HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 04 18 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, ON MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 18, 1949, AT 7.30 P. M. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN HUMESTON, BACON, MILLER AND GRAY ABSENT WERE: COUNCILMAN CHARLETON. ATTORNEY C. ARTHUR NISSON, JR., WAS PRESENT. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order at 7.30 P. M. CORRECTION IN Minutes of the proceeding meeting were read and correc- ENGINEER'S tion made in City Engineer McBride's report on the 1948 REPORT and 1949 Project Agreement to read "Difference in Es- timate", instead of error. REGARDING Joe Ojeda and John Prescott, representing the Tustin LOCATION OF Chamber of Commerce, were present and requested ap- CHAMBER OF proval of the Council as to placing the proposed new COMMERCE SIGN Chamber of Commerce Sign on Mr. Pankey's property on 101 Highway about two blocks this side of Brownings. Councilman Gray moved that that Chamber be given ap- proval of this site but was not seconded. Councilman Miller expressed the opinion that the location pro- posed was too far from the City and moved that the entire Council be appointed as a Committee to view the site and give the Chamber of Commerce an answer on Friday, April 22, next. Seconded by Councilman Bacon the motion was carried. ANNOUNCING Councilman Miller introduced Mr. C. W. Brooks, of the INLAND Inland Lumber Co., who plan to operate a Wholesale LUMBER Lumber business on the Southern Pacific Railway prop- COMPANY. erty at Highway 101 and Newport Boulevard. Mr. Brooks stated that he had obtained the approval of the en- tire neighborhood for his project which will employ . 30 to 40 men and he requested the opinion and ap- proval of the Council notwithstanding the fact that the property is located outside the City limits. DIEHL & CO. Mr. Harold Frank, representing Diehl & Co., Auditors, SERVICES was present and stated that the appointment of Mr. END H. Louis Hanson as Tustin City Auditor was entirely JUNE 30, 1949. satisfactory to Diehl & Co. but requested that Diehl & Co. be permitted to complete the audit for the fis- cal year ending June 30, 1949. Councilman Gray moved seconded by Councilman Miller, that Diehl & Co. be permitted to complete the audit for the fiscal year as requested with the stipulation that Mr. Hanson do the actual work. A letter pertaining to this subject from Diehl & Co. was then withdrawn. The motion was duly carried. AUDITOR Auditor Hanson submitted a Quarterly Report on the HANSON City's financial condition up to March 31, 1949, and REPORTS he stated that the Inspection Reports were incomplete. ALs~ that ~the Bank Recoaciliations are incomplete and Also, that the Bank Reconciliations are incomplete and he recommended that an overage of 1948 be applied to the presant shortage. Councilman Gray moved to ap- prove that he overage of June 30, 1948 be applied to balance theaccount as of March 31,1949, and that the slight excess be allocated to Miscellaneous Income and generalFunds. Councilman Miller seconded the motion which was carried. CHIEF Chief of Police McMullen stated that he would enter McMULLEN a hospital for a checkup on his physical condition TO ENTER on Tuesday, A. M., April 19, and would probably be HOSPITAL in the hospital for three weeks. Police Commissioner Bacon produced six applications for a position in the Tustin Police Department, three of them from experienced men. Police Chief McMullen I66 recommended Edward R. 'Baler for the position. Council- man Miller moved to hire athirdlman for a probation period of six months at $20O.0Ojper month. Seconded by Councilman Bacon the motion was duly carried. BAIER HIRED On motion of Councilman Bacon, seconded by Councilman AS POLICE Miller and duly carried, Edward R. Baier was hired as OFFICER third Police Officer to begin work on April 22, 1949. Councilman Gray moved that the bill from Merle Clever, Santa Ana City Dump,, now reduced from $100.00 to $75.00 be paid. Seconded by Councilman Miller the motion was duly carried . EDISON CO. City Attorney Nisson Stated that the Southern Calif- REQUESTS ornia Edison C. desired~a new Franchise for an indef- NEW inite period of time to equalize with other cities, FRANCHISE at an advanced rate for the proposed new Franchise. Councilman Miller moved to accept Attorney Nisson's proposal for a new Edison Co. Franchise and for Attorney Nisson to further negotiate with them. Councilman Gray seconded the motion which was carried. Councilman Bacon suggested that Ray States be appointed Acting Chief of Police during Chie~McMullen, s absence. REGARDING Attorney Nisson reported that Engineer McBride stated RESURFACING that he would be able to Use County labor for resurf- OF MAIN ST acing Main Street and that they would do the work on Saturdays. He stated that the work would be completed within four or five weeks in this manner, and, that they would patch the surface off Main Street, between D Street on the East and Pacific Street on the West, at an estimated Cost of $450,00. Also to resurface and add three feet in width to Main Street, between Pacific Street on the East and Tustin Avenue on the West, at an estimated cost a the City of $900.00. RESOLUTION Resolution No. 221 was adopted on the motion of Council- NO. 221 man Miller, seconded by Councilman Gray and was unanim- ADOPTED ously carried. Councilman Gray requested verbal approval of the Council that the American Legion be permitted to sell fireworks the same as they did last year. The request was granted. PENINGTON"S Councilman Gray moyed that Deputy City Clerk Penington PAY be paid at the rate of $200.00 per month beginning May INCREASE 1, 1949. Councilman. Miller seconded the motion which was duly carried. BUDGET The entire Council then discussed a tentative City Bud- DISCUSSED get for the fiscal year 1949-50. BILLS The following bills were presented and ordered paid on motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Gray and carried. Carson & Golding $34.50 The Tustin News 14.86 Santa Ana City Dump (Merle Clever) 75.00 Miller-Bryant-Pierce 7.18 Sheriff Musick (Prisoners Meals) 16.00 Hockaday & Phillips 3.35 Utilities (City Hall & Fire Station) 34.42 State Compensation Insurance Fund 312.74 Diehl & Company 50.00 TOTAL $548.05 Councilman Miller moved to adjurn. Councilman Gray seconded the motion. Motion carried. Meeting adjurned. Chas.E.Morris City Clerk Vincent Humeston Mayor