HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 03 07 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, ON MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 7, 1949, AT 7.30 O'CLOCK PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN CHARLTON, GRAY, BACON, HUMESTON AND MILLER. ABSENT WERE: NONE ATTORNEY C. ARTHUR NISSON JR. WAS PRESENT. Mayor Charleton called the meeting to order at 7.30 P. M. Minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved after minor changes were made. REVERAND SCOTT Reverand Scott of the Advent Christian Church in Tustin REGARDING appeared at the meeting.to obtain a decision on the SET BACK matter of a set back for the Parsonage that is being erected on church property on West Main Street. Dis- cussion and explanation of Section 15 of Ordinance 71 showed that the set back desired by the church will be legal. FIRE CHIEF Fire Chief Jerome C. Kidd. reported to the Council that KIDD REPORTS there was need of repairs to the Fire Truck and stated REGARDING that the Seagraves Corporation had given him an es- TRUCK timate for the overhauling, cleaning and painting of the truck of $465.00. After a lengthy discussion of the matter Councilman Miller moved to have Mr. Kidd take off the pan under the motor, flush it and ascer- tain whether he could make the necessary repairs and to report back to the Council what repairs he con- sidered to be necessary, including a Water Tank Valve. It was suggested that the Seagraves Corporation could be asked to bring down such parts as would be required to complete the job in Tustin. Councilman Humeston seconded the motion which was duly carried. The Council instructed Fire Chief Kidd to report to the Santa Ana Fire Department when the repairs to the Tustin Fire Truck are to be made and to request Standby Protection from the Santa Ana Fire Department while repairs are in progress on the Tustin Fire Truck. MILLER REPORTS Coucilman Miller reported that he had not made much ON TRAFFIC progress in the matter of the proposed traffic signals SIGNALS at Main and B Streets. Further discussion took place on this subject and it was decided that Councilman Bacon and Humeston join with Councilman Miller in further investigation. Councilman Gray moved and Councilman Humeston seconded a motion which was duly carried that a Resolution be prepared by Attorney Nisson requesting co-operation from the County Board of Supervisors in obtaining a Traffic Light at the intersection of State Highway 55 and U.S. Highway 101 near the.City of Tustin. Also requesting co-operation from local Service Clubs by means of letters to the Board of Supervisors regard- ing the matter. Police Chief McMullen submitted his report to the Council as follows: REPORT TO THE CITY COUNCIL Activity of the Tustin Police Department, from the 18th of January, 1949. to the 1st of March, 1949. 160 Drunks arrested 5 Misdemeanor arrests. 0ne arrest for child neglect. One arrest for contributing to the de- linquency of minors 2 Citations issued 98 Accidents reported 2 (No injuries) Thefts reported 2 Stolen cars 0 Stolen cars recovered 2 Miscellaneous calls 31 TOTAL CASES HANDLED 142 By Chief McMullen PENINGTON'S Councilman Gray moved that the duties of Mr. Penington DUTIES be as outlined as originally hired and that they not DEFINED be extended to include assessing; that the actual assessing be done by the Assessor. Motion seconded by Councilman Bacon and duly carried. Moved by Councilman Miller and seconded by Councilman Gray that the solicitation by Boy Scouts be refused because it would be an unauthorized expenditure. Motion duly carried. BILLS The following bills were presented and ordered paid PRESENTED motion of Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Gray and duly carried, with the exception of one from the Santa Ana City Dump in the amount of $100.00 which was held over for clarification. Utilities $46.81 Check for Petty Cash Account 40.96 H. D. Pickerdng, Poundmaster 3.00 Signal Oil Company 6.05 Tustin Hardware Co . 5.73 OrangeCounty Animal Shelter 2.00 Tustin Fire Department 72.00 Wiley's Mobile Service 102.25 Kidd's Garage 5.21 Orange County League of Cities 2.67 D. C. Dunbar 42.14 The Tustin News 22.20 Carson & Golding 40.54 Harold Rasmussen 28.00 CouncilmanHumeston moved to adjurn. Councilman Bacon seconded the motion. Motion duly carried. Meeting adjurned. Chas E. Morris City Clerk Mayor