HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1a OPEN SPACE REQ. 06-01-81DATE: TO: FROH: SUBJECT: June 1, 1981 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 1 6-1-81 Honorable Mayor and Council C~.~mmity DevelopmenZ Department; Ordinance Amendment [or Open Space Requiremeats BACKGROIIXq) A proposal was sal~mi'tted for the de.zelopment of a 9 unit condomini~im project on Holt Avenue in 'the R-3 District. The desi [;n of the project did not men_ct the open space ~x~luirer.0,ents of the zoning ordi,nan¢~ for the plaaneJ develo]~aent district. St'..t:['f was direct~ to adverti~a a hearinz to amend 'the Planned Dew?lo, neat District to authocize credit of l~mraael~t open space adjoining a proposa~ ~ ..... ~r~nt The Planning Ag~:mcy held a public hearing on 1 JLme 1981, and Resolution 1, ~ 2 was presen ~ed fcc consider:atica to reco,r.'~nd tha,t the City Council amend the district re, clarions. DISC~JSSION The pro~')s~ ameudmeytt wi]]. ~lot authorize an :increase in densizy b~yond that v/aich is now authorized by the Zoml a~ OrdLnance. effect of the ~nendment will ~ 'to authorize a deas~ty for cond~n[ni, um projects ~aparable ~ that Fen;fitted in the multi-family districts. '.Dais would apply to a limite-t properties such as those which are z~med R-3 and ~-~ijoin public land, or undevelopab]e property. In -the~ areas, it ~y I>~ ia the ~st interest of the City to authorL~ce develo!~nent grid owae~'ship by z,ed~cing the amouat of rf~uire~ sp'~,'e t~tt. her than tile mu.!zl-fa;nily ~mplexes that are authoriz,:~d by right with lesser develof~nent Fo] !o'4'in[~ the publ. le he.~r'tng, it is recom~enrbxi t at the City Coum: l. 't;ake the [ollc..~.~; action: 1. That Ordinance ;'Io.851. have f£rs't reading by tl~,le only. 2. That Ordiaance No.851 be, introxtuced. H~(F / d a t 1 2 3 6 8 i0 11 14 15 17 2O 851 The Ci'ty (l'Atrtcil of the C:Lty o:[ Tustin, Ca tifo,.n[a, hereby or'd~i.ns th:s.t Chapter' 2, Sec-Uton 9224, I)acag~'~ph ~,G, m'~.xhn,~ lot Lot Covera,ze Not F~0re 'th:tn fifty (50) !)e;'coat of 'the~ t~:tal lot ~ shall be dloeo~:ed to ~;~ia ~md s.cceaso? building aP:ca, driveways, open or enclose'i i:,aN~ing at'e;-~ and cow-~'~<l patios, The re~.tinin2 fifty (50) percent of the total lot a.~'ez shall b:~ de.,rot<-~d c.o htndscepict~; ~a. gll :a,i'ea~ ~of!-o('~rme['c[~.~l. ot~t:d,soP reoc?atio~tal faciii'ttes i.ncidental to the :'es[dentin] devel.opment, s.lch u~ p.,an .... (lev~:]oj~ment ,'l!.stri.(;t bv l)rovidia6 aa approval of' a vx~'~.a.nce apphLeatloa." PASSED Arid ~dYJPYE9 at ~ r'~gul, ar ,':~:etla~ of the City Co~tn(yH, City O[ '' "'"~ ._ - 24 25 26 27 A?['EST; James TI. Sharp Mayor 28 29 Ci. :v t.,_,:;(.