HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1948 09 07 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN, 0N TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:00 O'CLOCK P.M. SEPT. 7th, 1948. Present Were: AI~ of the members of the City Council. Mayor Charleton presiding. ~" Absent Were: None.. City Attorney C. Arthur Nisson, Jr. amd Engineer McBride were present also. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor and the minutes were approved as read and there being no Salesman corre~pondance needing attention, the Mayor invited for C.R. Cruden, Agt. for the Bales Office Equipment Co., Typewriter ~o give a sales talk on the Royal Typewriter he had left for Company. demonstration in the Clerk's Office. Mayor Charleton appointed Councilman Forney to look into the need for an additional typewriter and that a decis~ion would be made later in the matter. A delagation from the Tustin Volunteer Fire Department consisting ~f the Fire Chief Jerome C. Kidd, Captain Bob Geotting and Secretary Hanson, and a few members were before the Council, on request of the Council to work outI~some matters that the Council felt should Council be gone over. The matter of the Department going out Conferred of the City to fight fires was the subject discussed. with Fire Attorney Nisson promised to write the Tustin Hills Department. Citrus Association that the present policy of the Department would be to continue going outof the City ~.~ to fight fires that may occur in the neighboring v~cinity until notified to the contrary~ This was in answer uo a request of The Orange Packing Plant who wanted to know if they could depend on such service. Mr. Dick 'Hotton, who lives on "H" Street and New Port Road, asked the Council if they would report favorably on his establishing a Trailor Court on his property Application at this location. He stated that he realized that a to establish favorable recommendation would be necessary before the Trailor granting o~ apermit could be secured from the County Court. Planning Commission. Mr. HoPtoni not having plans and specifications of proposed pla~, was the cause that no action was taken in the matter by the Council. Engineer'McBride reported that he had over come the obstruction of irrigating pipes under the streets that are to have improvements done on them, and that the Engineer resurfacing on SecOnd and Third streets and California, Reports. was ready for the improvement. Bids for the work to be done Qn the Streets were opened by McBride and they were as follows: Sull Miller Company was $3857.32- MaSon & Hardy $41K1-75 and Blythstone Company was $5325-88. Resolution 217 Resolution ~217 was adopted on the motion of Budgeting Councilman Humeston, and it was duly seconded expenditures and Unamimously carried that the budget set for for the the fasca~ year be adopted. fiscal year adopted Resolution ~218 was adopted on the motion of Resolution Councilman Miller amd seconded by Councilman Bacon #218 and umanimous~y carried favorably by the members adopted of the Council~ fixing tax rate. Councilman Miller moved that th Citl, Vehicles be equipped with the name of the C~ty ~ ~hem. !40 Councilman Humeston seconded this motion and the motion carried. Councilman Miller moved~as follOWS: That City Engineer J. L. McBride be authorized to have performed the following work for the City of Tusttn. 1. Improve Second Street from B Street to Pacific Street by excavating and bringing the street down To the proper g~ad~ l~vel;~ ~hd by purchasing 78 tons, more or Iess, Of plan~ ~ix and having it -- properly placed at.the int,ers~t'ions of Pacific, A and B Streets, on. Second'Street, all~f which work is not to ~xceed~a cos't Of Sl,oo0~b0, said cost to be paid from the special gas ~ax fund, as approved by the Department of Public Works of'the ~tate of Cali'fo~nia; .... 2. Improve Third Street f~om'B Street to Myrtle'Street by excavating, grading and bringing the street' to pro er grade level; and by purchasing and having laid 8E tons, more or less, of plant mix, at the intersection of Pacific, A and B ~treets at a cost nbt to exceed ~1,000'~00, said cost to be paid from the special gas ~ax fund, as approved by the Departmeht Of Public ~orks of the State of California; 3. Improve ~alifo~nia S~reet by excavating and grading to proper l~vel~ and improve the surface ~ by having constructed thereon a road oil mix, the cost of which work'isno~ to exceed a cost of $~50.00, said cost to be paid from the speciaI.street fund; ~. Improve Second Street from B Street ~ to Pa8ific Street, by constructing a road oil mix on said Street, at a'cost'of not to-exceed '$1,000;00, said cost to be paid from the special gas tax fund, as approved by the Department of Public Works of the State of"CaI~rnia; ~. Improve Third Street from B Street to Myrtle Street, by cbastructing a road o~l mix on the surface thereof at a Co~t of not to'~Xde~d $1,000.00 to be paid from the special gas tax fund as approved by the Department of'Public Works of ~jae State of California; to have City Engineer J. L. McBride perform the above mentioned work as separate jobs, in accordance with the plans and speci- fications heretofore discUssed with and approved by the City Council, in accordance with the project approved by the Department of Public Works of the State of CaIifornia; 6~ TO further authorize Chas. E. Morris, the City Clerk, to purchase the road oil required for the improvement'of'the surface'of'Third Street at a co~t ~ot to exceed $600.00, to be paid out of the special ~a~tax fund, as approved by the Department ~ of Public Works of the State of California; and further to purchase the road oil required for the re-surfacing of Second Street and'California Street, at a cost of not ~o exceed $800.00, to be paid out of the special street fund. Councilman Bacon seconded ot' Motion City Cl~r~ Mayor