HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 AESTHETIC ADVISOR 06-15-81DATE: June 8, 1981 NEW BUSINESS  6-15-81 Int r-Com FROI~: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL CHA~r,~'~ ~}R%_VER, INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITIZ~ AESTHETIC ADVISOR FOR THE NEWPORt/SANTA ANA FREE~AY RECONSTRUCTION-INTERCHANGE PN53ECT ~TION: Council pleasure. Councilman Edgar will make presentation. DISCUSSION: The attached letter is self explanatory. The Department of Transportation -- is asking that a replacement for Councilman Edgar be placed o~ this Conmlittee as they wish the C~,,,ittee to be oo~orised of non-councilmembers, someone from the community. Councilman Edgar is aware of this and will be making a presentation to Council with reconmlendations. FISCAL IMPACT: None. -- Interim City Administrator -~TATE OF CALIFORNIA--BUSINESS AND TRANSPORTATION AGENCY ~RTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 7, P.O. BOX 230A, LOS ANGELES 90051 -~213) 620-3874 NEW BUSINESS 6-15-81 No. 2 EDMUND G. BROWN JR., Gm, el,re' May L~', 1981 Honorable James B. Sharp ~ayor, City of Tustin Tust~n Civic Center 300 Center~nlai Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mayor Sharp: 0ra-5/55 Interchange - ~79~ol ECEIVED TUSTIN PUBLIC WOi~($ D[PT, BY In 1979 Caltrans requested a representative from your.City to serve as Citizen Aesthetic Advisor for the Newport/Santa Aha Freeway reconstruct-interchange project. Mr. Richard Edgar was appointed to the position. During recent discussions with our technical staff, it was learned that Mr. Edgar is now a Tustln City Councilman. Caltrans's Aesthetic Review Program was designed to provide local citizens with the opportunity to participate in reviews and to provide the community's perspective on aesthetic values for a project in addition to the official city review. As Mr. Edgar is now an elected official, we are requesting your City to nominate a replacement to serve as Advisor on the Route 5/55 Interchange project. This matter has been discussed with Mr. Edgar and he is aware that another nominee is being requested. Specifically, the Lud!vidual you nominate will serve on the project to re-design major portions of the Route 5/55 Interchange in the Cities of Santa Aha and Tustin. Preliminary study plans also propose improvements to the mainline freeways where the branch connectors enter and exit, construction of soundwalls at various locations, and other miscellaneous modifications. .= Construction is scheduled for the latter part of 1980's. The person you nominate should be familiar with your community and the project area. She/he should be able to represent the community's views, and be able to attend meetings during the day and evening. She/he will serve on the Project Development Team for this project, and will be expected to participate in the decisions which relate to the project's aesthetic qualities and effects. The advisor'~ participation is an important part of Mayor James B. Sharp -2- -~Hay 27, 1981 Caltrans's project development and decision-making processes. Wh~le the advisor's time is voluntary, Caltrans will rehnburse travel expenses. (An advisor representing the City of Santa Aha will also be invited to participate and provide aesthetic input. ) Please provlde your nomination to M~. Bob Goodell, Citizen Psmtlclpatlon Unit, P. O. Box 2304, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles, CA 90051. (Telephone: (213) 620-2722). We would appreciate a resume of your nominee's qualifications. Mr. Goodell will be pleased to answer any questions you may have about this request. Sincerely, HEINZ HECKEROTH District Director CC: Richard Edgar Robert Ledendecker, Director of Public Works ROT,R OF CITIZEN AESTF~--TIC ADVISORS FOR CALTRANS PROJECTS Advisor is assigned to the Project Development Team (PDT) and attends PDT meetings acts as consultant/reviewer · is consulted whenever decisions are to be made which will have aesthetic effects · makes comments, suggestions, and recommendations which are to be recorded and made a part of the pro~ect file for consideration in arriving at decisions · has contact with local community groups and can act as a liaison person with the respective groups Team responsibility of advisor: · to provide a citizen's viewpoint of the. project's aesthetic impact and recommendations for mitigating measures Participation can include: · field reviews . office review of plans · general team discussions of project - · attend community, meetings when aesthetic impacts will be discussed Additional assistance which have been provided to Caltrans by citizen aesthetic advisors: · acts as a liaison person between Caltrans and the community · provides names of local newspapers for press releases provides names of key community leaders, local organizations and special interest groups, and their contact persons suggests places to hold community meetings and/or makes arrangements for same · arranges for an interpreter, if needed, for meetings · chairs or performs the introductory portion of meetings assists with or arranges for distribution of flyers to homeowners impacted by the project ~