HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 3 USE PERMIT 80-1 06-01-81TO: FROH: S Ual ECT: Honorable Chairman and Planning Agency llembers Community Developi3efit Department Amended Use Permit App'iicanb: Gfeller Development Inc. Location: 228 West Hain Street BAC ;LOi[i'ID A?IO DISCUSSION An application requesting authorization to amend an approved site plan and provisions of an approved use permit. Specifics include: removing the underground parking and utilizing off-site parking to accommodate the proposed offices, and a minor change in the approved site plan. The original use permit was approved on February 4, 1980, by the adop~.ion of Resolution No. 1877 and subject 'to 16 conditions. The proposal called -For a multiple office complex of 49 167 square ~'~> gr,~s floor area, with subterranean and detached parking accommodations. The amended use permit calls for ghe removal of the subterran?an parking by incorporatin§ these parking sl)aces on an adjacent property. Gfeller Development purchased the Francis Bret}letS screen door factory site at 435 "C" Street and will develop this as off-site parking. At this time, the applicant has submitted only preliminary schematic plans for the proposed off-site parking. The plan indicates that adequate parking can be provided for the project, but several key issues involving access and the possible loss of a s~gn],]cant tree need to be resolved. The 'Final parV. inj plan will require 'bile approval of the Con}munity Development Director, and shall comply with es tabFished development standards for landscaping and parking accommodations. At som:~ time in ti~e future, a portion of "C" Street may be vacated to be incorporated into the overall design plan as a pedestrian mall. Although this may require a minor modi~icatio~ to the proposed on-site parking facilities, staff feels this change can be facilitated without the necessity of amending the Use Permit. The Chang.: to the site plan includes moving the 5A Building nin~ty degrees from its original position. Tile elevations submittec! for Amended Use Permit 80-1 June 1, 1981 Page Two plan check are enclosed, and are in substantial compliance with the original proposal. Staff recommends approw~l of amended Use Permit $0-1, with all applicable conditions contained'in Resolution 1877 incorporated inEo the amended Resolution, Our additional condition shall read as: The final layout for the o~l-'-site parking spaces shall require 'the approval oF the Commclnity Development Director and shall con'Form to the requirements oF the development standards For landscaping and parking accom.:]odations. Access and circulation shall require the revieN and approval of the City Engineer. RECOMMENDED ACTION StaFF recommends approval oF amended Use ?ermit 80-1, by the adoption of Resolu~cion No. 1974, EHK/dat t- t~J ¢0 ? 8 9 10 17. 15 16 ;L7 ~5 ~6 ~9 ~0 'cS()L/]i'[O>i,,. NO. 'L97~- DI STR The Planning Ageacy fol 1 ows: [~ r.llg,.:, ,, follows: I. 'Pre Plannin~.j Agency finds ami '~:, . ' :~' ;'s fil ed by afel 1 er D:~vel op,neat Coapanff to reqtiesL authorizatioq to construct: a multiple office complex of 48,697 square feet gross 'Floor area, on the Stevens property at 228 West Hdin Street. That a public hearing was duly called, qoticed, and held on said applica'tion. That establishment, laaintenance and operation of the use applied For will not, u,rder the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort or general welfare of the persons residing or working in th~ neighborhood of such proposed use, evidenced by the following findings: luaul,)~ iS in conFormaace with The proposal and appl TM ='~ provisions of Section g22662 of the Ci'~.v Code. That the establishment, maintenance and <)?ration of the use a?plied for will not be injurious or detrimental to the propdrty and improvements in the neighborhood of the subject proper~y, nor 'to the general welfare of the City of: Tus~in, and should be granted. Proposed di~velopment shall be in accurdance with the developmen~ policies adopted by tim City Council, Uniform Building Code as adminisLered by .h_ building official, Fire Code as admini~;tered by the Orange County Fire Marshal, and street improvement requireulen~s as administered by the City Engineer. That a Ne.,N,..lVe Declaration h~.s been applied for to OOiHply with the requirements of the California Environment. al Quality Act and 'is hereby granted. Final development plans sha,t require 'the review by Planning ;\gericy and approval by the ~, Director. The Planninq Agency hereby · ""- - _ gr~n~> a use permit as appl'i~d for, to<,.,*mo'~"~,,.,. ,ae developmen~ of a 48,697 square Foot (gross;. multiple building office complex subject to ,~ Following co'~dition~;: The development shall provide no less cn.~m t6~ park,~,~ spaces which shall be in substantial conformance with current development standards. All required parking sh~ll he installed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. ~esolution !974 Poge Two C. rt. J. Lo Fhe pa:~2ing ar:.~a on the e;,,st side nf ':C" StreeL shal~ be tied to t,;q:'~ office parcels on th? =;.L si4~ by a recor'4:~4 cowmaqt or daed res~ iction gdar~aLeeing that the will n>t be sold separ<tte fro~l the office CO:TU,.)lex. 'Fh%e parcel s utilized for par',( i'lg oi~ [the east side Of "C' Stre~.~t shall be tied toget, l¥? Lo :tlaminab~ lit li The '- ~ ,~' "B .... C" ir,. revision. The ~.Or~l,_r., at arid .~r'"+ ;~.~'~,-.,.~ requ' '~ curb must h> enlarged i::o 35' and the appropri_~e corner c,]t-ofF dedications b) ;:u.;commodtiie these radii. Tile curb should be replaced !)y Nle developer, with req,Jired stree~ tr~e removal, or the developec should provide p~for,~.K._ boud ...... , ~:u:~ n,-, inst'¥!lation at .,uc.r~ ttrm~ it is determiaad necessary by the City. G,~dl~l~lO, For a An irrew)cable o~fer of : '~'t' , 10' wide strip along the iqa'in Street frontage shall ,u executed to conform to the h~.,L.. Plan of Streets and Highways. In the event a portion of "C" Street is not vacated, a pedestrian activated signal shall be provided by the developer 'for the detached parking lot on the east side "C" Street. The developer shall either install the system prior to Certificate of Occupaacy, or provide a cash deposi~ with a cost escalator agreement Lo the City. S~,*;~=~ itlprnv~ert plans shill h? submi~c,:.J prior to the issuance of bull dincjl.~'-r'~.~ '+,.s ~nq' construction of improvements for: 1 The (~.~.e~ y sid~ I ,.~Jllation oi: rlarmelite str~.,.t lights wi'th under,::iround conduit, along 'the frontJges of "n". , Hain and "(:" Streats adjacent to the dev_qe, pment. ~ ~' t ..... on a portion of The pay~ent of sewer mnn..cu~on '~'~'~-~ property (66' x 150') located a~ the most s~.~trw=st.. 1.~ corner of the site is required prior :~o building permit issuance. Add'itional 'fire hydrants shall :)e provided aq required by the Orang?. Coun~J Fire Marshal's office. Plans For their 'in~te, llatin:l and the upgrating of i::h~ waC. er main sh~il 'oe submitted to and approved by the Or~lnge County Fire Marshal, Tustin Wat~r Works, and the City Eng~m~er. S,. e(.~ ,. i 'in a IllailFleF' A11 roof top equipment sh:~ll be -' ~, d conslstent ,,~ttn the arcl:tecture, Five (5) parking s't,Yt'ls For the handicapped shall be ~'~lo'v~'q~,_:.J with at lea.,-, ~t two (2) provided on the west side "C' St,'e,et. Dense plant screeming and a 6'8" masonry wall shall be provided along Lhe southerly property lines to ensure privacy for the neignb£ring residential properties. Trash enclosures shall be provided at the ends of 'the driw~ aisle of 'the 21-stall parking area. aesolution 11o. 1974 Page Three S'ignir~g for' the l'~roj~::~ .~fii:~!i coni-'u,~:~ LL all ),rovis~o~r-$ of the ProFessional Distric~': oF 'Lh~~ Si!:!n Code which a~thorize: 12 sq. f:~. (s]nqi!~ ~ ..=, ' ", % each si;feet Front:d?. I - 6 sq. 'Ft.. wa'Il sign per ~h;:~n~xnt Any subdivision of the properti:.~:; mdst onform to provi $i ();~S O~ the Sub~H v~ :~on Ord ~ nan:e dnd 'th~,~ resu! t~-~ ~ lo~ lines Co~lfOr'm to ~..~.,~u. ariel ~e~ar:, ~ hion Yequ]rement~ of tm:, lln'iFor'm Bwlldin9 Cori~ (1975). The developer shall submit alli,p' ~,r.~,~,;~lt pl~'~s < ~ copies o'f recorded docun~ents as required hy ~'~aff, in a u~iFie.d set of plan check docqments. The fi rial layout For the off--:;ite parking t.:mi'litiex shall req~lire ,.ne review and a~.)~)roval o~ the " ~' Development Director ami shal~ co;~Fo~"m to the r'equire~er~ts of the d-]v]lcd)ment standards For land~ca~Hng ami parki,~g accou'.nlodat~oqs. Access a~d circulation shall req~lire reviews, and approv~! oF the City Et'}9~neer'. The developer shall form an agreer, en'h with the City regarding ~.5e acqdi~;ition of par',[irt9 ~p~ces For public use, sHbja:':;'. 'to the r'aview of the Cit..:, Ati:o~ney held on the ist day of ddne, ]931. Plannifig A?qiw::? Ci~-~irman P, ecor ~i ng Secret~ry