HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 OPEN SPACE CREDIT 6-1-81DATE: June 1, 19S1
Honorable Chairman and Hemi>~rs of the Planning; A[~.mcy
F ROM: C~'~nunity DeveloFJnent Dep~rt~mi t
SUBJECT: Open Space Credit in Planned DeveloI~mt District
Pdrsuant %0 Council directions on lh~y 4, 198]. m~ mneacka, eat to
Section 9224(g)6 of the Tustin C~le h~m been advertis~:t for
public hearing.
The pro~%sed ~n&r~nt ',vot[ [ authorize the Plannlnf~ Agency to
waive up to 5% of the r~uired 50% open spa,ce in the Planned
Developmeut District wbem the subject property ~tjoins
pens~nent open space.
The waiver of the open space r~]uircm]eat is a directionary act
of the PlannLng A~ency since develol~:ent plans in the Planned
Develo~nent District are subject to A[;ency app'roval throu~h the
Use Permit process, qbe a~ency ~m~st r~ra.ke a flndL'n[; t~t
adjo:i.ninf~ open space is s,.Kfa ms to ~ reasonable pe:r~.aent and
that the ~t~ni.t[es o[ the desl. L~n aad char~cter of the area will
peum[t the intent of the district.
Fo].low~ng the public .... ~ ~ ........ ~ ...... the
PI annin~ A~ency approve Resolutio~ No. 1972, which rc~o~:4eqds
Council -' ~' ~m
ttdopu Lon 0'[ ,~,m~a .... Ii r ~ Ordinance.
I. The PlanntnF, A;,,;ency finds aqd determh,_es as folio;~'s:
That a proper applicatioa h,us beon fiN-xt Il: '~he Plaaninf{
Agemcy to am~nd the OPea spac(-~ r;=,,.luic,~meats of
the Planned I)e~elof,mont D:kstri.ct (PD) which is part
the City of TqstLn Zon[nS Ordin4~<;e (lb. 157 m~
That s, publi, c hearinil mis duly cal !ed, no~Lcsd :~md h~;!d
thah St~c{;'i.O;i 9224(S)~: O[ N'i:~ }~',lr~i(t~p_t! Code
Dis i: c Let '~ sr~end?d by ~aM Lng U~e Fol 1 o'~'i ns:
app] i:'}:< t i ,In."
18, ].981
~ e M~;n0ers of the Planning Agency
Lonorabl. Chai .r~n and '~ '
R. Kenneth Fleagle, Acting C~m}~.mity Development Dzrec,o~
Open Space Credit in Planned Develof~r~nts
The City Cx)unci]. on May 4, 1981 considered the 50% requirement
for open space in the Plannit Develo~r~.nt District as relat~
to coadomini~m developmemts. The suggestion ~a_s m~de that
open space credit could ~ given when a project adjok~m an
o~n space area such ms a ~h~l yard, park, ~lf ~mrse, or
public facility.
A public he].rino~ has L~en advertis~t fcc the Plannim~C Agency
on June 1, 1981, :for the pur'fx)se o~. amend:ins 'the cxm.~ by
adding the following sentence to Section
"The Planning Agency mmry authoriz~ credLt :for per~,.nent
claim sptc,~ adjoining a p~opos0d project u!)on a finding
that ther~ a~o am'mniti~ of desi~ incorporatc~i into the
project and the surround:lu[~ area achi. eves the intent and
puri~:~ oF the plaam.~t develoixe~h district by provLdin~
exc, e ..... n:~ ~,,~ shall r(~:luL~m t~e filing and
approval of a variance appli~tion.
The aiien~:? should ~ aware that if a 5% waiver is authoriz~l,
this w[i] then ~co:~ the ~tandard and r~luests will lre m~de
for excepzion:; zo the standard. For that rc~son, it is
sugt;e~;t~.i that the variance pcoce~ b~ r~quirc-~l for any
except:~on l~yond the 5% credit.
No act[on ~'.; r~luired at this ti[re and the proposed ad ........ l~..~n~
wi].] 1'~ hc~ug,~l by the Agency on 1, June 1921.
Attach?i ~s a cooy of S..o~on 9224(g)6 m~ presengly written.
R. Kenneth F].~zgle, D...~.
Acting C,~'~mmlty Develoiwaent Director
There shall be no minimum lot size esta~b!ished in z~ny P-D Planned
Develo?nent. However, the minimum huh'bar of square feet of land re-
quired for each family or housekeeping unit in a Planned D~velopment
shall be as desicnated by the n~T~er following the sy~7521 "P-D" on the
particular Official Zoning Map. This provis[.m sh~ll not govern any
P-D Planned Development zone e~lished prior to the adoption of this
Subsecti,m. (Ord. No. 248, Se.~. 3)
Hax~m~ I.~t Coverage }
NOt ~r. ore than fifty {50) percent of the to~l lot area shall be devoted ~
to nh~in and accessory building area, driveways,o~o._n o_ e .... l'o.~=~'"-~ ~a_~.~ ~'~p'~g ~
areas and covered pat[os. The re.u~ining fifty (50) percent of the total
lot area shall be devoted to landscaping; ~-v-.
~.~,n area, non-clr,unercial out-
door recreationxl facilities incidental to the residential deve!op~?nt, ~J
such as priva~:e swimming pools, putting qreens and tennis courts; walk- '~
ment ~nc~ znstallat~ons as require& in S~section d('>).~ of rhis .S 'e c* ~ '~. ]. o n ,- [~
~U~-~h,'q' tko required by ~his Section ='' -~ ~
:~ro'~-.l :d in such a m!nI~er thdt it i s accessible a}l{~ u~.!b!e for the nut- .
Off-Street i ~rk~:l:l
Total ~>P. rki:.w shall be 2 .~p~ces :}?r u~it, with at least !covere:!
per u:~it. 'Ord. N~). 573, Sec. 2)
8. 3::lc'.'ivJ:~loh ~:f PrcG,erty Develope0 il:der the District
Upox compt~tio?~ ~i a d...velopment :~f property in the P-D District, no
portion of %kc pre?arty involved in said dew~lopmen~ shall he severed
or so!d, unless s~id ~3evercd parcel and the dewd. opmer, t tkereon
with al[ ! r; :i..zDxs set forth for the P-D District_ Further, the
main~ng p0rcel and development thereon shall also c:ompll-' with said
District provisi~ns. Nothing herein shall proh{bit th~. s~te of y
family dwelling, two-family dwell[ng, multiple-family or any dwe
unit with}:! a tws-family or multiple-family dwellinU, ploviSei
clr,~as cc~n:;t~tuting the required f/ fty (50) percent op{xr: Rrea~, as set
f~ z'%h in paragraph 6. above, are --etaLned in tru::t e-- otherwise for th,:~
benefit c}f all tenants and o',mars of any inter,:~st of any cf the
structures on the original a/e,n d~zveloped as a t~nlt. Fdruher, p~ior to
issuance of building po}ri'it or approval of the plans an set forth in
SubsectNx~ d deed restrict:ions prohibiting the alienatiDn of all lan'.
areas not ctevoted to buildings shall be recorded ;.~ thl. elf/ce (,f th~~
CouRty R,,{:l, rdeY of th(~ County of Orange. Said re2. tr!cti2n~; shall in-
clude a }~talement that said deed restrictions; shall he irr~-vocaNle
a peric~:l of :et. less than thirty (33) ye~rs. A copy of staid ie.i~:l
str[('ticus sl?.~!~ be {'il{Id with ti'e i-.!anning Departm._~r:t pr~or to
i~<Planc,~ of -~ but Idlnq per,nit to the owner of the eric!ne! }}reject.
(Ord. l:e. 175, Sec.