HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1a USE PERMIT 81-17 06-01-81OLD BUSINESS NO. 1 1 9 10 1! 13 IS 1.6 17 !,3 19 S0 2¢ Z5 ~0 RF~SOLUTION NO. 1973 A kL,,.)LUtiON OF THE PI,ANNN'.G AG[-PJCY OF TH8 CMl' OF TL~STIN, APPROVING USJ~ P;-]i¥.iIT 81-17 AUT~IORIZ'ENG AfJ~) SAL~; AN]) LE:iSI~G AT 14042 ~{1~ Tb.e Plailain6 A[~'ency o~_ the City of Tustin dc?s heceby resolve as follown: Thc, P!.a!nin~ AS~:moy finds aad dete~'mine:~ as f. ol Lows: Tha~ a proper application (Use Perm[t: 81-17) was flied by Eugene and il[Ia Turn, rC~luesCing a{ltho:'imation for th.~ o!~nz~tion o[ mi ~mt~otive $~les and Ie'as[n'S bus[ness ~t't 14042 Red Hill Avenue. B. T}~!z a pub!i.c hearing was duly called~ noticed apd held on arid applioa t app!ieM .... ~[rcd~a[lc~.: o:[ 'ghis case, ~.o[ w~ll not, tmdeF [~ detrimea~;zl to the heal,h, gene~-~l we'lfa,~'e of the pe~'soas ~'esiding or working i.n the ue[ghb')rh,_md of s~mh pro~}sezt use, evtdenced by the fol le.~ing Ci.ndings: 1) !ice of the i~,'~sia~ss on the use .,?plied for v,~il. 1 noi; t)e :injurious oc detri~m't:il Co the properUy and imi)rowmiea~ :i.n the neish~rhc~;~i of stlbjc~tt proper~y, ~lor to the general Tus'~in, arid should 't~ granted. The project is c:%tegoric;tt!y e×empt [i',?m gbe req,licement::; of ~:he California Envirocmental Qu~lLty Act. 217 P!anni. aS Ap=ne: ..... y has n}cc~.a_7~mde'l ~md "*N1 ~ .... ('iTM~ ~}uncL[ has intr{Ktuco!~ an ordinance So clrt,,sslty the subject p.. ): .... t~. within the Ccm~zercial Gene~.l! Ditsg.t-kct: o[ the ZonJ n~ O~dinance. r T The '.)[~ ~n4 a-'~ Agency hereby approves Uso PenPit 81-17 ~:o aut. ho~'l, xe ~:he o.[)e~-atioa of an aul:()mobi_le ~.les aad le'.tse ou th-~ ,)Npervy at t40,4~ Ee<t Hill Avenue stfl),h)ct to she fol!ow:!.n{~: A. AdoptLoa o[ Ordiaance No. 848 and compliance with all conditions of ~i.d Ordinance. T?_z; oa-slt:o vehi. cle s~oca.ge dis.olay and e~ployee ~irki_ng sk21l ~ restr'lcR~d to 30 s~ces with 6 splices identifi, al as cast~p~r parking with .2 hour thne Iisnit and the re~-~i, niag 6 spaces shall, t~ all,atoM ~ meet the roqairemcmts of the ~?rvice sta'th)n. 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 2O 21 28 25 24 25 P, 6 28 29 3o .52 Pa~e held on t;'.e 1st &.~y of June, Jm~::.es B. Sharp Cha i2.n,xm