HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 12 FEES & SVC CHGS 5-18-81CC~SENT No. 12 5-18-81 I'r~4: RESOLUTION NO. 81-53 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, Califcxnia, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 80-28 PERTAINING ~D THE ESTABTJ~qHM~qT CF F~ AND SERVICE f/4AA~V.q BACKGROUND: The fees and service charges contained in Resolution No. 81-53 are fees related to Sub Division Ordinance No. 847, Ordinance 849 which amends Ord. 835 to provide for Microfilming of Building Records, and Ordinance 850 Pertaining to License and Permit Board Fees. REC0~IMENDATI ON: Adoption of Resolution No. 81-53 as reco~nded by t~he Acting C~L,,~nity Development Director and the City Council. RESOLUTION NO. 81-53 4 5 6 ? A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY cOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TU$~IN, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 80-28 PERTAINING TO THE ESTABLISHMenT OF FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES. The City Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: S~h~!..'ision B of S~{?_:~n 1 of l~e~olution No. 80-28 of the City Council of the City of Tustin is amendeQ to r~ad as follows: 8 "B. SPECIAL SERVICE FEES Applications to the License and Permit Board 10 Application Fee $ 40.00 11 12 Vehicle Inspection S 10.00/vehicle for each initial and annual inspection 14 15 16 17 18 19 Bingo Semi-Annual Review Fin~er~rinting and police record clearance for ambulance drivers, taxicab drivers, tow truck drivers, entertaine~'~ and o~hers as required Fin9er~rinting, Police Clearance Letteg Tear Gas Permits $ 5.00 $ 5.00/person plus fee charged by State for fingerprint and record check $ 5.00/person $ 2.50 $ 20.00 plus fee to State 20 21 22 24 £6 Special Policing Service: PoLice O~f icer ?elite Agent State Actual hourly rate* *Plus 25% Admin. fee 27 ~one Change $250.00 28 Variance $250.00 29 [3se Permit $250.00 ~0 Council Appeals $ 50. O0 Prezoning $ .00 ~2 Environmental Impact Report Evaluation $250.00 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 81-53 Page 2 tion 1G. Assessment of EIR Requirement $ 25.00 Negative Declaration (Initial Study) $100.00 General Plan Amendment $250.00 Notwithstanding orovigions in this Subdivision B to the con- 'LeerY. ~n apDlic?~t!..~r =~e gbs!l be recu{re~ from any applicant to the License and Permit Board for any activitv when the applicant is an lu~titution ~r orcani~ation w~fcb is condu~'ted, managed and car- riad on wholly ~or t~ ~ benefit -~) charitable, religious, eleemosy- nary or benevolent purposes and from which no profit is derived for the benefit of any individual." Section ~ of Resolution No. 80-28 is hereby amended by adding Sec- and Section 1H. to read as follows: "G. SUBDIVISION FEES Tentative Tract or Tentative Parcel MaD ?inal Tract >fao P~a]. Parcel :%'> Plan Chec~ ~'ee for ~:~c~ anl Parcel Maps Imorovement ?lar~ C'~e~k and Inspectio~ Fees Certificate of Compliance ~ICROFILM FEE F'?. ?r~ILf)ING DOCU~,*ENT~ City of Tuz:]n, California, held $300.00 per mad plus ~ 5.00 Der each numbered or lettered parcel $250.00 per map S~50.00 Der map $ 7.00 per lot (as s~o~n in Section D, Resolution 80-28) ~2~.~0 Der applica- tion $250.00 per aPPlica- tion ~ 5~.~0 met aDnlica- tion !.00 oer sheet .30 per sheet" PASSE~> AND ADOPTED =t a regular ~eeti~ of the City Council of the day of , 1981. ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLEP~K