HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD FOR ADOPTION 06-01-81 (4)ORDINANOE.~S FOR DJlDFPION No. 4 6-1-81 AGPiNDA ORDINANCE NO. 850 An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of ~stin, California, ~I~DING SEC~EION 153~ OF ~{E ~i~Ti[N CITY CODE PE~PA~NING 'iO ~PLiCATION BA(I{GRObI~D: Ordinance No. 850 had first re&iJmg by title only and inhroduction ah the P~y 18, 1981 n~eting. RS:( r~lMb2,,~0A%'I ON: M. O. -' That Ordinauce No. 850 have seco.nd reading by ~itle only. M. O~. -- Tlnat Ordinance No. 850 [-~e passed and adopted. (Roil_ Cai 1 Vote) ORDINANCE NO. 850 AN ORDINANCE OF Tile CI'~'Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY SECTION 1.534 Ot' .... ~ m · C..[.~Y ~, _~USTIN ''~ CODE PEIiTAININ( TO APPLICATION FEES [PO TiIN LICENSI% AND P ',f~.~I i P, OARD The City Council of hhe Cihv of Tustin, Califernia, hereb~ orda:lns as follows: Sechion 1534 of the TustJn Cit~z Code is dm~ h,.~.(, tO read as follows: "]534. APPLICATION FEES. Application for any perm:Lt provided by this pare shall be on fo~ms provided bv the City togeLher with an application fee in a sum as provided by resolu[ion of the City Council to cover Ehe cos h of processing and Jnw~s[iga[ion. The app}icatJon shall be signed by the applicant an~ verified amd shall contain such information as may be 12)y the Board." PASSPO AND ADOP.J~_.D ak a regul.~r meetJno of the ('i{x~ Gal iL JiOl. Council of hhe City day ef , 198].. _~}AYOR RLL:iw:D:4/21/81