HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR ADOPTION 06-01-81 (2)ORDINANC~ FOR ADO?f£ON No. 2 6-1-S1 AGENDA I fPrlM: ORDINP~NCE NO. 848 An Ordinance of the City Council of the Ci~%y of Tush{n, C~l!ifornia, AMk%ND[NG T[~ T~UST. IN CI'Ff CODE ~ C~iP~l~ AND ESTABLISH ~E O~'ICi: O%' CI~ ~NASER BACKGRO[TND: Ordinance No. 848 had first reading by title only and intrcduction at the NLty 18, 1981 meeting. t~NOO}~iEN DATI ON: M. O. - ~hat Ordinance No. 848 have second readi~g by title only. H. O. - That Ordinance Ne. 848 l>e passed and adop~ .d. (Roll Call Vote) 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 il 12 13 ~0 3~ ORDINANCE NO. 848 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, A?~RNDING THE TUSTIN CITY CODE TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH THR OFFICE OF CITY RANAGER The CJ ty Council of the City of Tustin, Californ{a, heueby erdains that Chapter 4, Section 14Il Lhre~igh 1417 be amended as follews: 1. Sectien ]411 is hereby amended te read as follews: 1411 OFFICE ESTABLISHED The office of ~he Cihy Manager' is hereby created and eshabl, ished. The City Manager shall be appointed by the City Council wholly on the basis ct his adm[niskrahtive and executive obi lity and qua]..~ fica~'ions and shall hold off[ce at and dusting the pledsure of the Cihy Council. (a) NES IDF. NCE REQN IRN? NiNTS Residence in tine City shall[ not be required as a cendihion ef apDoinhment. (b) E.[,IGI[~ILIrpy FOR APPOINTNEN'[' ?fO oeFson e]ected as a CouncJlTn~r~ O~ Lhe City shall, s'.ibse[1.~en[~ to such o'!cotton, be el~qible tot appo;[ntr~en2 as C'.it.y Manaqer until one (~) year has of th,~ C(ty Connc:it. (c) COHPNNSATiON The City Manage~: sh~].t ~l( ccivc, such to ti[me :!c.term:[}~e and }}uly Iix, and such '.:omper~sdtio[~ and exper]s.:~ sital[ be a prop~.~r charge agaJr~st s~lch ft'm~!s oF the Cihy as th.2 City Council shall deslL~-rnahe. (d) PQSITI-ON TO }BI:', F[JI,T.,-T!MIi ?he posi~Jon o~ City ManaqeF shall be full-tim,~ and l::he '~anaqer shall have no ether em})lol,l'lcmh wJ[lhouh ptrJo" 2 3 5 Council ap[m-ova].. (e) APPOINT?,U::NT OF MANAGER PRO TE!~:~PORt', The City Council may from t]m~-~ to time appoint a Hanage~ pro {-.ompore, to sorve during any tenipor~ry absence or dj sabil[hy of the City Manager. 2. Sectien 1412 is hereby amended ko read as 1412 CO[INCIL-CI'iI'~ MANAGER RE[.,A'CTONS!!IP '!'he City Council and its membe?s shall deal wi hh administrative servicos of the City only through the City Ma : and except for the purpose o~ inquiry, neither the C;[hy Counc}~]_ nor any member thee:eof shall give orders %o any subouwiinahe}; of the City Manager. The City Manager snail kak~ his o~d~rs and inshructiens from the City Ceuncil when sitting in a duly held meeting of the OJty CeuncJl, and ne individual Council membe~ shall give o~ders er instructions to the Oity ~4anager. 3. Section 1413 is horeby amended te ~-ead as f. ollews: ]_413 ASSISTANCE FROM OTNNR CiTY It shall be the duty of ~1t subordinate officers the C~] [y Cherk, C~ ty Treasurer and City At, homey to assist the City '~Z-~n,nge~ as well as the City Co~-~cil in administc~'[~q affairs of [:he Ci[:y efficiently, ecor~otulc~] ]y a~d ha~'monions!.y so far as may be consistent wi[:h their d~[ ]es as p~-oscF~bed by the ]aws and ordinances o[ the City. d. SectJe~} ]4]4 is hereby amendod to read as follows: 1414N'J'q'NN[)AN(iP} AT MEETINGS OF COMPiISSIONS, BOARDS AND COMMITTIiES The City Manager may aLten6 any and ali me~'h~n,-,s o the Planning Agency, and any other depa~tntent, cemmissien, beaux[ , or commit-tee hereafter created by the City Co,moil upon his volition or upon direction of the City Council. Ah such mae: ings which the City Hanaser attends, he shall be heard by such commissions, boards or committees as to all matters upon wh[ch he wishes toa ~u~ .... os ~he n}Pmbers thereof. He shall {nfomn such mem~ krs as to the stat..~s of any matter b2ing considered bytne~ ' City. C3u~qc[] 2 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 2O 2'1 25 26 27 29 30 31 5. Section ].415 is hereby amend(,d to r~ad as follows: 1415 PONERS AND ].)UTIES GENERALLY The Cit:y .t4anager shall be the ddministrative head of the governmenL of the City under the d~rec/ion and subjecL to policy set by the City Council, except as ohherwise provided in this chanter, tie shall be responsible for the efficient administration of all affairs of the Ciby. He shall have and exercise all powers and duties assigne~! to him by shatute and such other authori'hy as may be nranted by bhe City Coutcil. H'ithout limiting the foreqoing general gr. anb o[ powers, responsibilities, and duties, it shall be his duty and he shall have the powers set ferth in the fo!lowinc subs~echiens. (a) ENFORCEHENT OF LAWS, F'[~ANCIiISES, (}()Nq'RACTS PERNIITS, ETC. It shall be the dul:y of the City Hanager to thaL all !~..~s and or'dJnances of: the City a~e en[orcod and ~:r~n~.eo by City Council a~e faJth~ ~]]iY obs(}rved !it s~all ~>~-~ the d',~','y ef th{~ City ~.~anaqer- ant} sne.[~ have the at}tt]!Ol;i by to con Ewol , O} ocr a}~d {:~ [ we di: ~,.:~t~ (c) PON}ERS AS I)IR~:(Yi[!IR OF Pk;RSONNE[~ 7{1 Sba] ] be ~he (}' e,, C)~ the Cji v [']8]l~!cev to :us DJ. rec~,?r oe .... P.( 'L- ~'r z,e]..-', N: shall have nc' aukheztt:y' '~x,-' 0;~ .)knL the Oil I/ 2l(.rk, the (]iby ['].:dsd[erl ~ 'ihe2 City Ahboin~?, to any all all appl Jcable llt]!es, llOq/llahic:~s, [:)OF;JtJoN al !C.O, Rrld financial appc(~:)?iat:Jons. . All depa ",-'-,~t: _l, ~ heads, offfJc.,r:. ar6 emplc ..:o shall, per~oElP their duties subject Po th,? (!ilot:l"Lon 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 !0 !1 11,5 !5 !? 20 22 23 24 25 of the Cit,~ Manaqer or that o[ the supe l[o~ to whom th~ ~,La~]~:~ may assiqn such ef~icer or empleyer. PrevJded, ~hat the may delegate te any ether department head, offico:r or empZoyee tNe authority to Iii}x} or discharge any en~)loyees or o~ficei:':~ designated by the }lanager. For all dej~arhmenh heads, of Eice;-s and employees, normal merit pay_. 3'n(._-l-~e,l:.,~',,~, .... wil'l be an~lrov~,i,.. .... o denied by the City h~anager. Exceptional merit pay loll all demarhmenk heads, o[J[icers an{~ eu-u}lovees must be ao~ by the City Council. Cd) R~,O ..... %[,.lz~AFiON OF OFFICES POS[_IO.~. , SI.IDA _. It shall be 'tile duty and respon '" 'l. itv of the ~ananer_ _~. to reorganize, consolidate or combi_ne duties.. pesihions, de}a~-tmen'hs er units under has directien witNin limies established by this code or tile annt~a] budget, as may be indicated in the interest o;[ efficienk, effechi_ve and economJ, ca-[ conduct e~{ the City's business. HEASURES AND Ih sha]l be the dc, tv of the C tO ~flE~ CJ ~' CoL!llolk [ for adoption such (,,.: :~u: necessary or expedient [c,r ~" we] flare (f) A Lt A.,,C (i()[JNCI f, it shall }')~' the duhv of b. he ' ali meetJn-rs of the City Ccc, n{ z] unless excused inhereffrom, vi/lei! his removal is tinder CO!iS.ueeLaklOll. ~6 (g) PINANCIAL REPORTS TO CiTY CONNCi[T, ~7 it sNa!l be the duly of tile Ci_t-.v Nanager ~8 Cit~,Co~xnc~_~'- ' .... ~u alii times fully, advised as to the o:z-!ons and ]~..ds of the Citv, and to 30 3! 1~ ...... '-~'nq~_-~ financJa], plans as necessary and desi. rable._ (h PREPARATION~ OF ANNUAI, BUDC;E'P AND SAL,tRY PLAN !t shall be the duty of the C~ty Hanager ko prepa ye -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 [[7 19 20 2i 22 23 25 27 28 29 3O 31 32 and submit'the proposed annual budget and the proposed annual salary plan to the City Council for its approval and to be responsible for their administration after adoption. (i) TO ACT AS PURCHASING AGNNT It shall be the duty off the C~ ty Manager to purchase or cause to be purchased ail supoli, es for ali the depa~traents and div4sions off the C~hy. No expendi['ures sh~.~]. be submitted or recommended ho {_he City Cotmc'~] except on and approval of the City ?anaqer. (j) INVESTIGATION - AFFAIRS AND OBLIGATIO}TS OF C[TV It shall be the duty of ~:he Ci'[y Manager ho make Jnves~.~gations into the affairs of the City and any or division thereef and any contract fer tho p~[oper of any eb] igations ef er te the City. (k) COMPLAINTS; SNRVICF, BY PUSL'[C U'PILT~PINS, FRANCHISES AND PI'7~t~TR It shall ]se hbo duty e? tho C:{ty Wanager all complaints ill relation ho n.,a~ters concerning 'the adminis'i~-at~on of the City Gove~mm~nh aud Jn regard to the sca-vice by pt~bll [c utilJ%ies Jn the City a~d to soe hhat alt franch:[s~i;, perm:ihs and privi]eges qranhed by ihe (2~hy are fai.~h{uily (!) S[Nr~ER!..'IS!ON ()wE[~ PURl [(2 It shall be the d~rtf o[ 'the sh~:-eets, and ali otNer pu}~['ic ~?opet-ty (m) RNNOR'PS AND [~EOiOP?.~ENDATi[ It shall be the dtlty of ~he reports and reCOlnmondahions as may be neo~ssary or des{ or as ar:e requested by the City Coun(:i]. 5 (n) SERVICE AS OFFiCNR OR~,nF~"em~U?~"~~,~, ~,.,_ HEAD C~ ~-y P~anager ho serve ~ It sna].]_ be the duty of the of ~.l_o~. or as head o~ a de!)e rhtno~t o~' divi.sJ, oln any appeinhive ~" "~ 4 the City Government to w.iLc]l h~ ([U~[].!Li~ (. V[hr~rl 5 thereto bv %he Cihy Council and to hold and perform th,-~ 6 thereof at the pleasure of the Cit;y Counci 1. 7 (o) LEADPiRSI-{IP FOR CIV.]iC .~OV ..... 8 It shall1 be hhe cl~:~, of the Cihv Manager top~c)v.., 9 leadership for civic movements eo beneEi~ hhe resldenks , = 10 City wNen se a~.hnexiz,.u by the City CoL~z_czJ.. 1.i[ (p) ATID IT ZONAL DUTIES ].2 It shall be the duty of the City. b!anager, te ,:n~r[~.'.t .... 1~ such_, other duties and exercise such other powers as may.. ~ b,~ 14 delegated to him from time to time by ordinance or resolution i[5 or oLn(:.~ ach'ion oN tine Cit~7 Council ],6 6. SecLLon 14].6 is hereby amended Lo read as follow:;: !7 1416 Rh:}4OVAL FROM OFFICE iLO The removalL of the City Hanaqer_ shall he o.~_, ,, ~0 a hhree--me~toer or t,tcr~' ) "vohe o-F hhe whole Council in [2!o CiLv ~i regular Colmci] meehing, sublech, he, rover, bo tNe ,.,~ th: nexk succeed'Lng subsect:i OhS. .[n case ,}, his J n b,{:nded r{. ':,R/al 80 by 'b},-, City Council, the City ;4anaoer sba] ] be furnxsi,ec, wi' :.' ~}6 wri{i~en nohJ_ce sba~ing %he Council's iNk~tnhion to re:.,r},.,e h;.~- ,,o reasons therefor a[~ leash ~hir-L):.' days !)c~Di.,re Lbo e ~ .~,/,~ ~{~'~ o! his removal. 2? (b) I~EANING NY COUNCIL 8S Within seven (7) days afher hhe delivezy 'ho hhe C:.~V ~9 Manager o~' such no'[:ice, he may, by wr~tk~n notiEicahJ, on to in:' S0 C:tv Clerk, requese a hearing be~ere [he C['hy Council. ~h. ~ the City Council shall fix a time fo~ the hearing, v,n._ca 52 be held at its usual meeL~inq_ place_ but befo~-e the p~xpz~.--'~', 'au~'~' 6 6 7 8 9 10 15 !6 17 2O 22 23 2~ 26 27 2S 29 3O 31 52 of [he thirty-day period, at which the City Manager shall appear and be heard with or without counsel. (c) SUSPENSION PENDING HEARING After furnishing the City H~n~ac~e.' with w~itten notice of intended remeval the City Council may suspend him from dut! , but his compc:nsahion shall continue until his removal by of the Council, passed subsequent [e the afouesa[d he,~ lng. (d) DISCRETION O? CO[~CIL; DF2ISION TO BE FINAL In removing the City Manager, The City Coencil sba!~ use its uncenhrelled discretion, and its action shall be and shall net depend unon any pa~;hicular showing or: ~. ~ ~'- ~ ~ whi. ck s allow proof at the hearing, the ~u~pooe of ~ to the C:,~;v Manaqer to present ~o ~he City Ceunc[l ]~[s grounds e[ to his removal prior te its (e) I,IHI~J'AT IONS ON Notwithstanding the provisio:-s of this a~ticlc from office du?Jng o~; wJ'ii'~Jn a period] of' finery (90) da.>.'s next SLlCCOedJ. ll{[ any qene~:al mtnticipal eloc[[o~ hell~ ;~r~ 'the CJky, which o]echJorl a me}abet of the City C(-,,'}nc:'.l }s clothed. The nurpose o[ this p]'ev[sJon iR to ~tllow ~t~ ! ,~.twly elootef~ of Lhe City Council or a reorcfa~}:~zec: f]~ ~',,, COUF~Ci]. LO Observe o[: the powers and d~]i les o-' bis c)[fJ c~~. inter the expJrat: such n;~u::Lty-day po~-iod ,:~.foremen[ionoc~, ti',~ ~'~:ovJr_;J. oris preceding subsection as to Lhe xemox~at of kl~e (2:ity ',{annqeF appity and bo ~.~ffechive.~ 7. Section t4i7 is hereby amerltkf~ %o i-(lad as 14] 7 W~'['iPTEN NOTICE f)N RNSi[(iT ~ !i )N RE()[;~R~[) The City h{anacrer shall giw_~ uh~ Council thirky (30) days' w:r~tten netice of his inhentien ho -~esign. /// 3 5 6 8 9 ii 12 !3 15 16 17 20 21 26 27 28 , 30 32 P~\,,S,,D AND AI)OP"E!} ah a ~x~qt:lar meehino o~ hhe City Council, CJ t:y o:ff T~st.~n, CalL~orn[a, he].d on the day of ........ , ].981 HAY()[6 CI"[' ? -8-