HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1949 01 17 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, ON MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 17, 1949, AT 7:30 O'CLOCK. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN FORNEY, BACON, HUMESTON, MILLER AND CHARLETON. ABSENT WERE: NONE ATTORNEY NISSON WAS PRESENT. Minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved. PENINGTON Mr. S. C. Penington was present and made applica- APPLIES FOR tion for position as Deputy Clerk. He stated his POSITION AS qualifications to be residence in the City of Tustin DEPUTYCITY for five years, bookkeeping and typing experience, CLERK office manager for Robinson's Beauty Supply in Santa Ana, worked as advertising salesman for the Santa Ana Register, and now employed by the Santa Ana Globe. Mr. Penington was requested to file a written application for the job. PENINGTON Councilman Miller moved to hire S. C. Pennington HIRED AND as Deputy City Clerk at a salary of $175.00 per DUTIES OUT- month, working hours 8 to 5 on week days, and 8 to LINED 12 on Saturdays, and attendance at Council Meetings as required by the Council. The usual one hour for lunch between 12 and 1 on week days. That Mr. Pennington be bonded at $10,000.00 surety bond and to commence his duties on or about January 24, 1949. Bacon seconded. Motion duly passed. CITY ENTRANCE Councilman Miller reported on the City Entrance i SIGN Sign to the effect that the location had been agreed upon and requested the city to present to the State an Application for encroachment on State Highway property as this would be the easiest means of get- ting approval by the State for the location of the sign. After discussion, Councilman Miller moved and Councilman Humeston seconded, to have the City pre- sent such an application to the State for approval. Motion duly carried. Location agreed upon was in the vicinity of the agricultural sign South East of the Tustin High School on the North side of U. S. High- way 101. MAYOR CHARLE- TON REPORTS Mayor Charleton reported onathe League of Cities ex- ecutive meeting on January 13, 1949, and also on the Orange County Sanitation Survey meeting on January 12, 1949, regarding the Bond Electlion set for February 28, 1949. POLICE REPORT The following Police Report was read by Chief McMullen, BY CHIEF covering the period December 1, 1948 to January 17, McMULLEN 1949. 1 druhk driver arrest 1 reckless driver arrest 1 injury accident 8 non-injury accidents 92 traffic citations issued 0 stolen cars ( 1 recovered for Long Beach Police Dept) 0 stolen bicycles ( 1 recovered for Orange Police Dept) 35 Misc. calls - barking dogs, taking dogs to pound, missing children, family troubles, lost articles. Chief McMullen has taken in $1,758.50 from Jan. 1, 1948 up to date for business licenses. 154 STREET SUPT. Street Superintendant McMullen reported on water drain- McMULLEN age, and Council directed hin to take such action as he REPORTS deemed necessary to correct minor difficulties. After discussion concerning the use and disposition of the City Motor Patrol, Councilman Miller, Humeston and Superintendent McMullen were ordered to investigate a combination street sweeper and grader with the possibility of selling the Motor Patrol and Street Sweeper for such a combination type piece of equipment. Chief McMullen reported that the Orange County Peace Officer's Association was holding a school between February 28 and March 23 under the direction of the F. B. I. That the cost of the ammunition and targets were the only expenses. Ammunition supplied at cost by Don Dunbar. The estimated cost of the targets to be $30.00, including ammunition. Matter left to Commissioner Bacon and Chief McMullen: Commissioner Humeston was directed to see Engineer Mc- Bride regarding street funds from the County of Orange. BOOKS TO BE Councilman Miller moved, and Humeston seconded, to in- PURCHASED struct City Attorney, C. Arthur Nisson, Jr., to purchase the following books at the prices indicated, for the total sum of $102.50: 3 volumes of Deering, s Calif. General Laws $40.00 Codes: Elections 6.50 Political and Government 12.50 Health and Safety . 10.00 Vehicle Annotated 11.50 Streets and Highways 8.50 Revenue and Taxation 8.50 Welfare and Institutions 5.00 Books to be property of the City maintained in the office of the City Attorney, for the use of the City. BILLS The following bills were presented and approved for payment on motion of Humeston. Seconded by Councilman Miller and duly passed. Utilities (gas) 3.70 City Hall expense 12.00 Carl Entenman and Son 2.10 Dr. Norton Donaldson 5.00 Kidd's Garage 11.09 Carson's Service Station 35.10 John J. Swigart Company 4.02 To County - Meals for prisoners 3.20 Lois Falkner 15.00 Collector of Internal Revenue 292.50 Christianson Lighting Company 3.67 Harold Rasmussen 28.00 Robert Burke 4.00 Councilman Forney moved to adjurn. Bacon seconded. Motion duly passed. Meeting adjourned. Chas E. Morris City Clerk Mayor