HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 06 06 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN. HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, ON MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 6, 1949, AT 6:30 P.M. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN HUMESTON, BACON, GRAY, CHARLETON AND MILLER. ABSENT WERE: NONE CITY ATTORNEY C. ARTHUR NISSON JR. WAS PRESENT. Mayor Humeston called the meeting.to order at 6.30 P. M. Minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved after a correction was made in Paragraph 8 relating to Mr. George Broomell and his appointment as Tustin Build- ing Inspector. EXTENSION Mayor Humeston announced that Mr. Walter West, of the GRANTED TO Santa Ana Valley Irrigation Co., had requested an ex- USERS OF tension of thirty (30) days regarding the Council's WATER LINE Order to shut off the water from the Mutual Pipe Line crossing Main Street at A Street. Messrs. Ben Wallen- berg and L. Cleversley were present as users of the Iine and suggested a possible repair of the leakage in the line. Councilman CharIeton moved that an ex- tension of time be granted until July 5, I949, in order to ascertain the amount of damage to the line and to provide time for the correction of same with the under- standing that the S. A.V. I. assume all responsibility for any damage that may occur during the period of ex- tension. Seconded by Councilman Gray the motion duly carried. BR00MELL Councilman Miller stated that he had interviewed Mr. APPOINTED George Broomell in regard to acceptlng the position BUILDING asTustin Building Inspector and had appointed him to INSPECTOR that position. Councilman Gray moved that the appoint- ment be approved. Councilman Charleton seconded the motion and with the unanimous approval of the Council the motion was carried. Councilman MiIler moved that City Attorney Nisson be requested to prepare an Ordinance providing for the adoption of a Revised 1929 Building Code. Seconded by Councllman Gray. the motion was carried. City Engineer McBride requested that a Warrant be pre- pared in favor of the Orange County Treasurer in the amount of One hundred thirty-five Dollars ($135.00) as a deposit for Equipment Rental. Material and Personell Employment for patching Main Street, between Prospect and Pacific Streets. The total cost not to exceed Five hundred Dollars ($500.00). Councilman Miller moved that the Warrant be issued and that Mr. McBride be authorized to make the necessary repairs. Councilman Gray seconded the motion which was duly carried. On motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Charleton and duly carried the report of City Engineer McBride on the revised standing of the City's share of the Gasoline Tax Funds for road building and re- pairs was accepted. Police Chief McMullen stated that he had signed an affidavit regarding the insurance relative to the dam- age by accident to the Police Car Iast December. He stated that the details of the matter were taken care of until the date set for the hearing. HEARING ON At 7.30 o,clock P. M. the City Clerk reported that this EDISON CO. was the time and place fixed for the hearing of any ob- FRANCHISE jections to the granting to Southern California Edison Company of a Franchise to construct and use poles, wires, conduits and appurtenances, including communi- cation circuits, in, along, across, upon and under the public streets, ways, alleys and places within the City of Tustin and transmitting and distributing electricity to the pubIic for any and aII purposes, for an indeter- minate period under the terms and provisions of the Franchise Act of 1937. The Clerk stated that notice of the hearing had been given as required by law and that a notice of the hearing had been published on May 6, 1949, in "The Tustin News", a newspaper of general cir- culation within the City of Tustin, and further stated he had received no written communications or objections relative to the granting of said Franchise. The Mayor then asked if any one present desired to be heard in the matter. No one responded whereupon Councilman Miller moved that the hearing on the objections to the granting of said Franchise be closed, which motion was seconded by Councilman Charleton and unanimously carried. ORDINANCE An Ordinance No. 76 entitled "ORDINANCE GRANTING TO NO. 76 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND INTRODUCED ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT AND USE, FOR TRANS- MITTING AND DISTRIBUTING ELECTRICITY TO THE PUBLIC FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES, POLES, WIRES, CONDUITS AND APPUR- TENANCES, INCLUDING COMMUNICATION, CIRCUITS, NECESSARY OR PROPER THEREFOR IN, ALONG, ACROSS, UPON AND UNDER THE PUBLIC STREETS, WAYS, ALLEYS, AND PLACES WITHIN THE CITY OF TUSTTN" was introduced and after reading the title thereof, Councilman Miller moved that fur- ther reading of the Ordinance be dispensed with, which motion was seconded by Councilman Gray and carried by the following roll call vote: Ayes: Councilman Gray,Miller, Bacon, Charle- ton and Humeston. Noes: None Absent: None BILLS The following bills were presented and approved for pay- ment on motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Council- man Charleton and duly carried. Harold Rasmussen $16. 00 Orange County League of Cities 2.67 Tustin Chamber of Commerce 167.81 The Tustin News 50.40 William K. Friend M.D. 5.00 A. N. Donaldson, M.D. 5.00 Tustin Service 110.38 Tustin Hardware Co. 2.82 Carson & Golding 33.80 The Tustin News 6.51 Tustin Fire Department 46.00 Utilities 44.13 Orange County Treasurer 135.00 TOTAL $525.52 Councilman Gray moved to adjurn the meeting, was seconded by Councilman Miller which motion was duly carried. Meeting adjurned. Chas.E.Morris City Clerk Vincent L. Humeston Mayor