HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 3 CLAIM #81-8 05-18-81DATE: 4/23/81 No. 3 Inter - C om TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY CLAIMANT: RANDY WELSH; ALC #81-8; FILED W/CITY 4/15/81; D/L: 10/8/80; CARL WARREN #28308 DC After investigation and review it is recommended that the this application for permission to file late claim be denied and the City Clerk directed to give appropriate notice to the applicant and to the applicant's attorney. JGR:se:D:4/22/~l Enclosure . :~ .~. 81-1 CITY OF TUSTIN OFFICE OF THE C!FY CLERK The attached document was received Received: Date: April 15 Time: 1:55 o'c|ock Received By: X Number: Claim No- ALC 81-8 $&C No. ,19 81 p Personal service up~-, ~-hs undersigned Regular mail Certified or registered mail Nary E. W~n (Print City Clerk Position Copy - Cart Warren & Co. on I ttorn~>' on D-p ........ ~. Eead Finance Department 4-16 4-16 4-16 4-16 198i , i981 ,1981 ,19 81 FO~M A RECEIPT April 16, 1981 Carl Warren & Company 1801 Park Court Place Building E, Suite 208 Santa Ana, California 92701 Attention: L. Schellink Re: CLAI~.~NT: CLAI~ NO: Gentlemen: Randy Welsh ALC 81-8 The enclosed Application for Permission to File Late Claim was presented to this office this date and has been referred to t?~e appropriate City department for its investigation, and also to the offices of Rourke & Woodruff, attention of Ja~es G. Rourke, City Attorney. By this letter you are au~:~r~zed to c~.ence ~he necessary investigation of this c!a£:~ on behalf cf ~he City. We ~cu!d re~-==5 tkat you notify the excess insurance car- ~=-!s) fcr -~= City that you are commencing said investi- gati~,n, and ~-culd further request that you submit your pre±z~nznary ~_~ all subsequent reports to the City with a co?~ ~o ~.he CS. ty Attorney and to the insurance carrier(s) m~ ~ney so __.~u~st. Pending advice from the City Attorney, %~e will plan to present this matter to the City Council for denial at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Very truly yours,  Mary E. Wynn City Clerk Enclosure c: City Attorney Depart/nent Head Finance Departmen% City Center 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 (714) 544-8890 HAROLD LA FLAI'/, M E April 10, 1981 J. MI~:HAEL HUGHES City of Tustin City Center 300 Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 Attention: City Clerk Re: Randy'~¢elsh Late Claim To ]~om it May Concern: Please find enclosed our Application for Permission to File Late Claim on the above referenced client. If you have ~ny further questions please direct all c~:'~penence to th~s office. JMH:dc Enclosures Mailed: Certified Ma~l Very/~'~t~t ~j ~ 'truly yours, ~~~/~L,~ . ~.i~chael Hughes .~ . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 19 i' 20 21 22 2.3 ~? LAN OFFICES OF HAROLD LAFLAX[iE by J. NICHAEL HUGHES 2~24 N. 0rand Ave., Suite A Santa Ana, California 92701 (714) 972-1115 Attorney ~,_r Claimant In the Hatter of the Application for Permission to File Late Claim of: RANDY %'{ELSH, Cie~ xsn~, ) V S. ) 2.~TM OF TUSTi}! ) ) APPLICATION FOR PERNISSION TO FILE LATE CLAIN ~. F.t"il ' ELSH hereby applies to the CITY OF TUST!L~ (Ci.ty) _ ._ --~'nst said public entity, -''~ ioa'.-e : i::-~zent a claim n r.s~:arz -:: Se2v!~n & 911.4 of the California Gcvernment Code. 2. ~'~:~ ....... en~ in question occu_~d on October 8, 1980, Set ..... "'- - r, ,~ . · -~:~ ~.:-...~ in the proposed claim attached hereto, a period ~.~]th~n one year from the filing of this application. 3. C!ai-~ * ~.c~r 2~, 1980, through .... n~ alleges that on Dec~-'~ _ his attorney, J. Hichael Hughes, a letter was written to the City Clerk of the City of Tustin. Said letter put the City of Tustin on sufficient notice of the injury in question. Said letter was within 100 days of the date of the injury. Further, -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 " ' ~.~t~ .... s & 9~0 .~a-ld l~.uue, ;,,as c:o~!~ar,,c..e '.-.~h , 910.2 and 9~0 Said letter ~s attached hereto as E>:hffbit ':A". 4. If the City of Tust~n's opinion was that said lette~ was not in substantial comp!iance .... the Feou~r-ements of Sections. 9!0 and 910.2, then the City should have not~f'ied claimant hfs attorney of such insufficiency y, ursuant to Section ~ 910.8. 5. Assuming arguendo that the City of Tustin continues to find noncompliance with the 100 day rule pursuant to Section ~ 911.2, claimant further alleges that said letter written by his attorney put the City on notice of his claim and it was ~r ..... ;~rt~nce, and mistake that a tlqrough excusable neglect, ' ~.r'oper forum was not filled out. 6 ~ .... ~=~ attached hez~eto ~s claimant's attorney ~ecq_ar-tia~ o~ ~ ~%z+~ that said '=~_vte:~ was Feasonably believed to be in co~'p!ian2e with the !00 day rule and ~t was through e. :tusable r.~l-.~ :.r, inadvertane~, and mistake ~'~.,m~ a proper form 7.. i:: Ze:r:.as~v~ 2~, 198~, claimant ,C~led_ a claim against ....... ~ ......... - = ...... ~ ...... ~ ~ro~d=c by ry. The City of Tustin 'c~:i~ n':~ ~: = -:-,e~udiced by accepting this purported late claim. -2- 2 I~ J. Kichael }iughes declare: $ I am an attorney duly licensed to practice in all courts 4 of the State of California and am the attcrney of record for 5 RANDY WELSH. 6 This declaration is filed in support of claimant's application ? to present a late claim against the City of Tustin. $ On October 8, 1980, i ¥~rote a letter to the City of Tustin ~n.o.n.!ng said public entity of representation of claimant and ]0 of the nature of the injury and its occurrance. This letter is 11 attached hereto as Exhibit "A". · ¥,~z~ten, T believed that said 12 At the tzme the letter was -~'~ _ 13 !e-~ter put the City of Tustin cn notice of claimant's claim. 14 I subsec~.= .... ._y received, by .-..ail, a c~a~m for, m from the City 15 cf' rustin. _~,~ forP was conp!eved and returned ~o the C~ ~ ,"- '-'~" ' ~ttacnca hereto} and 16 orl s'? ~bou~ FebF:sry 20, l~c_, ~, a copy is ~ ' ' b -'~ C!ty for f~ilure to complywith the hundred 15t' il' :~:ie of :~:v-~:v::r:en~ Code 19' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -:~-d ''~'"- .... ~ ~ kncwn thaz the City of Tustin was net going r: no:toP -' :i~ir. _e~ter, ,.'~ ~ertain!y would have acted rote pr :y,~ly, ~' i ant certain~ t'~,~ be ~-~,)~'~i~'e-~~ ~ ~ ~ that tr,~ failure .... ~. ~ notify ~e o~ their posit~on ~ha~ no clai~ was .=~ fo~.m is neglect, inadverbance ~n~ a r~is~ske on my pa~ ~',n~u~' :-:~s and .~s excusable. I ~ also certain thav :he City was nob 2reju~iced by this seb o~ ~ac~s. II11 IIII Iltl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17. 21 22 ~5 28 I declare under pena~lty of perjuz? that tLe fc, regolr.~, including amt' =~achu.-nts, is vrue and correct. This declaration is =xecuted zhis 10th day of ic.~] 1981 at Santa Aha, California. -4- HAROLD [_z~ F [~-%',~. :~',:' December 25,-1980 ~It? Cente= ~00 Cent~nai~l ~ay F~, .~.-. ~ ,~lt o .... 92680 ~'f'[Z~}l~ion: City glerk Re: ..... dy Welch Please be advised that this fi~m has been re~tained TM ~r. l~ndy W~!sh to represent him regardinK an incident that oc:r~red on~..c~o~_ ~ ~ ~ 8, 1980. The 'nJury o?cured at 13238 Red Hill Ave. in Tus~fn in front of th,..;oily Jug Liquor Store. We feel ihe City of Tustin failed to r.~niain a sidewalk resultln~ in Mr. Welsh - ' - resulting in injury to Plaintiff f~ll~- ~nto a r=s ~e~ hole, _.,. o_..:_ ..;S neck~ back~ .. , ~..~ ~nees and :,.7,~!r~ ~ 7hT,,s~c~-~z~ %nd surKeons to examine and =l=~s~ be ~'~s~ this office of what insurance Compgny will ~ ..... ~ · r ..... of a claim of thi. s nature. Your aoooera-ion in this matter will be gr,:atly appreciated. Ve~q~ truly you. rs, ~ Belinda Hein Li~i~,ation Assistant J. Michael Hughes ~/me EXHIBIT "A" : '-C ,CLAir'.1 AGAINST Ttq[ ~'TY O;-- -[US FiN "' {"Fo; D-:rr,~.ges to Per:,~ns 4" rsonal Pro~e;ty) P, eceived By J,S. Mail J;:)ver the Counter via Cl~rk'$ Tim~ Stamp The law providcs generally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of th~ City --f Tustin within 100 days after which the incident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against the :ity of Tustin, not another public entity. V/here space is insufficient, please use additional paper and identify information by paragraph number. Completed claims must be mailed or delivered to the City · zZ. lerk, The City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tusti% California 926B0. -"O THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL~ City of Tustin, California The undersigned respectfully submits the following claim and information relative to damage to "-~.rsens ar, d/or personal property: l. NAME OF CLAIMANT: ,'~/~-~-~'/ '- a. ADDRESS OF CLAIMANT: /~ ~/~ ~ ~,~ b. PHONE NO: ('~'¢) ¢~/-~ 7~ c. DATE OF BIRTH: d. SOCIAL SECURITY NO: ~'~,~ - ~/~ than above: and posto,r.__";~= address to which claimant desires notices to be sent, If other Occurren:~ cr event f;o.,m. '~-hich the c]ai,,'n arises: a, g :-7~: ~4 ~:'' :'~: b. TIr4E: /¢:b'O~ c. PLACE (~xact and specific . , . . J~'~ ~/~ d. H:~ ~nd u;,:e; ,-.h~: ::~cumstances d~d damage o~ ~nju~y occur. Specify th. particula~ cs:- :rrcncc, c-'s st, act ~r omission you claim caused thc injury ar damage (use additional ~'lhat particular action by the ~ity, or its employees, caused the alleged damage or injury? Civea description oi.._' injury, property d~mage or 1o!,~ a ;ar as this claim. If there v,'ere no injuries, state "no injuries". Give the name(s) of the City employee(s) causing the damage or injury: ~ Name and address of any other person injured: Name and address of the owner of any damaged property: Damages claimed: a. Amount claimed as of this date: b. Estimated amount of future costs: c. TotE! amount claimed: d. Basis fo? computation of amounts claimed (include copies of alt bills, invoices, estimates, etc.): N~mes a. b. C. d. addresses of all witness, hospitals, doc[ors, etc. 10. Any adf:';nsl infc:-;-a-':--=.~,, lh~zt might be helpful in considering this claim: ~: :~ A .~_ OFFENSE TOFfLE A FALSE CLAIM! FPenal Code Section 72; ~,~; ~ra.~ce Cc.:: S~ction 556.0) I haFe read the rz, atters 'z.:.d statemc, nts made in the above claim and I kno;v the same to be true of my .... own knowledge, except, as to those matters stated to be upDn information or belief as to such matters I believe the same Lo be true. I certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is 'l-RUE and CORRECT. Executed this ~O '~day of ~. · ,19 ~/ , at /~ ~ ,California. 'flee of the City Clerk, ,dstin, California . CLAIM NO. Claimant's signature DATE FILED: 3GR:se:O:2/~/80 f/Claim Form O:ll ................................................ :..:: :_::::: :~ :::7_:. :.'::: .:: :7.::::::. :::::---: ............................