HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 5 POPULATION CTF 05-18-81DATE: May 18, 1981 No. 5 5-18-81 I ter-Com TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and Council Cc~nanityDevelo~rnent Department Population Certification The State Department of Finance by letter dated May 1, 1981, estimated the population of the City of Tustin on Jan-_n_ry 1, 1981 at 36,962 total and at 35,183 for the exclusion of military housing. A request for certification of the population estlmate was mailed to the Population Research Unit on May 7, 1981 in order to obtain the benefit of the population count for June allocations. The population estimate is 1,334 short of the City's estimate. Upon receipt of the 1980 block data the staff will be able to determine if a special cen~s would be cost effective. Confirmation of the request for certification of 'the January 1, 1981 population estimate. R. Kenneth Fleagle, D.P.A. Acting Comuunity Development Director RKF/dat Attachment C CERTIFICATION OF PCPULATIOt ESTIMATES The April 1980 census figures for all cities and counties were received by the State Controller in April 1981. These census figures will be used in the distribution of certain State tax subventions based on population unless a subsequent population estimate is certified by State Controller. The total population estimate for January 1, 1981 may be certified to the State Controller if a written request is received by the Population Research Unit. Section 2107.2 of the Streets and Highways Code and Section 11005.6 of the Revenue and Taxation Code provide that a request to certify population must be received by June 15 ~within 45 days of the completion of the estimates). Requests for certification received before May 22 will be certified for June allocations; those received between May 22 and June 15 will be certified for July allocations. For certification, submit a written request citing your total population for January 1, 198I to the Department of Finance, Population Research Unit, 1025 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. 1980A AIT~CH~ENT ~NNUAL FLRC£NT CHANCE IN POFUL~TIO~', PI&uS I)~CLU$1OA:S PUHSLtANT DATE PRINTE TO SEClICk ??27s F.~.V£~.C[ AND 1AXI. TIOL COt'Z, ] AK~L'~L [ !TY ~ EXCLUL )~t ~. ' 1-1-HC ~ ]-1-$1 ~ TOTAL ] PC~L~I~ ~PULAT'n' ] ~ INU' . FINUS ] EXCLL'Siet. S ~ ' E~CL~5 If r;[ '::NSF -' 2.FF J 1,S13,~71 ;~H:'i~' 1..~q rqEA , 9.5Z j 27,21q ~UENZ r~: h -O.TS ] 64,'61 fYF~'c.. -O.3C FULLS~IO~ 1 .7~, . ~t'kT ] %L,l( '~ HLACM' 1.f~ ]N~l"f q-~- ki HI~ ~ L ] .$ ~: La PAt ~'~ -0.1S. 15,718 kCS tLL~']TCS _ 0.?1 1C,:7~ f.[~P';1 ~ LAC~ [. ~x 63,~FE. ' ~N CLFV~ b~T~ 2.03 r-5. ,;Li/.;, CAPi~lg . q.]q 1~,F97 5 T ~:~ C,', - q.16 TUSTIN . 15.(~ . 30.~55 VILL/ rt::- 5 --O.g7 3 7,1F~ ~C~. . LI'.?~ 5 :~.:~_. .... ~&ay 7, 1981 (TIY COUNCI[ I~ nald J Sallarelh Mayor Richard B. [dgar. M:Dm Pro-~em Ihsula F. Kennedy James B, Sharp. Ronald tl. tlocsterc~ Depart~mmt of Fir~trlce Popnl:ttion Res~rch Unit 1025 P Street Sacr',~a~nto, CA 95814 ,rio: q~quo,~t for ~opulation Cert[ficati.m I~mst~;mt to youc h~tter (of ~.hty l, 1981, (.,\ttz~chr:~mt C), {ection 2107.2 Streets and }ti~way C~e, and S~tion 11005.6 of the Revenue and Taxation C~e, the City of Tustin hereby mques~s c~rtiftmtion of the total ~pulation of the City of Tustin, ~s of Jammry i, 1981 at 36.?~2 residonts. It should be notc~i that the City is still awai. ting resolution of a discre[rancy in the 1980 Cena~a o~unt noted by the Ma Anl~o!e~; Offkce of the Burc,a. Census and ~fer~ to the Washington ()f!ica }F~ letter dated April We would expect tm ;~n:~nt to tho 1980 k~;,~ uFa~r] c)r?octio~l of t}lo Censms. Sincerely yours, R. Kenneth Fl~gle, D.P.A. Acting C~m~unity Develo~nt Director RKF/dat