HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2a USE PERMIT 81-18 05-18-81DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ~y 18, I981 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 Inter-Corn Honorable Chaira~n and Planning Agency Cou~n~ity Development Department Use Permit 81-18 Location: lzL27~ Franklin Avenue Applicant: DeRevere, Wise &Garakian on behalf of Basic Four Request: Develop an industrial building with parking provided on adjacent inter-related sites. BA~KGROUNDA~ DISCUSSION In 1.978 Basic Four began construction of their ~]stin Facility at the corner of 5~chelle Avenue and Myford Road. Since that time the industrial complex has expanded to 308,195 square feet of building area on four lots. A request has been made to develop an adjoining lot, owned by Basic Four, for a 160,000 square foot office/manufacturing building. The lot with the structure would not have sufficient on-site parking to satisfy minimum parking and access requirements. To solve ~is problem ~e applicant ,has proposed recording an access and parking ease.~at over the entire project pro}~erties. ~lanning staff endorses such a concept for large single user projects on multiple lots. It gives great flexibility in the future if one or more of the lots is sold off to other users. A draft of theproposed easement is currently being reviewed ~y the City Attorney's Office. The parking de.nd based upon floor area square footage is as follows: Office 226,337/250 = 905 Manufacturing 193,044/500 = 388 Warehouse 48,000 = 32 1323 spaces A total of 1,440 parking spaces will be provided, which is more tl~an required by the district regulations. Use Permit 81-18 M~y 18, 1981 Page Two Of concern to staff is the continued use of the temporary office trailers at the site. These trailers were to be used only until interior L~provements were ~ccomplished on buildings 3 and 4. A condition of approvgl of this application should be the removal of the trailers prior to permit issuance for Building 5. The applicant 1~ stated that this condition would be acceptable. ACTION Approval of the parking plan by the adoption of Resolution No. 1.971. AG~¥/dat ii ~ Memorandum TO, Suojec! John Bridle _ A David Schiff, Esq. ~/ ~ ? ~-'~ 3ames Holt Ric ha rk~ Holli:,~'er i~ui!ding ~:5 Variar, c~-Cross i.a~cment Enclosed is the operativ,- language of a suggested cross access and parking easer, unt in connection ~.:ith your conte: plated v,~riance application for Buildln?~ f~5. I wc'u~,z iik~: t(~ i~av~ y~: clear such language with thc apprcf :;i:.:t~ official and th~ City's at~ornev prior to submictf?.~: sam(, tc the present two mortgagees of the five acquirec lots for their consent as required. DSTS: gk Enclosure As covenants running with the land and subject to all existtng and future easements, rights-of-way and matters of record and the maintenance, replacement and construction of utility and similiar facilities serving any part of Lots 1,2, and 3 of Tract 8603 and Lots 26,27, and 28 of Tract 8590 and the buildings and improvements thereon, all in the city of Tustin, California (collectively herein called "the Property"), each owner from time to time of any portion of the Property is hereby granted, if, as, but only to the extent and during the period required by appropriate governmental authority from time to time, a non-exclusive right-of-way and easement, in common all such other owners of the Property (including their invitees), solely for the use of passenger vehicle and pedestrian access by mean~ of driveways to and from public streets abutting the Property a~d the lands of the respective owners of portions of the Property and passenger vehicle parking on those parking areas, respectively, n,,w in the future constructed for such purposes; provided, however, ~f ane to the extent not inconsistent with and subject to requirements from ti~ne to time of appropriate governmental authority, each such owner may, at any tine and from time to time hereafter, (i) designate and imple:~e~t substitut~ or ~o~e limited driveways and parking areas on hand (within the Property) so long as it (a) affords and does not impede reasonably sufficient a~d direct access across its land betwee. the other portions of the Property and the abutting public streets and (b) reasonably sufficient parking as to the Property (considered as a whole) is otherwise available thereon; and (ii) establish and en- force in the interest of safety, orderly use of such driveways and parking areas and the mutual well-being of all owners of the Property but withoot amy obligation to enforce and without any liability for failing to do so, such reasonable and non-discrim- inatory rules and regulations governing the use thereof provided that ,no charges may be imposed for such access or parking unless those favored he~eby who, at all times while such charges are to be i,~ effect own at least seventy-five percent ~f the land area of the Property, shall first concur in writing as to such charge amd the a~ount thereof. Each of the owners of any part of the Property shall, at its ~ole cost and expense, maintain and keep in good order and repair the said driveways and parking areas and all of the improvements thereon owned by it, shall be in control thereof subject to the provisions hereof and shall be solely responsible to third parties with respect thereto. The ~ights-of-way (driveways) r~_~ferred to herein shall meet at equal g~ades and no obstruction or i,npediment shall be permitted with respect thereto (including the pol~t-s of COherent[on at ?ro?e~ty lines) except as above permitted and for s~ch traffic controls or means as may reasonably be ,~,.~c,~ssary for the safety and orderly use by the permitted users t;~e~'eof. The ~i~hts cceatad by this iastru~ent shall be enforceable in equity, it being acknowledged that those favored hereby would be irreparably ha~med by any violation or threat of same and that co~npensatio~ in damages would be an inadequate remedy. This instrument shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the owner(s) of the Property and their successors and assigns. 1 2 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 5O 52 Th+~ Planiag fo '~. lows A RESOLUTION OF ~ PLAN%IINIG AGKNC~ OF THE CITY OF ?U~fiN, A~{ORIZ[NG [)EV~4~ OF ~N I~USTR[~ BU[~I~ AT ]4272 ~IN AV~E WITtI OFF-SITE [~{-RE~TED P~I~ A~ency of the City of Tustta fi~s hereby resolve ms I. Tho. Olamll.lg Agency find:~ aa,{ degenntnes :es follows: k. That a proper application. (Use Permit No.81Z181, has +~en filed on behalf of }~$ic Four Corporation, to ralnest authorization t~) construct a 160,000 square foot office/inJustr[al Y~]ilding at 14272 Franklin Avenue with parking accommodations provhl~t on adjacent parcels by recorded agree.~nt. B. 'fha: '~. ~:blLc h,_...~ ..... ~a,,.' ,, ~;a,~ kl~'y' calle:i, notb-'~d.., and held ,.~n said u)ptLcatbm, C, That establi, shn~nt, ~[nt~.nance, and Dictation of the t~+ '~ppli;~:! for will ~o:, ,..lqdC? the ci~ou~atances of ~h~ mr.~e. ',-~ detri~nt.~ ~> ~he health, '~a[~ety, ~mtls, mh,~ l:..~,., is tn c~):~[',>rix~.a,-'e with the T is~iq ~.]tz~i to the prof~rty and improv,~m~.~b~ in the :~] of the subject property, nor to t}~e general welfare ~. ~-~r,_)~9~:-i di~.:Olot3~,~e~C S}li{', _ ',~-2 i,t% aCcord~.~l~e with fiew:~lolmS;-:': p~ [cLes ~opte,'t b,' the City ~unctl, Uni- f.>rm B,_~i. ld,..g Co::I~ ~ ad_mi ~;~; ~r~'*t by the B,~tlding Offi,~ial, Fi~, C('~:!e ~ ~tl~q]o~.~rt.d by the Fire Chief, ~'. T'.'~e pr(,p,)sed project is cx,~mpt from the requirements of the Cali_fornia Enviro, v~,ntal Quality Act on the 'b~sis of a prior approved :~ster EIR, for the i ndn:~trtal complex. G. Final developrm~nt pla;ts ~hall r~:lutre the review and approval of th,~ C,m~aunity Oevelo~waent Department. 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 lZ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 25 ~6 ~9 30 Resolution No. 1971 Page Two £[. The Planning A!{~a(:f hereby approves Us,,~ Permit No. 81-18, to authorize develol~m~.nt of an industrial building :~nd p~rking plans as sul~nitted, subject to the following conditioas: The final site plan sh~{ll 1oe standardl-',ed apl)r,)pri~e City standa~ d~awlng humidors. Tt~ develo~r shall ~)asr:r,~ct all. missing or d;~;~xg-d st~t L~prov~nts s:m_d develo~at p~r the City of Tu.st'iu to: c,.lrbs and :Iutters, sidewalks, drice ap~], That r~]iproc..al access and parking easen~?nts shall be recocded fo~ lots 1, 2 and 3 of Tract 8603 and lots 26, 27 and 28 of Tract 8590 to ensure cocamm use of the parking area and drive aU~],-;s of the planned c~)mplex by al [ pr~;sent and Th:.t[ th~. n~.'.i, pr,),?,i accem~ and parking ~aseme~t:.~ rev[,~'od by t~.e Ci.:y ~tto~ney Dr[,)r to their Tha~ p~ci {a [mpm)vement plans ~;ha]l confo~n to ~ll. p?ovi~[ ms~ )f the City's develop~nt ~51[del[n~ and the Ag,'mc:.;, held ')r: :h~ ].8th day of !~y, 1981, Secretary