forwarding of Abstracts of Court Re-
OF MOTOR cords of Motor Vehicle Violations to the Department of Motor
VEHICLE Vehicles at Sacramento and it was ordered that this be done
VIOLATIONS beginning July 19, 1949.
City Clerk Morris stated that he would be absent on vacation
from July 23 to July 30. Council then authorized Judge Morris
to request Justice of the Peace R. P. Allen to act as City
Judge during his absence.
A request by Deputy City Clerk Penington for three weeks
leave of absence, from September 3 to September 24 inclusive,
was presented by Councilman Gray. On motion of Councilman
Gray, seconded by Councilman Charleton and duly carried,
Penington was granted three weeks leave of absence with pay
for one week of said leave.
Mayor Humeston stated that any Council Member who can possi-
bly do so is urged to attend the proposed meeting in regard
to the feasibillty of Tustin joining with a new Metropolitan
Water District. Council then discussed the matter and ex-
pressed itself in favor of being represented at the meeting
after which recommendations might be made which may protect
the best interests of the community.
BILLS On motion of Counciiman Gray, seconded by Councilman Charle-
ton and duly carried the following bills were presented and
approved for payment.
The Tustin News $ 8.00
Utilities, Fire Station, 2.55
Tustin Automotive Parts 4.12
Tustin Cement Pipe Co. 1.47
John J. Swigart CO 55.63
TOTAL 71.77
Councilman Charleton moved to adjurn. Motion was seconded
by Councilman Gray and duly carried.
Chas E. Morris
City Clerk
Vincent L. Humeston