HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 06 20 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL, OF TUSTIN,ON MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 20, 1949, AT 7:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN HUMESTON, MILLER, CHARLETON, GRAY AND BACON. ABSENT WERE: NONE CITY ATTOENEY C. ARTHUR NISS0N JR; WAS ABSENT. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order immediately after adjurnment of the meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission. Minutes of the proceeding meeting were read and approved with the exception of an addition to Paragraph 4 in re- gard to the appointment of Mr; George A. Broomell as Tustin Building Inspector, in which it is stated that Councilman Gray moved that Mr. Broomell's appointment by Councilman Miller be approved. Councilman Charleton seconded' the motion and with the unanimous approval of the Council the motion was carried. Mr. R. Botkin, of 145 North B Street, Tustin, was present and made a, request for permission to convert his garage building on the rear of his lot into an apartment. He was advised by the Council to present the matter to City Attorney Nisson for clarification. CONTRACT Councilman Miller moved that City Attorney Nisson be WITH MR. instructed to prepare a contract with City Building BR00MELL Inspector George A. Broomell providing payment to Mr. Broomell at the rate of $2.00 for each called inspec- tion. Seconded by Councilman Charleton the motion duly carried. INSPECTION After discussion it'was ordered by the Council that CARDS Inspection Cards be printed similar to those now used ORDERED by the City of Ba~ta Ana, to be posted~'on each Job until JOb is completed. ORDINANCE, An Ordinance No. 76 entitled "ORDINANCE GRANTING TO NO. 76 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ADOPTED ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT AND USE FOR TRANS- MITTING AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY TO THE PUBLIC FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES, POLES, WIRES, CONDUITS, AND AP- PURTENANCES, INCLUDING COMMUNICATION CIRCUITS, NECESSARY OR PROPER THEREFOR IN ALONG, ACROSS, UPON AND UNDER THE PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS AND PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTIN was read the second time by title only, whereupon Councilman Bacon moved that said Ordinance be passed and adopted, which motion was seconded by Councilman Gray and carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilman Humeston, Miller, Gray, Charleton, Bacon. Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None EDISON CO The City Clerk announced that Southern California Edison FILED Company in compliance with Section 6 of Ordinance No. $1,000 76, had filed an original executed Franchise Bond run- BOND ning in favor of the City of Tustin in the amount of $1,000 and in which said bond Southern California Edison Company is named as Prlncipal and Pacfic Indemnity Company as Surety. The City CIerk also announced that the bond had been approved by City Attorney C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. RESOLUTION A resolution entitled "RES0LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL N0. 224 OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A FRANCHISE ADOPTED BOND FILED BY SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION" was introduced and read, numbered 224, whereupon Councilman Charleton moved the adoption of said resolution, which motion was seconded by Council- man Gray and Carried by the folIowing roll call vote: Ayes: Councilmen Humeston, Miller, Gray, Charleton, Bacon. Noes: Councilmen None Absent: Councilmen None ORDINANCE Councilman Miller moved, seconded by Councilman Charle- NO. 76 ton and it was unanimously carried that Ordinance No. ORDERED 76 be published once in the Tustin News. PUBLISHED Councilman Milller prepared and read an outline of pro- cedure for the issuance of Building permits which was unanimously approved by the Council. and, it was ordered that four copies of the same by typed for public in- inspection. Due to the fact that Mr. Lawrence P. Fricker is con- templating the improvement of his lot at Main & C Sts where the Tustin Horse Shoe Club has been established, members of the Council agreed to endeavor to find a new location for their use when and if necessary. The possibility of a Gas Tax Refund from the State on gasoline used by the City's equipment was suggested by Councilman Miller. Councilman Charleton suggested that Councilman Miller take the matter up with City Attorney Nisson. After discussion it was agreed by the Council that City Attorney Nisson be instructed to make an investigation in regard to the possibility of annexing certain par- cels of property immediately adjoining the City· The matter of blacktopping the shoulder of Highway No. 55 from First Street to Main, to eliminate a hazardus dust condition was mentioned by Councilman Charleton and it was suggested by the Council that an investiga- tion of this matter be made by Street Superintendent McMullen. The matter of improvement of West Second Street, from Tustin Avenue to Pasadena Street, was again discussed and Councilman Charleton moved that of the County will, do their part of this work and the cost to the City for its share would not exceed $250. 00 or $275.00 that Street Superintendent McMullen arrange that the County pave this portion of the street. Councilman Gray sec- onded the motion which was carried by roll call vote· Correspondence was presented from the Associated Cham- bers of Commerce of Orange County and the League of Catifornia Cities which were read to the Council by Mayor Humeston and were then ordered fiIed. BILLS The following bills were presented for approval and were ordered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried. Colling Publishing Co $ 4.61 Auto Club of Southern California 10.21 Kidd's Garage 17.43 TOTAL $ 32.25 Councilman Miller moved to adjurn. Councilman Bacon seconded the motion. Motion carried· Meeting adjurned. Chas. E. Morris City Clerk Vincent L. Humeston Mayor