HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 3 C.T. PKG LOT 06-01-81DATE: HAY 27, 1981 OLD BUSINESS NO. 3 6-1-81 Inter-Corn TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRA'IOR FROM: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ~I)RKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: AWARD OF BID - COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARKSITE PARKING LOT This item has been continued from the last Council meeting so that the City Council could further review the proposed plan. As indicated in my 5-20-81 memo to Council, two of the bid items were not included in original estimate. These were the concrete walks ($2292) and the trash enclosure with gates ($2500). Scme possible areas of change to reduce the overall initial cost would be as follows: 1. Reduce the 24" box trees to 15 gallon size trees. 2. Change the areas to be planted with "Arcadia Junipers" to turf or lawn area. 3. Eliminate the trash enclosure it~n. In the event the Council is desirous of making these changes, it is suggested that all bids be rejected and the plans revised to reflect said changes. This could require a new bid advertisement. RE~TION: It appears that there are two options open to the Council as follows: 1. Reject all bids and redesign the project to conform to the original budget ~nount. Award the bid to Allied Sprinkler Company, Inc. of Anaheim, the low bidder, in the amount of $29,973.00 and authorize a suppler~3ntal budget appropriation of $10,000 frcm general fund monies for this project. Copies of the 5-13-81 and 5-20-81 staff reports are attached for your information. BOB LEDENDMCKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ~DRKS/ CITY ENGINEER BL:db Attac~nt cc: Mary Wynn Charles Thayer DATE: Attad:ed arc thc foll¢,~'ing i. Prc'p3':;ei plans for landscapi, ng ,Trod irrigation. Various t~es of t:zees, sh~:bs, gr~,ind ~vers at~:~ i~cvi~ have h~ch colo~~ c~]~d for ','o~]r info.orion. 2. C,2oy of April 13~ 19~1 saxY~ rc~questing autharizatlnn to ~%~rt:ze for bids. 'R'.i'; :r~::'.~ i~Aicat'es the oyP.~nte t"3 I~ $26~'~.00, ~ich w3s $6,10D '~'~:r ~e c~nvenienc~ to t~'e ~'~-t .... i~r,~ ve i]~ the trash encl©:~ure has L~en added for aesthetic 'P.,e ',:aisc<] Poslans ]_o~.~t~:~ along fha c~nterline o:! ~',-,,- lot act as ~,%eel stops and tree wells. These medians will ?A? filled with dec~srative bark as indicated. T~o of the ,~ ~" ~' . · me~]an,:~ cx)ntaininq light standards will be ~:aveo with c~oncrete. 1'ne area along tl~e scutherly cdg,? of the lot will be grams and hc~efully k~.--., utilized as a picinc area. All existin.-j '- ~ ..... in this ar2a are to re~i~in in place. Please res[×md with a~y additional, eYe.rents or ideas you may have as m~c~ as Uossible ~ th.at staff may negotiate any desired changes with the lc~ bidder urior to the ~,~;at~ of bid at the ,June t, '198~ ~,~eting, if C/3uncil is desirous of proc~eclir~ with the .project. DIR~.~R OF PUBLIC CI~Z ENG INE~ BL:db Attadzment cc: Dan Blar~;ensh J p Ch ar 1 e s TI ~'e r APRZL 13, 1~81 TO: L'",c"~3 L57DL%'DECKER, DiF~Cit:PR OF PC'2~.L. IC .,~,:~u'¥~4.~ ~GINEER SUBJECT: '"~"~ ~ -' - ., ,..o ,. T.N P&~: at the .... ' par~l~ lc~ .... ,,~_ C3lum~..~s '~', ~'~ {,. Park '1~1e ~..~ ~,~'-~ of l~'~c~i~ a~ ~ ~,~ in ~c~ cn the 200 '?entatve rche%'-.ii:T.: fou t]',[a :-~c-,ie-~ is az A~ril 30, 19~1 Pay 7, 19~1 ',{ay ~2, 79S! Ma/ 1~, 1981 June I, 198I July 15, 1901 City Cct~,';cil Au~.~oriz=~Lion to ASvcrtisc for Bids - First L,3Ja 1 - Seco::l Lc~jal Aivert!z~nt - R'.,'ar: Rid - C~7:::m~ce Work - C~,{:..Qtu Work Attach~d is a re:~lu=ion ,.,~icl: cl:;F:cvez tZ~a pl~'~ ars specifications for said ~je~ ~ dire~s ~%e City Clerk to c~'%ver~fso fcr bid~. ;~'hat t~e 'l~stin City C~]ncil, at their c~3eting cf Al'z-il 20, 1981, pass m~ ~t said resolution ~D~oving said pl~to aid ..-:l~c~ficatio~s an~ directi~ ~e City Cle~ to ~ir~ for bids. DS9 LD3ENDECKtLq unu~cKm oF BL:db Attacb.~nt DATE: MAY 13, 1981 NEW BUSINESS NO. 8 5-18-81 Inter -Corn TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECi~DR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CI'iY ENGINEER SUBJECT: AWARD OF BID - COLUMBUS TUSTIN PARKSITE PARKING Bids for the subject project were opened at 9:00 A.M. on May 12, 1981 and are tabulated as follows: ALLIED SPRINKLER CO. , INC. , ANAHEIM RICHARD J. GOSSELIN, TUSTIN WAKEHAM CONST. CO., SANTA ANA TRACY AND HAIGH, IRVINE AMERCO INDUSTRIES, INC., ANAHEIM CALIFO~IA lANDSCAPE INC., SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO $29,973.00 33,870.00 34,660.20 39,058.74 39,9]9.40 43,497.40 The Engineer's estimate for this project is $26,226.00 and the iow bid is 12.5% over this estimate. The original budgeted amount for this project was $20,000. Therefore, if the project is awarded to the low bidder, an additional amount ($10,000.00) of funding will be required as a supplemental appropriation to the ]980-81 Capital Improvement Budget. The Finance Department has reviewed this supplemental request. A detailed bid tabulation is attached for information. RECCMMENDATON: That the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of May 18, 1981, award the bid for the Columbus Tustin Parksite Parking Lot Landscape and Irrigation to the low bidder, Allied Sprinkler Co. of Anaheim, in the'amount of $29,972.00. It is further recommended that the Council approve a supplemental budget appropriation of $10,000.00 from General Fund monies for this project. BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ~DRKS/ CITY ENGINEER BL:db The Finance Department has reviewed this supplemental appropriation request and has determined that there is a sufficient unappropriated fund balance available to fund this project. _. will not require mere than a simple majority vote and will not have an effect on pen~i =ati~. FINANCE DIREC1X)R ' j 0 -I 0 I,,l z.. -I