HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 4 CLAIM #80-31 05-18-81,7.~,T E: 4/21,/81 TO: HONOP~ABLE ~,'A'~'OR AND CiTY COUNCIL SUBJECT: CLAIM OF JOX ALVIN ILL_N~,OR~.-.; CLAIM .'--.80-31; FILED W/CITY 2/27/31; D/L: 12/18/80; CARL WARREN FILE 528019 JL AND CLAIMS OF ALLSTATE INSUPf~N?E, DEAN BEAUMONT .~)~,~D STATE FARM After investigation and review it is recommended that the above-referenced claim be denied and the City Clerk directed to give proper notice of the den~al to the claimant and to the cla4r, snt's attorney. JGR:se Enclosure 1. Claim of Jon Alvin Illing,.;orth - ' :'" CLAI;4 A~AIN/T TH,.-- CITY OF TUSTIN · (Fc, r D~rnages to Perssn/ Personal Property) U.S. t4aii Inter-office Mail ~ver the Counter '[he ia.,,' provides §-~n~rally that a claim must be filed with the City Clerk of the Ci of Tust!~ ...':.Chin !OO days after which the ir, zident or event occurred. Be sure your claim is against t City of T~s~in, not a:,oth~r public entity. ','/~ere sp~ce i~ insuffizient, please use ad~tional paper a id~ntif) :r, fzrm, ation b)' par~?aph number. Camp]eted claims must be mailed or delivered to the C] Cierk~ Tr.~ City of Tustln~ 5gO Centennial Wa)'~ Tustin~ C~lifornia 92680. TO THE HC,',:ORABLE,*,~'' '' OR AND, CITY CO'JNCIL, City of Tustin~-California The unsers:;ned' - ,~..~- ..... ....... ~,,~ ,v submi~ the f~!]~'win~ claim and information relative to damage persons ~nd/or persona~ property: than absve: :?j~_:.,s... .-_~_~O, A~5orney at Law, Attrrnev for C!ai~ent, 5uzte ,25, ~=_~,a :~a, ~A 927~i ~ d. 5. PHONE NO: ( c. DATE OF BIRTH: d. oc~w~-~- SECURITY NO: . e. ~,~ ~ LICENSE NO: __ ~ ...... ~ [e!eph~n~ =~d p=st office a~:re~ to v, mcn claimant deslres notices to b~ sent, a~ North c. PLACE (exact and speci mo~ and under what circu:nstances e!c damage or injury occur? Specify the pattie,-' .~.n~, act or ~;--~",~ you oia~.m caused the injury o? damage (use '~'" occurr~P, 2e~ ~ '~' paper if n~cessary). looked b:'=:-: ';:ava an5 sa;-: vehqcqe He had plan=-z' OS u : ..... did not ' =" ".'re', r_.:u_ a turninu l ......... (descr~oti~on on _Police ~s incorre~ee attached page. V/hat p~-t~cular action by the City, or its injury? 3d. As he croszed the traffic !~ne and entered his driveway, a police car c~e from the %;estbound lane hitting claimant's vehicle on the left rear pushing it into and bouncing off of a parked and unoccupied vehicle. T Clive ~ this claim. If" =- ' ' injuri~". Property dar. ire-total loss to 1972 Trade_~n to -r ~:.-~, .,~,,~ ILLiN~'~~? Name and '~' so~r~=ss of th~ own=-.` of any dam.=ge~property: JOHN !LLIN~;ORTH, :[=_ and SHELLIE BEA'.':<D:~T (see ~o!ice re~ort) . fS,0Pg. OO, 3. Dams;es a. Amount c~:,med as of this date: $16,500.00 b. £stimate~ ~mo,Jnt of future c~sts: $5,000.00 C. To.ts} ~mo~nt ciaimed: $21,503.00 ~ta.): !. raZZc~1 a:.:Dar, sss :: ~ate, S!,5O0.OO, 2. future medical !css cf ir. come $5,gO0.OC ~. general f~aDes $10,000.00 b. JOLEUE iiLi::G;[ORTH, C. ..~. ~-~'~ ~. d. ,~_ :.-:L:o,=; in:c.-m5t;on thit m!?t b5 k~:pfulin cons'.,dsring th!sclaim: The diaaram of 5'.-:e scene ':s i£stg:-~d ~:.i :!.cie is no negligence on the part of believe the.__-:~-"~. e.:-wolovee '.c-ns A--~ --: n,-. ....... ~ in a ~ec!:.cent.. manner and had k · ..... ,,_ CL~.:.~,: (Penal Code S=ction 7Z; ....... ~ ~, : :_ TC: F'7'._5 A FAL SE ~nsurance Cole SecNon: ~' ,.. ~=w-~ -. -~2' to" '-= a~t slated be uponir, formation orbeIiefas to su:hmal ::1:~ ,c :h,: same ta be trus. i certify :,tier Fs-alty of parjury that th~ foregoing is TRU~ :2:5:<aCCT. _z..-: o~_v of :esruarv Off!cc ar ,_..= City Clerk, T~.:r.t in, , ,. ,., DATE FILED: '='tg-- ~ 7-- ,'~/ 3.~,~:'.=.:D:215/80 y/ClaimFarrn O:ll