HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 5 RAMP CONST. 06-01-81No. 5 6-1-81 TO: FROH: S UBJ ECT: DAN B[~MNKENSItiP, CI'£Y ADMINIS'URATOR DALE A. WICN, ASS!S'FA~Nr[' CI%% ~NGINEER FINAL ACCOmPliCE F.Y. '80-' 81 I'~NDICAPPED ~IP CONSTP~iON PR~,I (Fi LE~2202 ) . . Cono~ru~zon, Inc. and the Enginee:iag Sdloject proiect has Ioeen completed by I:~oact .... ' Division is well satisfied with th_ quality of the work, The prelimina~f coa~.ract amount bassi on estimated quantities was $6,562.75. ~ ~ b.~zlt quantities is $6,866.75 for an oveccun final ~m~ach arno, mt. based on "as.. ' " the ~nhract of $304.00 which was die to one additional ra~p add~ to the ~ntrack. Attached is a resolution for the acceptance of said work and autho:ization for recordal;ion of 'the Nohice of CompleX. ion. RECC~,:'4Eb;DAT.ION It is rccx~ a+a ..... ~ that the City Council, at their .~_.. ~:e~.u~ng of June 1, 1981, ado'or the attadned resolution accepting said %ork and authorizing the filing of the notica of. ¢_~npletion. Assuming that no claims o~ stop pa~remt nokices are filed within 30 days of the da':.e of :ecocdatioa of the Notice of Completion, it is further rec~,m~mded thai; the Ciby Council authorize paynmnt of the final 10% retention a~rom~t ($686.67) at that time. This egnount together with previous p.yycmnt of $6,180.08 r. ep:esents ~00% oI[ the final Contract a~i~punt. D:>&,g A. WICK ~SSI'STANT CI'iY E6~GIN~LR CC: City Clerk City At torney Finance Pirec~cor Hugh We~;17. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 A RE$OLU'L'ION OF THE CITY COUNCEL OF THE CITY OF TUSTEN ACCEPTING WORKS O),' IMPROVEMENT AND AUTHORIZING RECORDATION OF NOTiCF, OF OO}1P Ih WHSR['iAS~ Ilap~c~_. ,~o~ .... truchion, Inc~ , hay'lng a cont~o~ with the City o( Tuat~n to constructune'-' hero:ina'F?,~: ....... aesc~:~bed' ~' pub'lic. work a~d improvement; and W}~EREAS, the City Eng,[neet has duly certified to the constcnction and completion of said public impro~'ement hereinafte: mentioned in a manne~ sakisfacto~'y to the City Council of the City o~f Tustin; and WHERSAS, t~.e~, City Council {inds ~'~hd,_'- said cont~acto[ hns h..E~..~.n~£ ...~ mo~e particula:!y compl .... d saidpuot.].c'' ' improveoeut. ~, - ~',' ~e- . described tn accordance with the pcovisions of the contract documoqi-s and the notice of co~plet~_(.)~) and .ncc.'ephance ofm..did- publi, c work and improvement sho.lld be filed and payment of the h~lance due sai. d contract auth,~Eized in accordant? with the contract documents. NOW~ "PHEREFOP, E, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Tustin that said pubic work and improvement be, and the same is he~_~eby acc:epted. Said public wo~--k and improvement is more p~;h].cularly described as follows: Fiscal Yea£ 1980-81 Handicapped Ramp Construction Pcogcam AND 13E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Engineer of the City of Tustin be, and is hez-eby autho'cized to execute and ~i!e a notice of completion and acceptance of s~id public work and imprc>vement described herein as required by law. AD< PP,,) at ' ~.~oo,~0 at-D regul~r meeting of the City C.ydn:.'il the City of Tustin on 1981. MAYOR CITY CL~,RK