HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 04 04 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, ON MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 4, 1949, AT 7.30 O'CLOCK. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN MILLER, HUMESTON, BACON, CHARLETON AND GRAY. ABSENT WERE NONE ATTORNEY C. ARTHUR NISSON JR. WAS PRESENT. Mayor Humeston called the meeting to order immediately after the meeting of the Tustin Planning Commission was adJurned. CORRECTION Minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and cor- REGARDING rection made in the paragraph relating to Procedure PERMITS of Issuing Building Permits to read as follows "That the $12.00 Building Permit Fee requirement does not include Electrical and Plumbing Permits" . BILL OF Mayor Humeston called for the bill of theSanta Ana SANTA AN CITY City Dump in the amount of One hundred ($100.00) DUMP Dollars which was held over from two preceeding meetings, Councilman Charleton moved that Street Supertntendent McMullen be instrncted to attempt to obtain an adjusted bill from the Santa Ana City Dump and to inform them that Tustin no longer in- tends to use their facilities. Councilman Miller seconded the motion which was Carried. REPORT ON Councilman Miller reported on the proposed Traffic TRAFFIC Signals at Main and D Streets and stated that he SIGNALS had talked to a very responsible person, whose name should be withheld at this time, who stated that the City of Tustin should push the matter with the State in a vigorous manner and place the initiatiwe with the State in order to get results. Otherwise he stated that there was nothing definite to report on the Traffilc Signal project. ENGINEER City Engineer McBride read a report from the Division MCBRIDE RE- of Highways, Los Angeles Branch, in regard to adjust- PORTS ON GAS ment of Gas Tax Appropriation, Engineer McBride re- TAX APPRO- ported tha he had been notified by the Division of PRIATION Highways that a difference in their estimate of over appropriation of approximately $300.00 was made on the1948 project agreement and that the corrected amount for the 1949 project agreement would be re- ceived this month and that he would make up the papers to be signed by the City and Division of Highways for the current year. Engineer McBride Stated that he plans to be out of town during most of the summer. PLUMBING Mr. Lyle H. Adams of the Tustin Plumbing Appliance ORDINANCE Co. was.present and requested a clarification of CLARIFIED Plumbing Ordinance 77 of the City of Tustin which was discussed by the Council and resulted in a change being made in paragraph two (2) of these minutes and which changes it to read the same as that of the City of Santa Ana's Ordinance Nos. 821 and 1050. NEW TIRES Police Chief McMullen stated to the Council that new REQUESTED FOR tires are need for the Police Car and that he had ob- POLICE CAR tained a price of $70.00 and a statement of guarantee of 16,000 miles on a set of four new Dayton tires, Mayor Humeston suggested that the matter be referred to Police Commisioner Bacon who was instructed to check and obtain the best possible buy in a new set of tires. REGARDING Councilman MiIler moved, Seconded by Councilman Bacon ORDINANCE that the proposed Ordinance No. 75 be read by title. NO. 75 After discussion Councilman Miller with the consent of Councilman Bacon moved to Withdraw the motion and Attorney Nisson was instructed to rewrite the Ordinance and sub- mit the new draft at the next meeting of the Council. LETTER FROM Mayor Hmueston read a letter from the Tustin Chamber of CHAMBER OF Commerce which stated that in their opinion and for the COMMERCE best interests of the City that the Police Officer should live in Tustin. Council agreed and requests cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce to help find a suitable dwelling for Police Chief McMullen. Mayor Humeston directed that a letter be writ'ten to the Chamber in reply to their communi- cation. CHIEF McMULLEN Police Chief McMullen requested that an additional Police REQUESTS Officer be hired. Councilman Gray suggested that he inter- ANOTHER 0FFICER view applicants and have their qualifications ready to pre- sent at the April 18 meeting of the CounciI. Councilman Charleton suggested that Councilman Gray en- deavor to find suitable bonds for the investment of surplus funds of the City of Tustin. H. LOUIS On motion of Councilman Gray, seconded by Councilman MilIer HANSON AP- and duly carried, Mr. H. Louis Hanson was appointed Auditor POINTED of the City of Tuftin as of April 1, 1949. Diehl & Co., AUDITOR former Auditors to be notified to that effect immediately. Mayer Humeston read a Statement, prepared by the City Clerk's office, regarding the finances for the City of Tustin for the month of March, 1949. PENINGTON TO Councilman Gray instructed Deputy City Clerk Penington to PREPARE prepare detailed breakdown reports regarding the expenses BREAKDOWN of all City Departments for the years 1947, 1948 and the REPORTS First Quarter of 1949. Same to be presented at the April 18 meeting of the Council. BILLS The following bills were presented and ordered paid on PRESENTED motion of Councilman Gray. Seconded by Councilman Charle- ton. Motion duly carried. Tustin Fire Department $27.00 John J. Swigart Co 3.44 A. M. Crain, M.D. 5.00 Lee's P.D.Q. Service 88.28 Orange County League of Cities 2.67 United Automotive Service 175.73 Bales Office Equipment Co . 16.62 A. Carlisle & Co. 3.22 - City Clerk's Petty Cash Account 34.00 Kldd' s Garage 41.50 Sherman Salter, Refund on Build- ing Permit No. 99 20.00 Collector of Internal Revenue 346.40 TOTAL $763.86 Councilman Charleton moved to adjurn. Councilman Miller seconded the motion. MotiOn. carried. Meeting adjurned Chas E. Morris City Clerk VIncent L. Humeston Mayor