MAY 2, 1949, AT 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order immediately
after the meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission
was adJurned~.
Minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and ap-
CHILDREN'S Mrs. George Crookshank, representing the Parent-
SUMMER Teachers Association, appeared before the Council in
RECREATION regard to a Children's Summer Recreation Program of
PROGRAM six weeks planned for this summer. Mrs. Crookshank
stated that the Swimming Pool would be in use for
five days per week instead of three as in previous
years and that the Red Cross has agreed to help or-
ganize a program. She stated that last year two hun-
dred children registered and that ninety-nine of
them received certificates. Mrs. Crookshank stated
that last year the expense of the program was $400.00
and that the City of Tustin had donated $50.00.
Councilman Miller moved to grant the project $50.00
for this years program and was seconded by Council-
man Gray. The motion was duly carried.
APPLICATION The application of the Southern California Edison
FOR Company for an Electric Franchise was received and
EDISON CO. after discussion by the Council land explanation by
FRANCHISE Manager Rodney Bacon and D. M. Terhume, of the
Southern California Edison Company, the Council
adopted Resolution No. 222 entitled "Resolution of
Intention to Grant Electric Franchise" by the fol-
lowing vote: Ayes, William H. Gray, William I.
Miller, Frank E. Bacoh, Jr., Arthur M. Charleton
and Vincent L. Humeston. Noes: None.
RESOLUTION Councilman Miller moved to adopt the foregoing
NO. 222 Resolution No. 222. Councilman Charleton seconded
ADOPTED the motion which was carried. ~ ·
BUSINESS Messrs. George Cobb and Stevens were present and
LICENSE presented the form of a petition protesting any
REFUSED possibility of granting Business License, to op-
FOR erate a Motor Cycle,Repair Shop at the Mt. View
MOTORCYCLE Filling Station after fuIly considering the matter
REPAIR SHOP the Council instructed Police Chief McMullen not
to issue the license. The Council also instructed
Chief McMullen to fully investigate the Service Sta-
tions Painting mid Automobile Repair Shop at the
Corner of Mt. View and First Streets. Chief McMullen
was instructed by the Council to paint the curb red
on the North side of First Street at Mt. View Street
for a distance of approximately twenty-six feet and
to declare it a "No Parking" zone.
Mayer Humeston called for the correspondence and read
a letter from the Pactfic Coast Building Officials
Conference in regard to adopting the 1949 Building
Code. The matter was referred to Councilman Miller
who agreed to submit recommendations at thenext
Council Meeting.
City Clerk Morris was instructed to write to the
District Engineer's Office in Los Angeles, attention
Mr. E. S. Gripper, "that the Tustin City Council re-
quests permission to accumulate gasoline tax revenues
for the fiscal year 1949-1950 with the privilege of sub-
mitting a Project Statement for programming the expen-
diture of funds at a later date.
RASMUSSEN City Clerk Morris reported that he had been informed
RESIGNS AS by Harold Rasmussen, Santa Ana Building Inspector, who
BUILDING has been acting as Building Inspector for the City of
INSPECTOR Tustin for the past several years that due to the in-
creased volume of Santa Ana Business he desired to be
relieved as Inspector for Tustln but that he would
serve until convenient arrangements can be made for
the inspections.
Councitman Charleton suggested that Guy Bolyard be
approached in regard to acting as Tustin Building in-
spector. Councilman Gray moved that Councilman Miller
lnterview Mr. Bolyard in regard to accepting the posi-
tion as Chief Building inspector and if he is willing
to hire him for that position, Councilman Charleton
seconded the motion which was carried.
COUNCIL City Attorney Nisson read a Bulletin from the League
FAVORS of California Cities with regard to the centralizing
CONSOLIDATION and consolidation of City Municipaland Justice Courts
OF COURTS within the Tustin Township. Councilman Charleton moved
that Attorney Nisson be instructed to write a letter
to the proper authorities stating that the Tustin City
Council favored the enactment of the consolidation of
the Courts. Councilman Miller seconded the motion
which was duly carried.
Police Chief McMullen read a letter from the Orange
County Peace Officers Association and distributed
tickets to Council Members for the police Show and
Barbecue to be held on May7.
ORDINANCE City Attorney Nsson gave first reading to proposed
NO. 75 Ordinance No. 75 regarding the regulation of the plant-
ADOPTED ing and care of trees within the City. Councilman
Miller moved to adopt the proposed Ordinance No. 75.
Councilman Bacon seconded the motion which was carried.
Councilman Charleton reported that Engineer McBride has
decided not to be out of town in the near future and
that he has stated that he will supervise the engineer-
ing projects to be copleted in the city in the near
S.A.V.I. On motion of counciIman Charleton, City Attorney Nisson
NOTIFIED was instructed to notify the Santa Ana Valley Irriga-
REGARDING tion Co. by letter that unless the pipe line crossing
LEAK Main Street at the South intersection of A and Main
Streets be repaired so as to avoid leakage within two
weeks the water must be cut off. Seconded by Councilman
Miller the motion was carried.
The matter of possible annexations to the City from
surrounding districts was discussed at length by the
Council and individuaI Councilmen agree to interview
property owners who may possibly be interested in coming
into the City.
COUNCILMAN Councilman Miller moved that Councilman Charleton be
CHARLETON appointed Alternate to the Mayor representing the City
APPOINTED of Tustin in the County Wide Sanitation District.
ALTERNATE Councilman Gray seconded the motion which was carried
TO MAYOR and it was ordered that entry be made in these minutes
and that the proper letter be forwarded to the Sanita-
tion District at once.
SICK LEAVE Mayor Humeston requested clarification of the matter
FOR of sick leave for City Employees which resulted in an
EMPLOYEES understanding that employees be allowed two weeks sick
leave each year as a general policy.
Police Chief McMullen submitted a potposed schedule
of working hours for the Tustin Police Officers.
Councilman CharIeton suggested that Chief McMullen
arrange a satisfactory Police Work Schedule with Police
Commissioner Bacon.
The proposed City Budget for the fiscal year 1949-50
was discussed but no definite actions was taken.
BILLS The following bills were presented and on motion of
Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Charleton
and duly carried, were ordered to be paid·
J. L. McBride, Engineer $ 35.00
Harold Rasmussen, Building Inspector 30.00
Herbert L. Miller, Inc. 74.16
Orange County League of Cities 2.67
Signal Oil Co. (Diesel Fuel) 9.60
" " " " " 10.56
" " " " " 11.61
" " " (Stove OiI) 6 05
George's Service 85. 20
Diehl & Company 50.00
The Tustin News 10.44
TOTAL $ 325.29
Councilman Miller moved-.to-adJurn. Councilman Charle-
ton seconded the motion. Motion du!y carried.
City Clerk
Vincent Humeston