HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 4 REV DEVEL STDS 06-01-81DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: 3une 1, 1981 6-1-81 Inter-Corn Honorable Mayor and City Council Community Development Department ~ Revised Development Standards - Parkin§ Areas At their June 1, 1981 meeting, the Planning Agency recommended modification of the landscaping standards for parking areas. Resolution No. 81-62 is included for adoption to enact the changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION Adoption of Resolution No. 81-62. AGW/dat 1 2 3 § 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 81-62 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AMENDING THE HANDBOOK OF GUIDELINES FOR PLANNING, ZONING AND DEVELOPMENT FOR PARKING LOTS WHEREAS Development standards for property within the City of Tustin are contained within various sections of the Municipal Code, Resolutions, and Ordinances of the City of Tustin; and 2. Development 9uidelines for property within the City of Tustin were adopted by the City Council by Resolution 78-78. The City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: That Exhibits 1, 2 and 3 of Section XI are amended and added to the adopted Handbook of Guidelines for Planning, zoning and Development. (Exhibits 1, 2, 3) This amendment dated June 1, 1981, three copies of which are on file in the office of the City Clerk is hereby approved and adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the 1st day of June, 1981. James B. ~harp Mayor ATTEST: Mary E. Wynn City Clerk 29 EXHIB!'i,5.1 .SA FL. Design Notes 1. Stall dimensioas: 9' x 17%' plus 2~' front overhang area. 2. Drive aisles: 27' 3. End Stall width: 12' 5. 6. 10. ll. Inside curbs: Back-up area: Turning Area: 12' and striped Curb ~nd ~e~l stop: 6" Driveway apron: 30' to 35' First parking stall setback from front property line: 10' 12. Walkway: 2~ 13. RamR: 3' (may include walkway ' width when adjacent to handicapped space) 14. ~andica~ed suace: 12' x 17~' ~lth identification 15. Peremeter Wall: 6'8" ~ben adjacent to residential property 16. Landscaped area: 5' min~m~ 17. Trash Enclosure: 18. Fire Hydrants: as required 19. Lighting Standards: as required 20. Planters: 6' × parking stall width (every third stall, typ.) 21. Concrete Walk: W~ere the parking area fronts upo~-~ b~ildin? main entrance(s), continous concrete walks with planters shall be provided. -30- EXHIBIT. 2 1. Stall size: 9' x 17~' plus 2~' front overhan~ area. 2. Drive aisle: 27' 3, Treewells: 6' x parking stall widkh (every third stall) Inside cu/bs: 62' 5. Interior circulation: 25' 6. Row le__n~t~ (until separated by landscaped island or wa~iway}: la0' 7. Island width: 6' Curb and Wheel Stop: 6" 9. Curb radius: 3' i1. Front setback (lst parking street or alley): lO' 12. :_',~_l~',:__L~y' (adjacent to end stalls.' 2' 13. ka___r,~:: (may be i:-cl~ded adjoiaing handicapped space): 3' Handicap?~d Space (with ide~tifi- cation;: 12' x 17%' -~' ~!~333er '3~ ~w~:en adjacent to residential pr0~rty): 6'R" 16. Trash Enclosure 17, L%~Jsca~d area: 5' !8. Fire Hydrants: as re~ired 19. ? i_~._h~__S, t a n d a r d a: as required 20. Cc~ncrete island 31. Hhere tho p~rking area fronts upon a building main entrance(s], planting shall be similar to parking islands wlth treewe!ls. pesig~ Notes Stall size: 9' x 20' plus Drive aisle width: One way - 20' Two way - 27' Treewells: 6' x parking stall width (every third stall) Inside curb dimension: One way - 60~ T~'o way - 67' interior Circulaticn: One way - 14' ~,o way - 25' %sland or row length: ]80' Island wiS%h: 6' Curb and ~.~¢el st_9~_: 6" high, Curb radius: 3' One way - 30' ~o way - 35' Frc. nt setback (!st parking abutting street or alley): %-~alkways: 2' ~?~_ (May be inTluded adjoining ~an~icap?ed space); 3' ~Ta:::licar~d S?~ce {with identi- fication): 12' x 20' fercmeter wall (when adjacent to residential property): 6'8" Lici:tin~ Standards: as required Concrete Island Whore the parking area fronts upon a building main entrance(s), planting shall be similar to parking islands with treewells. *Inside curb dimensions reduced 2' for 45° parking and 3' for 30° parking.