HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 USE PERMIT 81-12 05-18-81DATE:
May 18,
Honorable Chair. r~n and Planninz Agency Members
C~f~f~nit¥ Development Department
Use Permit 81-12
Applicant: Arnold F. Pamala
Location: 14512 Holt Avenue
A Use Permit application to request authorization to develop a 20
unit t~vnhoase project located on the easterly side of Holt Avenue,
south of Warren Avenue. The subject property is zoned PD-3,000, and
is loc~te~l within the Specific Plan No. 6 area.
The proposed project incorporates two phases, with the first phase
being the northern ten units, and the second phase encompassing the
remaining ten units with a common recreation ~ea.
Guest parking is provided in each drive approach, and the o~ners
will regulate its use. The CC&R's will stipulate that garages will
be used g~lely for the storage of vehicles, and will be
peim~nently ~intained only for parking.
~ , ,-~":'~ ~::. :~ .:"-~" '-, , .+~.. ~,o?n sopce~ ~_or the project is approximately
4o0, ~:~'hich incL~des private pasios, Holt Avenue treatment, the
recreation area, f[re emergency access, entry and streetscape
tre-~tmeat. The applicant 1~ ~.tt~e~pting to p~eserve existing r~ature
Staff recom;~ends approval o£ Use P~?~it 81-12, with the con. eats
contained in the draft resolution as conditions of approval.
Specific areas of concern include:
~. The project sh;~ll coaform with the development reD~lations of
Specific Plan No. 6, a~ ~op~;..~d by Resolution No. 81-52, and
contained in EKhibit A.
B. The CC~R's shall stipulate that garages shall be used prettily
for the storage o[ vehicles as outlined in the Tustin City Code
Definitions 9297, and shall rerr~in permanently ~intained as a
parking acco~m~dat ion.
Use Pem~t 81-19,
May 18, 1981
Page Two
8tmff reco~nends thag Use Permit 81-t2 be approved, b~ the adopt£on
of Resolution No. 19~0.
I. O~.}ectives
II. S'c,,~%isti:~l ~)ata
IV. De'Finlt~
V. General Development Standards
B. Si~2 o..,~., ,~.~-,~
D. ~H!ding Heights
F. Parking Requirements
G. Fe,~ces and Walls
H. Storage% and Refuse C'a~lec~ion ~reas
C~rculation C,'~eria
Preserve and Frotect the public he.a!th, safety, and general welfare of the
area by a~c[.,~;.-aging the o,'~.rl, .~ ~ .... ~ulcp,,~n.. of tile subject property..
Plan f'~'. c. ~ ~.~.,, .... neigh,, orho,,,.} .~:~,~ln~m~:+.~ ~.......~ which conforms with tha
General Pla;~ ~:~' the City ~f T~stin ,?~] goal] of
Devel.-..~ s.~'-.ndards tqat ,,~';!! ~]e unifc?,~iy applied to all lots within the
specific plan area, regard)e.::s ~Jf o'.4ne:-ship.
The specifi, plan ~, =a is bo~:nd£d by ,~rren Avenue to the north- the North
Tustin Channel to the =~,.,.h, Holt Avenue to the west, and the E1 Modena Channel
tO ~'~
~n. east.
Within t~:~ s~ec~f c plan .'~rL~a, the .... ~, " oF the i r,~ .-' -,
fa;nily ........ ~u"~u~:, .. Jei'i~ed .]'_,~. J ~e.-.o~%,~ c~ Estate District (~~.'~'~;, Fustin
City Code L'.e~:Cion 922_2 ia, t)~ereto sa~ll be ~,ermitted.
~,'o buit"-'n.q.,J~ per)airs silaii ',',e aii,?'..:e.3 for any project w~(~.'',. ~.: dc, es not coqform
,~,e op,.en~ st.~r~ar~s of : plan.
Where conflicts ~,:
.:..~en these gene,'~l qeve!3pment standards a~d othe~
zoning r~a~.~iations eq~'c, the pr','/~:~",]s of che specific plan sh~i!
p nevai i.
i,~/thin the s!sedific pla~ am, a, ~v~.ter services will be provided by Tustin
~,!:~ter i~ork:], sew6r,.-:j.? fac~:litie..-- i~? the County Sanitation '.3!strict Ho 7,
electrical services ~v S~.,thern ~iaii~orn-~a Edison, and ges ser,~ices by
Ssu%he,'q L'.~'ifernia (~as. ':hose '>;.ice facilities are ~rcvided along )~a!t
Avenue. '.Jrain~cj:; ~)lans sh-).il '.~ re:ie¥~,_'.d by the Building Official a,qd
¢o~/:orr,: to the requirements ef the ,~ran? C¢;.,r, ty Flood Co;~tro! District.
. w.t..., necessity
Excess pub!~ lar, d ~say be i:~c~rocr?t~d into the project,' '~,~',.~
for plan amendmens.
upoF] appl~.a~c.n for a use pe,mi~, for ~,,'eiooment, CC&R's shall bc
submitted ?'or review aF~J approval th~]t permis the incorporation of
subseq:~ent d.,eve!o;.:[~eF~t projects .~i thin the plan area.
1. tYhere a!>pli,~bl,~, ..... '~,~ftniti. ons ,~>nt~'~[m'd in Tusttn City
shall be utiliz~ for the.~ ,?pectfic plan meg,;lations.
defined ~ a ~ti~[plc: f~r~ly ~'ell[ng w[tit ~.~ D~'[%~t~ att~tched
the~ slz%l! }~ no ::rare than one d~eilLng unit ~ ~]y lot.
3. Oi~en Se.~(,,:,. C~v,,~on often space and private ope;~ space.
A. Privat~ Open Space: Unco-ered patio areas for the exclusive use of the
t%~'nei~s or tenants of ~be d~'ell~ng.
recreatioc, al faci!U ies incidental to Che residential develotTmen~c,
w'glkways, or aecessa-¢ fire~fightina eqa'll-Jnent and installations.
~i~.ch d~'elling unit shall 1~9 gu,k~>~.ntec, J right of u~ to c~nly o',,'n~
~d ~.tntatrmd c::-:~n s~¢ace. Said o~n of~n space sl~ll ~ designed
~ tO ]~ t~,b!e ::~nd ~:[tsfol,: L)F recr,~at/om~l ptl.t-~s~ ~.n,i/'or ms a
Prol:~ss~4 pro; .... "
' ,=~t-:, are encoaraged to utilize no ;~)re than t~o
uni. ts 3~r I.;i~l;?:!,~.;, but in no ca~ sh¢!l ~ny d~?'e, lo~c.%; p?oy~sal t~ve
4. FL~:terior De,3i¢;n:
A. RooL-; - 9?f~i::?.nt r~f form $~.'t,,)u'_d be ~% conv:~ution?.! ~,.ble with
...... ~ o? sh~,~, or f]at e]c~.~nts. ,~. ....... should not be chipped.
. o.l..,;.. - A her. v:' ?:¢xt'.tred .'k~.rk r/~...~ 1.,1, .:-~"%, ..... as WOOd
sln~l¢ of thic~ ?:u~ g c;~'%-r~'~ltlOn o;,=ng~e.
Ext~?i.or %%teri~l'; and Col,~a'.':. - X co¢~)im~.tion of horizontal
si,iiug ;vith ,n¢.ni:~l ,'{,se, o:'! plaster el~nts is encouraged.
tone,s ',~d, ll be us~,:i for th, }p.$i,,: building exterior co]or.
3uildi.:lg~ ~15' l~? trimm~d wi~dn contrnstin~ paints arid stain.~.
Design Details - The following details are encouraged for
incorporation into tile building elevation. Doors and windows
should be trimmed, with the u~e of multiple parted windows. Fascia
a~d bar~? board s~ould be emphasized as a design element. Fireplace
chimney~ should be sheated in horizontal s~d(ng and tri~mned.
Site Requi rep.~ents
,+3,: private an~ ccmmon open s,3ace shall be provided
each proposed project.
1. Setback from Holt Avenue - 2'3 feet.
Setback from Warren Avenue - !5 feet.
Side ~Fard - Side yard setback shall be a minimum of five feet.
a. Rear Yard - Rear yard setback shall be a mi~imun~ ~ !5 feet,
setback from t')e E1Modena Flood Control Channel and North Tustin
Ci~a:~nel shall .e a minimum cf 15 feet.
5. Arcnitect'jrai features may ~.~r~
~,~j:.. as follows:
~N$of cverhang, subject, t3 the approval of the Co~nity
Devele?ment Director may mroject six (5) feet (Rte the
t~enty (~O) Feet setback area and three (3} feet into a
fifteen (15)'Foot set~ack area.
Unless oti;erwise specified in Lhia plan, all building heights shall not
- ~ ......... .,. ~- ,~e~,.~
~ La~dscapi g
a. Landscaping shall consist of an effective combination of street
t~ees: trees, ground F:~),,'er, and shrubbery, provided with
~,~:itable irri gatic,~:.
b. /'ny ,:ndev~!o~c~ areas will be maintained in ~ weed free
feasible, preserving an~ maintaining exis::!ng mature
_ ~,~. u~ Landscape Treat?,ent
A ~ini)~.,?five focC landscape setback from property lines to
fences or walls shall be planted with trees, sh?ubs and ground
cover. Femces shall be period(cally off-set at a greaCcr depth
Fsr aesthetic purposes.
3. Common Ownership Areas
Such portions of the site shall be adequately landscaped with
trees or ground cov?' to provide both visual amenity and
4. LandAcape Haintenance
Property owners, inJividjaily and collectively through an
~o~ation~'~ ,-' shall "~.e re~i~on~ib!? ~.~r the ~aintenance of private
~nd common open space and landscaped areas.
!_awn and ground covers a~e to be kept trimmed and/or m~ved
regularly. Alt planting5 in plan~ing areas are to be kept free
of weeds and ~'" ~
All plantings are t.."], be :<ept in ~ healthy and grow(rig
condition. Fertilizations, cultiw~ti~.,,.,, a)~d tree pruning are to
be a :Jart of regular ma i~tenance.
irF~gation will be provi~Jed and ~deq~.L~tely maintained to
provide an e~'~ective ~y.~tc~ o~ i'rigatio:~ for plantings and
tra~s throughoLK: ail areas.
~t~,._~, guy~ a,~ ties ec tre~]s ,~iil ne c.~cKed regularly for
~.r~e~ function, i~e-i ,.;ill ~e adjusted to avoid creati~
~brgsions or girdling to tie st?~s.
F. Parking Re~J~rements
~.a.,r -: .... d ..... ~lin._l. unit. shall ~F:;v'i'~'~ .......... a -~ ',~?.~:,~ oF ~,,:o parking spaces
per uni~. ~ne of w~ich shal! '~_ ~.~,~ .~i~H_,..,~..~ at~,qc'ned garage. If a
~Ja?::,?t is utilized for ?,e c~:qn<~ s~,~,.e, it shall ~so be attached
to the unit.
if a minimNm nineteen (i9i foot drive apro~ is provided per unit,
no ad~itionai guest parking is required. In lieu of the drive
app-cach~ one-half parkin~ ~pace per dwelling tmit for guest
parking shall be provided.
Space Dimensio:~s
a. Enclosed spaces~'s!i'all be a minimum of ten by ~enty feet.
b. Open spaces shall be a.~q(=~'~: .,,. , cF ~_. x !9.
Fences and Walls
1. Ail Tepees facing Holt .-'..'enue War[e~ .~ r~t .... and t!~e Ncrth Tustin
Chan,qel shall match the materials and colors of the building
exteriors. They shall be limited to e~clo~-(~g the private patio
area, ~nd shall nc, t exceed six (6) f~.~ in height.
2. A solid masonry wall six feet eight inches (6'-8") in height shall
be constructed along the El 14odena Channel frontage.
Storage and Refuse Collection
Alt oL:tdo~r ' ~ area~
?~'e?a~. a~d ref~se collection areas shall be enclosed
and visually scre~n[,S so that materials stored within these areas shall
not be visit>lo From access streets and adjacent property.
i. Circulation Sriteria
The number of access points to Holt Aveue shall be limited to two
locations, with one additional access allowed to Warren Avenue, per
Exhibit B. Precise locations for access points shall be approved by
the City Engineer.
Circulation v:ithin t!~e specific pla~ area shall be a private street
wit's; a mini,~u~ width of twenty-four {2~) feet with a nineteen (!9) feet
drive a?r~a~h, an~ t~,enty-~even (27) feet with a shorter dri,~e
approach, per Cxhiblt B.
Dr~'e a.~,.~o- shall be a :~ini?~Jm cf five feet and a ~,a'<imum cF seven
feet~ !'r~ allow f,~r ~.-~rKin§ i~,~ ti~e dri~'e approaci~, a :~,ini~um length of
ninetee~ feet is ~e,~,ire~
!!o on--~i'~;a ~:~,,n:j space~, ,~tl ]e desi~aed that wiil require a ',~ehicle
to back'
Ez ....... B
The Plan~Lng Agency of the City of T,lszin does hereby resolve as
That a pro~r applic:~tLon (Use Permit 81-12), wins filer by
Arnold F. Hmuala, requesttng authorization to construct
twenty residential xnlts in two phases on the (.~asterly side
of Holt Avenue, 292 feet southerly of Warren, within the
S~ctfic Plan No. 6 area.
That ~ p, iblic he~rins w~s duly called, noticed and held on
~.~id ~pplica t
?l~C ,:~st;ttblLsh:,~)nt, .~.~[qteria~lse, ~nd op:'m~tLon Of the ~e
app)_L~ for wilt not, ~lnder the cir.:~t~tanc,~ of this ~se,
~ detrbs:mtal to the healt+~, ~xfet,.-, moral.~, co~ort, or
qei. gh~)rh~ of iu~.h :mo~so,i use, evidenced by the
~oI ] ,)wing fi ndings:
the Tustin Are-~
q'~ ..... 'ics~n is i.n cxmfor~ t:e .:dth the provisions of the
pl-~ ~],' ] :~... ..... ~..~:l~¥~-~nt ....... DJ. strict.
That the (~tabLLshmenc, ,waintenance, and operation of the
use applied [or will not ~ injurious or detri~ntal ~ the
pr:))erty and impr.)ve~ent~ in the neign~r!')~fl of the
~.~b.~::.t pro?<rt:.', r: )' 5~ 'the i;ene-;~l .,ye'. 2~ of the City of
T~,-.-ti:~, and sh>':l:i :.: ?-t(~r,:'i.
.. ' ' D~:c r;~,,zon l~as been applied for to comply
T~l:t;~ ~ rle?~atlve '
.., i_c'i 'r:i!,~ ;)r:)vi. sio~ >~ tile CalLf. mnta Envtro~n::~l ~liCy
ACt. aqd hereby
<tevel,:)~)~at ~>1 i. ct ~ '~,?t{:d by the City ~unctl; Unkfom
Building C. xies ~ a~,<i~steced by the Building Official;
Fire Co:les ~.s ,~,i~nist~?b~t by the Or:rage ~mty Fire
',~rshal; ~md street inprove~nt re<'luire~nts
a&mtn[se~r(~ by the CL~y Engi
Fi. hal develo;wa,.~nt pl,.,ns shall require the review and
Deve ~( ~.3n ~ Director.
approval of the CommunLty ~' ',, · ~
Resolution ~Io. 1970
Page T~o
II. The Planning Agency hereby authorizes the development of a
twenty (20) unit residential project as applied for, subject to the
following condi tiOqS:
The final site plan shall be standardized and reflect all
appropr,[ate City standard drawtug nt~nbers. The developer
sha~ l oonstruct all missing or damaged street improvements
t~'~ .~,~[d develof~n~ per the Ci. cy of Tustin "Minimum Design
Sr~tndards c)~. Public Wocks" :m.! "S~reet [mprove~nt
9tanJa~ds", ~is work shall consist of; but is not l~[t~
to: c,.n%s ~.mfl t~tters, sidewalks, dr~ve aprons, street
;. ge~ and ~{~t li~t~.
Tenkii;Lv(~ and Final ;~i) mits;; i~ submitl~ed and approved in
oompltance with the Snb(iivis[ou Ordinance.
D~e establis,hment of a Hon~owaer's Association for all the
,~atntenance of M1 common are:~s and the s~bmission of
CC~'s to the Ctty 4~torney for ~view and
D. All utilities .~rving the proposed development s+mll be
undergrounded within th~ exte¢ior ~)~ndaw lln~ of the
E 'P~:e nr,~4o~~ shrill. " ~ ,~
.on ...... n ~ith ~he develo~nt ~ clarions
~')J g[~tfi.r. '?lg[] No. ~{ ~'4 ~,.d,)gtckt by Resoluti. on No. 81-52.
p,Lr~rily for ':he st,.,':~{e o[ ',?hicle~s ;~s outlined tn the
T,~stiq City Cal,~ i:~ ('~.~ t)as 9297, ~:~d ShalI r~iq
At such time tha~: the Fire i%~p.~rt,:~nt e~erge~lcy access is
no longer ~quired the area :C~:~'l convert
along 9~e private dci ce,,ay, ~tbjc,:;: ;;o writCen approval
fern the dtsl>o~l ser':Re.
K. 7'~:~ d~vel,.)i~nent $%_t!), }x2 r~l:l[r,.'-t to a~nex t~ the T]tatln
L. A .~in~l gra.dsqg plan i.s ~(pli red 5or review and approval.
plan is pre~iui, r'ed for neview and approval.
P~SSED ?P~ 3J~OPTED at a regular c~e. tlng ()~; the Tustin Planning
Agent?, held on the LBth day o~ :4~-iy, 198l.
James B. Sharp
Cha i rman
~ary Ann Ch&.~rlain
Recordi ng .qecreta~y