HomeMy WebLinkAboutP.C. MINUTES 05-18-81 TUSTIN PLANNING AGENCY Minutes of Regular Meeting May 4, 1981 The Planning Agency held a regular meeting Monday, May 4, 1981, at 3:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, California. ~le mceting was called to order by Chairman Sharp at 3:10 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance wins led by ~Irs. Kennedy and the invocation was given by ~{r. Edgar. ROiL CAr Present Absent: Edg~r, Hoesterey, Kennedy, Saltarelli, Sharp None Also Present: R. Kenneth Fle~gle, Acting CommunityDev. Director Dan ~lankenship, City Administrator Jmmes Rourke, City Attorney Mary Ann Chamberlain, Associate Planner, Recording Secretary MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting held April 20, 1981, were approved ~s su~nitted. CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS VARIANCE 81-2 Applicant: Location: Request: Bert W. Tar~yao A.I.A. 14~82 Holt Avenue Authorization to develop five residential co~ul,)miai:l~s and vary with design standards of the Planned Development District. After the presentation of the staff report, the public he. ring w~s opened at 3:15 p.m. Bert Tarayao, architect for the project informed the Agency Umt ~ey have met all t~ requirements of the Planned Development District ~ providing ~creational amenities. The Fablic hearing was closed at 3:20 p.m. After so~e dis~ssion of patio covers, it was moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar to ~pprove the project by the adoption of Resolution No. 1956. Mr. Saltarelli comnented that he felt the second sentence should be removed fron item II~f of Resolution 1956. (The patio provision s}~ll not be contained in CCg~l's.) Agency concurred to mmend motion to delete the second sentence from items II~3 of Resolution No. i95~. ;4ot Lon carried: AYF~: Sharp, Saltarelli, Hoesterey, Edgar, Kennedy NOES: None Planning AgencyMinutes May 4, 1981 Page Two USE PERMIT 81-11 Applicant: Location: R~luest: Spirit Development Company 14832 Holt Avenue Authorization to develop nine two-story townho~es After the presentation of the STaff report, the public hearing was opened. Seeing and hearing no one, the public hearing was clo?~=d. Moved by Kennedy, seconded by Edgar to table Use Perrait 81-11. Motion Carried: AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Hoesterey, Edgar, Kennedy NOES: None · USE PERMIT 81-14 Applicant: Location: Request: Walter Neubauer 305 West First Street Over-the-counter and mil order bookstore Dr. Fleagle presented the staff report and co~nented t~at staff had inadvertently deleted the trash area bat they would be added through design revi~v. Also, no sign plans h~d been submitted to date. The public h~aring was opened by C~aair..~an Sharp. Seeing and hearing no one the hearing was closed. ~Dved by Edgar, seconded by Saltarelli to approve Use Permit 81-14 by ~e adoption of Resolution ~io. 19~7. Mr. Saltarelli ~ggested that the site plan be p~vised to accommodate the h~ndicapp~t stall at a di.[ferent ]:~'~c:~ti~m and possibly acid ~no~her i~arking Motion carried: AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Hoesterey, Edgar, Kennedy PUBLIC HEARINGS SPECIFIC PLA.N NO. 6 Applicant: Location: Rek]uest: City of Tustin Easterly side of Holt Avenue from Channel northerly to Warren Adoption of specific plan for residential uses Dr. Fleagle presented the staff report and comnented that Section 5.a.2 of the plan should be changed from lot size to land area. Cnainran Sharp questioned if the co~mty lots would be required to follow ~lis plan also. Dr. Fleagle stated ~at if they were annexed then they would be undeu the City plan. If the lots are not annexed, then hopefully ~]e County would honor the plan if the lots are redeveloped. Mrs. Kennedy co,mental that she felt the public hearing ~ould be held at night toallow the public to ~eak to the private street M~id~ traverses t?~ entire length of t~ block. Planning Agency Minutes May 4, 1981 Page ~lree The public hearing was opened at 3:42 by Chairman Sharp. ~. Arnold Hm~la, a proponent of the project informed the Agency that he is in agree~nt with the plan as ~l~tted. Mrs. 3helia Patterson, resident at 14~21 Holt Avenue requested an~ers to the following questions: 1. Would this plan include tile remodeling of her home at 14621 Holt Avenue which is p~rt of Specific Plan area No. 6? Dr. Fleagle responded that a remodel or addition would not be considered a project but could not exceed 50% assessed value of the structure. 2. Would she be allowed to build four single family units rather th~n ei~]t or ten townhouses? Dr. Fleagle responded that the site plan would have to be reviewed and approved under a use permit tn conforrr~nce with the Specific Plan No. ~ requirements along wi~% a subdivision map. ~rs. Patterson requested t}~ above information in writing. 3. Would she be allowed ~o fence in her yard if she built new units? Dr. Fleagle ans~vered that ~.s long ~ she followed the Specific Plan providing for emergency access. The public hearing w~s closed at 3:52 p.m. After a b?[ef discuqsion a~)ut surplus fl(×~ control land, it was frayed by E~i~r, ~co~do..t i?/ ~!~ar~ll[ to ~cco~nend approval of this plan to ~he City Council by the adoption of Resolution 1966. ~4otion Carried: AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Hoesterey, Edgar, Kennedy NOES: None Z02~ C~L~GE 81-2 Appl i.c~ut: Location: Request: Northeasterly corner of Red Hill Avenue and Nis$o;1 Road Cl~nge zone from Retail Co~nercial (C-l) to Cx)~nercial General (CG). After the staff report presentation by Dr. Fleagle the public hearing wms opened at 4:00 p.m. Hiram de Fries, Attorney for the applicant, Eugene Tutt, stated that Mr. Tu~ was not able to be present and }~ is representing Mr. Tutt. Planning Agency Minutes May 4, 1981 Page Four The public hearing was closed a~ 4:01 p.m. P~ved by Kennedy, seconded by Saltarelli to recommend approval of Zone Change 81-2 to the City Council by the adoption of Resolution 1959. Motion Carried: AYES: Sharp, Saltarelli, Hoesterey, Edgar, Kennedy NOES: None USE PEP~MIT 81-17 Applicant: Location: Request: Eugene and Rita Tutt 14042 Red Hill Avenue Authorization ~o operate an m]tomotive sales and leasing business. Foll~ving the presentation of the staff report Dr. Fleagle related that the following conditions be ~nposed. All street 9nprovements for Parcels 1 and 2 be completed prior to the is~mnce of a Use Permit for the automobile sales and leasing or a ~a~ de.0osi~ ~ ~e to the City in an amount determined necessa~~ by ~he Director of Public Works. 2. That a parcel map be filed for that portion of Parcel 2 of P.M. 25-29 as r~luired by ~he Subdivision ~p Act. 3. Tha~ all outdoor advertising signs (billboards) be removed from the pre,~ises. 4. Th:~t on ~ite vehicl.e s~o~ ~n~ display ~ restricted, to 3~ vehicles, including sales personnel and ~.~ployees and the on- street parking of vehicles related to the operations shall be a basis for revocation of the Use Permit. Mr. Edgar relate~ to the Agency that ~mder Federal Legislation the City would kave to pay full compensatiou to have these billboards removed unless ~e City requires C~em removed at this time in order to approve this use permit. Mr. Saltarelli con~r~ented on the }wad drainage problem which exists on the ,u~L~proved property an~ :~isson Road. The public hearing wa.~ opened by Chaimnan Sharp at 4:08 p.m. Hir~n de Fries, attorney representing Mr. Tutt, related to the Agency that he wms not prepared to discuss the use permit at this t~ne and requested U~at the ~ablic hearing be continued to the next reD%lar meeting. ~bv~l by Edgar, second~t by Kennedy to contim~ as open public hearing to ~le ~y 18, 1981 ~=eting. Motion Carried: AYES: Sharp, 8altarelli, Hoesterey, Edgar, Kennedy NOES: None Planning Agency ~Knutes May 4, 1981 Page Five REPORTS Dr. Fleagle reported that he }ms referred the matter to the Police Department as to their authority for the enforcement of truck parking. They are aware of the problem and have taken action at several places. Staff will follow up with zoning ordinance control on private property. Mr. Saltarelli stated that his concern is that t~ick parking is becoming a sore topic with the populace in residential areas. Overaight truckers .~ark big rigs on 17th Street up and down Yorba, Browning Avenue, Red Hill, Ne~ort, and they are very hazardous because ~ey are wide and hide bikers m~d pedestrians. He feels that the '~' cl~: should not stand for the public streets becoming parking lots. The Police Department should begin enforcing this b~nediately. The Agency acknowledged the report and requested that the Police Department make this a top priority item for the next few months to see if the problem can be alleviated. The staff will report back. PUBLIC CONCEILNS }.irs. Ruby },~y, 1602 Nisson Road, of Tustin, explained to the Agency that the lighted walk sign at the corner of Red Hill and NisSon does not re,tin on long enoug3~ for people to cro~s safely. ,%ir. Ledeqdecker, City Engine~er, ~stated that he would check into this ~ttar and ~r ........ ~,~ ,i~'., ,.~'s. ~,~.v. STAFF CONCEP~YS -~]one AGENCY COhCEP~,S Mr. Edgar questioned (the Tutt case) ¥¢hen s~neone chooses through ignorance or through deli~rate action to violate o~ standards ~,"~U~e Penni. ts) ~.~ + kinds of ~m~lties exist for t~t ~rticular Dr. Fleagle answered that the process is to put the property owner on notice that the use i~ermit has beea violated and then ~k for correction. If the correction is not forth c~ning in~ediately a SOC):~,J (1.)riCe iS iss'~i~ aSl<i~ them to ~-~,',' c~us? ',~'hy a public hearing should not be held by ~he Plaqning igency to dete~nine why the ~se permit should not be reworked. It's non?ally an adequate pn~'eas to gain compliance. ',Ir. Sharp co:~nt~l that he went }%~' the T.att property and saw a lot of green signs advertising auto leasing agency ~_nd wondered why they were meeting to approve s,~mething that has already been done. Mr. ,Sharp also state~ that he feels we should try and keep from having this }zappen again. Mr. Saltarelli suggest~l that the City red line the curb from Red Hill east on Nisson so that parking will not occur there and cause. traffic jm,~s from the auto leasing agency parking cars in the public right o~ way. The meeting was a~ijourned at 4:32 p.m. to the next regular meeting on May 18, .1981 at 3:00 p.m. ,qary Ann ~%amberlain Recording Secretary James Chairman